11 research outputs found

    Video Representation Learning by Dense Predictive Coding

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    The objective of this paper is self-supervised learning of spatio-temporal embeddings from video, suitable for human action recognition. We make three contributions: First, we introduce the Dense Predictive Coding (DPC) framework for self-supervised representation learning on videos. This learns a dense encoding of spatio-temporal blocks by recurrently predicting future representations; Second, we propose a curriculum training scheme to predict further into the future with progressively less temporal context. This encourages the model to only encode slowly varying spatial-temporal signals, therefore leading to semantic representations; Third, we evaluate the approach by first training the DPC model on the Kinetics-400 dataset with self-supervised learning, and then finetuning the representation on a downstream task, i.e. action recognition. With single stream (RGB only), DPC pretrained representations achieve state-of-the-art self-supervised performance on both UCF101(75.7% top1 acc) and HMDB51(35.7% top1 acc), outperforming all previous learning methods by a significant margin, and approaching the performance of a baseline pre-trained on ImageNet

    Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Face Recognition

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    In recent years, researchers have proposed many deep learning (DL) methods for various tasks, and particularly face recognition (FR) made an enormous leap using these techniques. Deep FR systems benefit from the hierarchical architecture of the DL methods to learn discriminative face representation. Therefore, DL techniques significantly improve state-of-the-art performance on FR systems and encourage diverse and efficient real-world applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of various FR systems that leverage the different types of DL techniques, and for the study, we summarize 168 recent contributions from this area. We discuss the papers related to different algorithms, architectures, loss functions, activation functions, datasets, challenges, improvement ideas, current and future trends of DL-based FR systems. We provide a detailed discussion of various DL methods to understand the current state-of-the-art, and then we discuss various activation and loss functions for the methods. Additionally, we summarize different datasets used widely for FR tasks and discuss challenges related to illumination, expression, pose variations, and occlusion. Finally, we discuss improvement ideas, current and future trends of FR tasks.Comment: 32 pages and citation: M. T. H. Fuad et al., "Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Face Recognition," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 99112-99142, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.309613