17 research outputs found

    Surrogate Losses for Online Learning of Stepsizes in Stochastic Non-Convex Optimization

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    Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) has played a central role in machine learning. However, it requires a carefully hand-picked stepsize for fast convergence, which is notoriously tedious and time-consuming to tune. Over the last several years, a plethora of adaptive gradient-based algorithms have emerged to ameliorate this problem. They have proved efficient in reducing the labor of tuning in practice, but many of them lack theoretic guarantees even in the convex setting. In this paper, we propose new surrogate losses to cast the problem of learning the optimal stepsizes for the stochastic optimization of a non-convex smooth objective function onto an online convex optimization problem. This allows the use of no-regret online algorithms to compute optimal stepsizes on the fly. In turn, this results in a SGD algorithm with self-tuned stepsizes that guarantees convergence rates that are automatically adaptive to the level of noise

    Online Meta-Critic Learning for Off-Policy Actor-Critic Methods

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    Off-Policy Actor-Critic (Off-PAC) methods have proven successful in a variety of continuous control tasks. Normally, the critic's action-value function is updated using temporal-difference, and the critic in turn provides a loss for the actor that trains it to take actions with higher expected return. In this paper, we introduce a novel and flexible meta-critic that observes the learning process and meta-learns an additional loss for the actor that accelerates and improves actor-critic learning. Compared to the vanilla critic, the meta-critic network is explicitly trained to accelerate the learning process; and compared to existing meta-learning algorithms, meta-critic is rapidly learned online for a single task, rather than slowly over a family of tasks. Crucially, our meta-critic framework is designed for off-policy based learners, which currently provide state-of-the-art reinforcement learning sample efficiency. We demonstrate that online meta-critic learning leads to improvements in avariety of continuous control environments when combined with contemporary Off-PAC methods DDPG, TD3 and the state-of-the-art SAC.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Stateless actor-critic for instance segmentation with high-level priors

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    Instance segmentation is an important computer vision problem which remains challenging despite impressive recent advances due to deep learning-based methods. Given sufficient training data, fully supervised methods can yield excellent performance, but annotation of ground-truth data remains a major bottleneck, especially for biomedical applications where it has to be performed by domain experts. The amount of labels required can be drastically reduced by using rules derived from prior knowledge to guide the segmentation. However, these rules are in general not differentiable and thus cannot be used with existing methods. Here, we relax this requirement by using stateless actor critic reinforcement learning, which enables non-differentiable rewards. We formulate the instance segmentation problem as graph partitioning and the actor critic predicts the edge weights driven by the rewards, which are based on the conformity of segmented instances to high-level priors on object shape, position or size. The experiments on toy and real datasets demonstrate that we can achieve excellent performance without any direct supervision based only on a rich set of priors

    Gradient-based Bi-level Optimization for Deep Learning: A Survey

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    Bi-level optimization, especially the gradient-based category, has been widely used in the deep learning community including hyperparameter optimization and meta-knowledge extraction. Bi-level optimization embeds one problem within another and the gradient-based category solves the outer-level task by computing the hypergradient, which is much more efficient than classical methods such as the evolutionary algorithm. In this survey, we first give a formal definition of the gradient-based bi-level optimization. Next, we delineate criteria to determine if a research problem is apt for bi-level optimization and provide a practical guide on structuring such problems into a bi-level optimization framework, a feature particularly beneficial for those new to this domain. More specifically, there are two formulations: the single-task formulation to optimize hyperparameters such as regularization parameters and the distilled data, and the multi-task formulation to extract meta-knowledge such as the model initialization. With a bi-level formulation, we then discuss four bi-level optimization solvers to update the outer variable including explicit gradient update, proxy update, implicit function update, and closed-form update. Finally, we wrap up the survey by highlighting two prospective future directions: (1) Effective Data Optimization for Science examined through the lens of task formulation. (2) Accurate Explicit Proxy Update analyzed from an optimization standpoint.Comment: AI4Science; Bi-level Optimization; Hyperparameter Optimization; Meta Learning; Implicit Functio

    Adaptive partial scanning transmission electron microscopy with reinforcement learning

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    Compressed sensing can decrease scanning transmission electron microscopy electron dose and scan time with minimal information loss. Traditionally, sparse scans used in compressed sensing sample a static set of probing locations. In contrast, we present a prototype for a contiguous sparse scan system that piecewise adapts scan paths to specimens as they are scanned. Sampling directions for scan segments are chosen by a recurrent neural network based on previously observed scan segments. The recurrent actor is trained by reinforcement learning to cooperate with a feedforward convolutional neural network that completes sparse scans. This paper presents our learning policy, experiments, and example partial scans, and discusses future research directions. Source code, pretrained models, and training data is openly accessible at https://github.com/Jeffrey-Ede/adaptive-scans

    Automatic Designs in Deep Neural Networks

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    To train a Deep Neural Network (DNN) that performs well for a task, many design steps are taken including data designs, model designs and loss designs. Despite that remarkable progress has been made in all these domains of designing DNNs, the unexplored design space of each component is still vast. That brings the research field of developing automated techniques to lift some heavy work from human researchers when exploring the design space. The automated designs can help human researchers to make massive or challenging design choices and reduce the expertise required from human researchers. Much effort has been made towards automated designs of DNNs, including synthetic data generation, automated data augmentation, neural architecture search and so on. Despite the huge effort, the automation of DNN designs is still far from complete. This thesis contributes in two ways: identifying new problems in the DNN design pipeline that can be solved automatically, and proposing new solutions to problems that have been explored by automated designs. The first part of this thesis presents two problems that were usually solved with manual designs but can benefit from automated designs. To tackle the problem of inefficient computation due to using a static DNN architecture for different inputs, some manual efforts have been made to use different networks for different inputs as needed, such as cascade models. We propose an automated dynamic inference framework that can cut this manual effort and automatically choose different architectures for different inputs during inference. To tackle the problem of designing differentiable loss functions for non-differentiable performance metrics, researchers usually design the loss manually for each individual task. We propose an unified loss framework that reduces the amount of manual design of losses in different tasks. The second part of this thesis discusses developing new techniques in domains where the automated design has been shown effective. In the synthetic data generation domain, we propose a novel method to automatically generate synthetic data for small-data object detection. The synthetic data generated can amend the limited annotated real data of the small-data object detection tasks, such as rare disease detection. In the architecture search domain, we propose an architecture search method customized for generative adversarial networks (GANs). GANs are commonly known unstable to train where we propose this new method that can stabilize the training of GANs in the architecture search process.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163208/1/llanlan_1.pd