43 research outputs found

    Predicting the Effects of News Sentiments on the Stock Market

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    Stock market forecasting is very important in the planning of business activities. Stock price prediction has attracted many researchers in multiple disciplines including computer science, statistics, economics, finance, and operations research. Recent studies have shown that the vast amount of online information in the public domain such as Wikipedia usage pattern, news stories from the mainstream media, and social media discussions can have an observable effect on investors opinions towards financial markets. The reliability of the computational models on stock market prediction is important as it is very sensitive to the economy and can directly lead to financial loss. In this paper, we retrieved, extracted, and analyzed the effects of news sentiments on the stock market. Our main contributions include the development of a sentiment analysis dictionary for the financial sector, the development of a dictionary-based sentiment analysis model, and the evaluation of the model for gauging the effects of news sentiments on stocks for the pharmaceutical market. Using only news sentiments, we achieved a directional accuracy of 70.59% in predicting the trends in short-term stock price movement.Comment: 4 page

    Deep learning-based cryptocurrency sentiment construction

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    We study investor sentiment on a non-classical asset such as cryptocurrency using machine learning methods. We account for context-specific information and word similarity using efficient language modeling tools such as construction of featurized word representations (embeddings) and recursive neural networks. We apply these tools for sentence-level sentiment classification and sentiment index construction. This analysis is performed on a novel dataset of 1220K messages related to 425 cryptocurrencies posted on a microblogging platform StockTwits during the period between March 2013 and May 2018. Both in- and out-of-sample predictive regressions are run to test significance of the constructed sentiment index variables. We find that the constructed sentiment indices are informative regarding returns and volatility predictability of the cryptocurrency market index

    Automatically Building Financial Sentiment Lexicons While Accounting for Negation

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    Financial investors make trades based on available information. Previous research has proved that microblogs are a useful source for supporting stock market decisions. However, the financial domain lacks specific sentiment lexicons that could be utilized to extract the sentiment from these microblogs. In this research, we investigate automatic approaches that can be used to build financial sentiment lexicons. We introduce weighted versions of the Pointwise Mutual Information approaches to build sentiment lexicons automatically. Furthermore, existing sentiment lexicons often neglect negation while building the sentiment lexicons. In this research, we also propose two methods (Negated Word and Flip Sentiment) to extend the sentiment building approaches to take into account negation when constructing a sentiment lexicon. We build the financial sentiment lexicons by leveraging 200,000 messages from StockTwits. We evaluate the constructed financial sentiment lexicons in two different sentiment classification tasks (unsupervised and supervised). In addition, the created financial sentiment lexicons are compared with each other and with other existing sentiment lexicons. The best performing financial sentiment lexicon is built by combining our Weighted Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information approach with the Negated Word appro

    Data Driven Creation of Sentiment Dictionaries for Corporate Credit Risk Analysis

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    It has been shown, that German-language user generated content can improve corporate credit risk assessment, when sentiment analysis is applied. However, the approaches have only been conducted by human coders. In order to automate the analysis, we construct 20 domain-dependent sentiment dictionaries based on parts of a manually classified corpus from Twitter. Then, we apply the dictionaries to the remaining part of the corpus and rank the dictionaries based on their accuracy. Results from McNemar’s tests indicate, that the three best dictionaries do not differ significantly, but significant difference can be assured regarding the first and the fourth dictionary in the ranking. In addition to that, a general German-language dictionary is inferior compared to the constructed dictionaries. The results emphasize the importance of domain-dependent dictionaries in German-language sentiment analysis for future research. Furthermore, practitioners can utilize the dictionaries in order to create an additional indicator for corporate credit risk assessment

    StockEmotions: Discover Investor Emotions for Financial Sentiment Analysis and Multivariate Time Series

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    There has been growing interest in applying NLP techniques in the financial domain, however, resources are extremely limited. This paper introduces StockEmotions, a new dataset for detecting emotions in the stock market that consists of 10,000 English comments collected from StockTwits, a financial social media platform. Inspired by behavioral finance, it proposes 12 fine-grained emotion classes that span the roller coaster of investor emotion. Unlike existing financial sentiment datasets, StockEmotions presents granular features such as investor sentiment classes, fine-grained emotions, emojis, and time series data. To demonstrate the usability of the dataset, we perform a dataset analysis and conduct experimental downstream tasks. For financial sentiment/emotion classification tasks, DistilBERT outperforms other baselines, and for multivariate time series forecasting, a Temporal Attention LSTM model combining price index, text, and emotion features achieves the best performance than using a single feature.Comment: Preprint for the AAAI-23 Bridge Program (AI for Financial Services


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    This paper explores the concept of Finfluencers: financial social network actors with high potential social influence. Our research aims to clarify whether Finfluencers drive or are influenced by the broader social network sentiment, thereby establishing their role as either opinion makers or opinion followers. Using a dataset of 71 million tweets focusing on stocks and cryptocurrencies, we grouped actors by their social networking potential (SNP). Next, we derived sentiment time series using state-ofthe- art sentiment models and applied the technique of Granger causality. Our findings suggest that the sentiment of Finfluencer actors on Twitter has short-term predictive power for the sentiment of the larger group of actors. We found stronger support for cryptocurrencies in comparison to stocks. From the perspective of financial market regulation, this study emphasizes the relevance of understanding sentiment on social networks and high social influence actors to anticipate scams and fraud

    Stock Forecasts with LSTM and Web Sentiment

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    Traditional time-series techniques, such as auto-regressive and moving average models, can have difficulties when applied to stock data due to the randomness inherent to the markets. In this study, Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks, or LSTMs, have been applied to pricing data along with sentiment scores derived from web sources such as Twitter and other financial media outlets. The project team utilized this approach to complement the technical indicators observed at the end of each trading day for three stocks from the NASDAQ stock exchange over a 12-year span. A common benchmark to assess model performance on time series data is using the prior day’s closing price of a given stock to predict the next day’s closing value, which is a naive, but surprisingly accurate method when calculating the mean absolute error. The main objective of the paper is to use predictions from the various models assembled for the research, and then calculate whether the next day’s closing price will rise or fall when compared against the last predicted value. All models showed on average a roughly 2% accuracy improvement over the largely balanced up and down movements for the tickers used in the study