2,892 research outputs found

    Learning with Interpretable Structure from Gated RNN

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    The interpretability of deep learning models has raised extended attention these years. It will be beneficial if we can learn an interpretable structure from deep learning models. In this paper, we focus on Recurrent Neural Networks~(RNNs) especially gated RNNs whose inner mechanism is still not clearly understood. We find that Finite State Automaton~(FSA) that processes sequential data has more interpretable inner mechanism according to the definition of interpretability and can be learned from RNNs as the interpretable structure. We propose two methods to learn FSA from RNN based on two different clustering methods. With the learned FSA and via experiments on artificial and real datasets, we find that FSA is more trustable than the RNN from which it learned, which gives FSA a chance to substitute RNNs in applications involving humans' lives or dangerous facilities. Besides, we analyze how the number of gates affects the performance of RNN. Our result suggests that gate in RNN is important but the less the better, which could be a guidance to design other RNNs. Finally, we observe that the FSA learned from RNN gives semantic aggregated states and its transition graph shows us a very interesting vision of how RNNs intrinsically handle text classification tasks

    Recurrent Additive Networks

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    We introduce recurrent additive networks (RANs), a new gated RNN which is distinguished by the use of purely additive latent state updates. At every time step, the new state is computed as a gated component-wise sum of the input and the previous state, without any of the non-linearities commonly used in RNN transition dynamics. We formally show that RAN states are weighted sums of the input vectors, and that the gates only contribute to computing the weights of these sums. Despite this relatively simple functional form, experiments demonstrate that RANs perform on par with LSTMs on benchmark language modeling problems. This result shows that many of the non-linear computations in LSTMs and related networks are not essential, at least for the problems we consider, and suggests that the gates are doing more of the computational work than previously understood

    Patient2Vec: A Personalized Interpretable Deep Representation of the Longitudinal Electronic Health Record

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    The wide implementation of electronic health record (EHR) systems facilitates the collection of large-scale health data from real clinical settings. Despite the significant increase in adoption of EHR systems, this data remains largely unexplored, but presents a rich data source for knowledge discovery from patient health histories in tasks such as understanding disease correlations and predicting health outcomes. However, the heterogeneity, sparsity, noise, and bias in this data present many complex challenges. This complexity makes it difficult to translate potentially relevant information into machine learning algorithms. In this paper, we propose a computational framework, Patient2Vec, to learn an interpretable deep representation of longitudinal EHR data which is personalized for each patient. To evaluate this approach, we apply it to the prediction of future hospitalizations using real EHR data and compare its predictive performance with baseline methods. Patient2Vec produces a vector space with meaningful structure and it achieves an AUC around 0.799 outperforming baseline methods. In the end, the learned feature importance can be visualized and interpreted at both the individual and population levels to bring clinical insights.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Acces

    Deep EHR: A Survey of Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Analysis

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    The past decade has seen an explosion in the amount of digital information stored in electronic health records (EHR). While primarily designed for archiving patient clinical information and administrative healthcare tasks, many researchers have found secondary use of these records for various clinical informatics tasks. Over the same period, the machine learning community has seen widespread advances in deep learning techniques, which also have been successfully applied to the vast amount of EHR data. In this paper, we review these deep EHR systems, examining architectures, technical aspects, and clinical applications. We also identify shortcomings of current techniques and discuss avenues of future research for EHR-based deep learning.Comment: Accepted for publication with Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8086133

    Simplifying Neural Machine Translation with Addition-Subtraction Twin-Gated Recurrent Networks

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    In this paper, we propose an additionsubtraction twin-gated recurrent network (ATR) to simplify neural machine translation. The recurrent units of ATR are heavily simplified to have the smallest number of weight matrices among units of all existing gated RNNs. With the simple addition and subtraction operation, we introduce a twin-gated mechanism to build input and forget gates which are highly correlated. Despite this simplification, the essential non-linearities and capability of modeling long-distance dependencies are preserved. Additionally, the proposed ATR is more transparent than LSTM/GRU due to the simplification. Forward self-attention can be easily established in ATR, which makes the proposed network interpretable. Experiments on WMT14 translation tasks demonstrate that ATR-based neural machine translation can yield competitive performance on English- German and English-French language pairs in terms of both translation quality and speed. Further experiments on NIST Chinese-English translation, natural language inference and Chinese word segmentation verify the generality and applicability of ATR on different natural language processing tasks.Comment: EMNLP 2018, long paper, source code release

