8 research outputs found

    Methodological Challenges in Neural Spatial Interaction Modelling: The issue of model selection

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    Series: Discussion Papers of the Institute for Economic Geography and GIScienc

    Least third-order cumulant method with adaptive regularization parameter selection for neural networks

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    AbstractThis paper introduces an interesting property of the least third-order cumulant objective function. The property is that the solution is optimal when the gradients of Mean Squares error and third-order cumulant error are zero vectors. The optimal solutions are independent of the value of regularization parameter λ. Also, an adaptive regularization parameter selection method is derived to control the convergences of Mean Squares error and the cumulant error terms. The proposed selection method is able to tunnel through the sub-optimal solutions, of which the locations are controllable, via changing the value of the regularization parameter. Consequently, the least third-order cumulant method with the adaptive regularization parameter selection method is theoretically capable of estimating an optimal solution when it is applied to regression problems

    Learning with Invariance via Linear Functionals on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

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    Abstract Incorporating invariance information is important for many learning problems. To exploit invariances, most existing methods resort to approximations that either lead to expensive optimization problems such as semi-definite programming, or rely on separation oracles to retain tractability. Some methods further limit the space of functions and settle for non-convex models. In this paper, we propose a framework for learning in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) using local invariances that explicitly characterize the behavior of the target function around data instances. These invariances are compactly encoded as linear functionals whose value are penalized by some loss function. Based on a representer theorem that we establish, our formulation can be efficiently optimized via a convex program. For the representer theorem to hold, the linear functionals are required to be bounded in the RKHS, and we show that this is true for a variety of commonly used RKHS and invariances. Experiments on learning with unlabeled data and transform invariances show that the proposed method yields better or similar results compared with the state of the art

    Computational methodology for modelling the dynamics of statistical arbitrage

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    Recent years have seen the emergence of a multi-disciplinary research area known as "Computational Finance". In many cases the data generating processes of financial and other economic time-series are at best imperfectly understood. By allowing restrictive assumptions about price dynamics to be relaxed, recent advances in computational modelling techniques offer the possibility to discover new "patterns" in market activity. This thesis describes an integrated "statistical arbitrage" framework for identifying, modelling and exploiting small but consistent regularities in asset price dynamics. The methodology developed in the thesis combines the flexibility of emerging techniques such as neural networks and genetic algorithms with the rigour and diagnostic techniques which are provided by established modelling tools from the fields of statistics, econometrics and time-series forecasting. The modelling methodology which is described in the thesis consists of three main parts. The first part is concerned with constructing combinations of time-series which contain a significant predictable component, and is a generalisation of the econometric concept of cointegration. The second part of the methodology is concerned with building predictive models of the mispricing dynamics and consists of low-bias estimation procedures which combine elements of neural and statistical modelling. The third part of the methodology controls the risks posed by model selection and performance instability through actively encouraging diversification across a "portfolio of models". A novel population-based algorithm for joint optimisation of a set of trading strategies is presented, which is inspired both by genetic and evolutionary algorithms and by modern portfolio theory. Throughout the thesis the performance and properties of the algorithms are validated by means of experimental evaluation on synthetic data sets with known characteristics. The effectiveness of the methodology is demonstrated by extensive empirical analysis of real data sets, in particular daily closing prices of FTSE 100 stocks and international equity indices