51 research outputs found

    Learning Uncertain Convolutional Features for Accurate Saliency Detection

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have delivered superior performance in many computer vision tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel deep fully convolutional network model for accurate salient object detection. The key contribution of this work is to learn deep uncertain convolutional features (UCF), which encourage the robustness and accuracy of saliency detection. We achieve this via introducing a reformulated dropout (R-dropout) after specific convolutional layers to construct an uncertain ensemble of internal feature units. In addition, we propose an effective hybrid upsampling method to reduce the checkerboard artifacts of deconvolution operators in our decoder network. The proposed methods can also be applied to other deep convolutional networks. Compared with existing saliency detection methods, the proposed UCF model is able to incorporate uncertainties for more accurate object boundary inference. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed saliency model performs favorably against state-of-the-art approaches. The uncertain feature learning mechanism as well as the upsampling method can significantly improve performance on other pixel-wise vision tasks.Comment: Accepted as a poster in ICCV 2017,including 10 pages, 7 figures and 3 table

    Boundary-guided Feature Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection

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    Fully convolutional networks (FCN) has significantly improved the performance of many pixel-labeling tasks, such as semantic segmentation and depth estimation. However, it still remains non-trivial to thoroughly utilize the multi-level convolutional feature maps and boundary information for salient object detection. In this paper, we propose a novel FCN framework to integrate multi-level convolutional features recurrently with the guidance of object boundary information. First, a deep convolutional network is used to extract multi-level feature maps and separately aggregate them into multiple resolutions, which can be used to generate coarse saliency maps. Meanwhile, another boundary information extraction branch is proposed to generate boundary features. Finally, an attention-based feature fusion module is designed to fuse boundary information into salient regions to achieve accurate boundary inference and semantic enhancement. The final saliency maps are the combination of the predicted boundary maps and integrated saliency maps, which are more closer to the ground truths. Experiments and analysis on four large-scale benchmarks verify that our framework achieves new state-of-the-art results.Comment: To appear in Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 5 pages, 5 figures and 3 table

    Ro-SOS: Metric Expression Network (MEnet) for Robust Salient Object Segmentation

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    Although deep CNNs have brought significant improvement to image saliency detection, most CNN based models are sensitive to distortion such as compression and noise. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end generic salient object segmentation model called Metric Expression Network (MEnet) to deal with saliency detection with the tolerance of distortion. Within MEnet, a new topological metric space is constructed, whose implicit metric is determined by the deep network. As a result, we manage to group all the pixels in the observed image semantically within this latent space into two regions: a salient region and a non-salient region. With this architecture, all feature extractions are carried out at the pixel level, enabling fine granularity of output boundaries of the salient objects. What's more, we try to give a general analysis for the noise robustness of the network in the sense of Lipschitz and Jacobian literature. Experiments demonstrate that robust salient maps facilitating object segmentation can be generated by the proposed metric. Tests on several public benchmarks show that MEnet has achieved desirable performance. Furthermore, by direct computation and measuring the robustness, the proposed method outperforms previous CNN-based methods on distorted inputs.Comment: This version: 11 pages (12 with reference), 12 figures, 5 table; Version 1: 7 pages,7 figures, 4 tables; The paper for version 1 has been accepted by International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI),201

    Enhancing Salient Object Segmentation Through Attention

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    Segmenting salient objects in an image is an important vision task with ubiquitous applications. The problem becomes more challenging in the presence of a cluttered and textured background, low resolution and/or low contrast images. Even though existing algorithms perform well in segmenting most of the object(s) of interest, they often end up segmenting false positives due to resembling salient objects in the background. In this work, we tackle this problem by iteratively attending to image patches in a recurrent fashion and subsequently enhancing the predicted segmentation mask. Saliency features are estimated independently for every image patch, which are further combined using an aggregation strategy based on a Convolutional Gated Recurrent Unit (ConvGRU) network. The proposed approach works in an end-to-end manner, removing background noise and false positives incrementally. Through extensive evaluation on various benchmark datasets, we show superior performance to the existing approaches without any post-processing.Comment: CVPRW - Deep Vision 201

    Self-Attention Recurrent Network for Saliency Detection

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    Feature maps in deep neural network generally contain different semantics. Existing methods often omit their characteristics that may lead to sub-optimal results. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end deep saliency network which could effectively utilize multi-scale feature maps according to their characteristics. Shallow layers often contain more local information, and deep layers have advantages in global semantics. Therefore, the network generates elaborate saliency maps by enhancing local and global information of feature maps in different layers. On one hand, local information of shallow layers is enhanced by a recurrent structure which shared convolution kernel at different time steps. On the other hand, global information of deep layers is utilized by a self-attention module, which generates different attention weights for salient objects and backgrounds thus achieve better performance. Experimental results on four widely used datasets demonstrate that our method has advantages in performance over existing algorithms