    Joint Modeling of Event Sequence and Time Series with Attentional Twin Recurrent Neural Networks

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    A variety of real-world processes (over networks) produce sequences of data whose complex temporal dynamics need to be studied. More especially, the event timestamps can carry important information about the underlying network dynamics, which otherwise are not available from the time-series evenly sampled from continuous signals. Moreover, in most complex processes, event sequences and evenly-sampled times series data can interact with each other, which renders joint modeling of those two sources of data necessary. To tackle the above problems, in this paper, we utilize the rich framework of (temporal) point processes to model event data and timely update its intensity function by the synergic twin Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). In the proposed architecture, the intensity function is synergistically modulated by one RNN with asynchronous events as input and another RNN with time series as input. Furthermore, to enhance the interpretability of the model, the attention mechanism for the neural point process is introduced. The whole model with event type and timestamp prediction output layers can be trained end-to-end and allows a black-box treatment for modeling the intensity. We substantiate the superiority of our model in synthetic data and three real-world benchmark datasets.Comment: 14 page

    MinimalRNN: Toward More Interpretable and Trainable Recurrent Neural Networks

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    We introduce MinimalRNN, a new recurrent neural network architecture that achieves comparable performance as the popular gated RNNs with a simplified structure. It employs minimal updates within RNN, which not only leads to efficient learning and testing but more importantly better interpretability and trainability. We demonstrate that by endorsing the more restrictive update rule, MinimalRNN learns disentangled RNN states. We further examine the learning dynamics of different RNN structures using input-output Jacobians, and show that MinimalRNN is able to capture longer range dependencies than existing RNN architectures.Comment: Presented at NIPS 2017 Symposium on Interpretable Machine Learnin

    Learning Noun Cases Using Sequential Neural Networks

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    Morphological declension, which aims to inflect nouns to indicate number, case and gender, is an important task in natural language processing (NLP). This research proposal seeks to address the degree to which Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are efficient in learning to decline noun cases. Given the challenge of data sparsity in processing morphologically rich languages and also, the flexibility of sentence structures in such languages, we believe that modeling morphological dependencies can improve the performance of neural network models. It is suggested to carry out various experiments to understand the interpretable features that may lead to a better generalization of the learned models on cross-lingual tasks.Comment: 3 pages research proposa

    SESA: Supervised Explicit Semantic Analysis

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    In recent years supervised representation learning has provided state of the art or close to the state of the art results in semantic analysis tasks including ranking and information retrieval. The core idea is to learn how to embed items into a latent space such that they optimize a supervised objective in that latent space. The dimensions of the latent space have no clear semantics, and this reduces the interpretability of the system. For example, in personalization models, it is hard to explain why a particular item is ranked high for a given user profile. We propose a novel model of representation learning called Supervised Explicit Semantic Analysis (SESA) that is trained in a supervised fashion to embed items to a set of dimensions with explicit semantics. The model learns to compare two objects by representing them in this explicit space, where each dimension corresponds to a concept from a knowledge base. This work extends Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) with a supervised model for ranking problems. We apply this model to the task of Job-Profile relevance in LinkedIn in which a set of skills defines our explicit dimensions of the space. Every profile and job are encoded to this set of skills their similarity is calculated in this space. We use RNNs to embed text input into this space. In addition to interpretability, our model makes use of the web-scale collaborative skills data that is provided by users for each LinkedIn profile. Our model provides state of the art result while it remains interpretable

    SAM: Semantic Attribute Modulation for Language Modeling and Style Variation

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    This paper presents a Semantic Attribute Modulation (SAM) for language modeling and style variation. The semantic attribute modulation includes various document attributes, such as titles, authors, and document categories. We consider two types of attributes, (title attributes and category attributes), and a flexible attribute selection scheme by automatically scoring them via an attribute attention mechanism. The semantic attributes are embedded into the hidden semantic space as the generation inputs. With the attributes properly harnessed, our proposed SAM can generate interpretable texts with regard to the input attributes. Qualitative analysis, including word semantic analysis and attention values, shows the interpretability of SAM. On several typical text datasets, we empirically demonstrate the superiority of the Semantic Attribute Modulated language model with different combinations of document attributes. Moreover, we present a style variation for the lyric generation using SAM, which shows a strong connection between the style variation and the semantic attributes
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