    Global and Local Sensitivity Guided Key Salient Object Re-augmentation for Video Saliency Detection

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    The existing still-static deep learning based saliency researches do not consider the weighting and highlighting of extracted features from different layers, all features contribute equally to the final saliency decision-making. Such methods always evenly detect all "potentially significant regions" and unable to highlight the key salient object, resulting in detection failure of dynamic scenes. In this paper, based on the fact that salient areas in videos are relatively small and concentrated, we propose a \textbf{key salient object re-augmentation method (KSORA) using top-down semantic knowledge and bottom-up feature guidance} to improve detection accuracy in video scenes. KSORA includes two sub-modules (WFE and KOS): WFE processes local salient feature selection using bottom-up strategy, while KOS ranks each object in global fashion by top-down statistical knowledge, and chooses the most critical object area for local enhancement. The proposed KSORA can not only strengthen the saliency value of the local key salient object but also ensure global saliency consistency. Results on three benchmark datasets suggest that our model has the capability of improving the detection accuracy on complex scenes. The significant performance of KSORA, with a speed of 17FPS on modern GPUs, has been verified by comparisons with other ten state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: 6 figures, 10 page

    Deep Reasoning with Multi-Scale Context for Salient Object Detection

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    To detect salient objects accurately, existing methods usually design complex backbone network architectures to learn and fuse powerful features. However, the saliency inference module that performs saliency prediction from the fused features receives much less attention on its architecture design and typically adopts only a few fully convolutional layers. In this paper, we find the limited capacity of the saliency inference module indeed makes a fundamental performance bottleneck, and enhancing its capacity is critical for obtaining better saliency prediction. Correspondingly, we propose a deep yet light-weight saliency inference module that adopts a multi-dilated depth-wise convolution architecture. Such a deep inference module, though with simple architecture, can directly perform reasoning about salient objects from the multi-scale convolutional features fast, and give superior salient object detection performance with less computational cost. To our best knowledge, we are the first to reveal the importance of the inference module for salient object detection, and present a novel architecture design with attractive efficiency and accuracy. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our simple framework performs favorably compared with the state-of-the-art methods with complex backbone design.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 tabl

    Reverse Attention for Salient Object Detection

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    Benefit from the quick development of deep learning techniques, salient object detection has achieved remarkable progresses recently. However, there still exists following two major challenges that hinder its application in embedded devices, low resolution output and heavy model weight. To this end, this paper presents an accurate yet compact deep network for efficient salient object detection. More specifically, given a coarse saliency prediction in the deepest layer, we first employ residual learning to learn side-output residual features for saliency refinement, which can be achieved with very limited convolutional parameters while keep accuracy. Secondly, we further propose reverse attention to guide such side-output residual learning in a top-down manner. By erasing the current predicted salient regions from side-output features, the network can eventually explore the missing object parts and details which results in high resolution and accuracy. Experiments on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach compares favorably against state-of-the-art methods, and with advantages in terms of simplicity, efficiency (45 FPS) and model size (81 MB).Comment: ECCV 201

    Saliency-Guided Attention Network for Image-Sentence Matching

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    This paper studies the task of matching image and sentence, where learning appropriate representations across the multi-modal data appears to be the main challenge. Unlike previous approaches that predominantly deploy symmetrical architecture to represent both modalities, we propose Saliency-guided Attention Network (SAN) that asymmetrically employs visual and textual attention modules to learn the fine-grained correlation intertwined between vision and language. The proposed SAN mainly includes three components: saliency detector, Saliency-weighted Visual Attention (SVA) module, and Saliency-guided Textual Attention (STA) module. Concretely, the saliency detector provides the visual saliency information as the guidance for the two attention modules. SVA is designed to leverage the advantage of the saliency information to improve discrimination of visual representations. By fusing the visual information from SVA and textual information as a multi-modal guidance, STA learns discriminative textual representations that are highly sensitive to visual clues. Extensive experiments demonstrate SAN can substantially improve the state-of-the-art results on the benchmark Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets by a large margin.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Selectivity or Invariance: Boundary-aware Salient Object Detection

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    Typically, a salient object detection (SOD) model faces opposite requirements in processing object interiors and boundaries. The features of interiors should be invariant to strong appearance change so as to pop-out the salient object as a whole, while the features of boundaries should be selective to slight appearance change to distinguish salient objects and background. To address this selectivity-invariance dilemma, we propose a novel boundary-aware network with successive dilation for image-based SOD. In this network, the feature selectivity at boundaries is enhanced by incorporating a boundary localization stream, while the feature invariance at interiors is guaranteed with a complex interior perception stream. Moreover, a transition compensation stream is adopted to amend the probable failures in transitional regions between interiors and boundaries. In particular, an integrated successive dilation module is proposed to enhance the feature invariance at interiors and transitional regions. Extensive experiments on six datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms 16 state-of-the-art methods