19 research outputs found

    Learning STRIPS Operators from Noisy and Incomplete Observations

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    Agents learning to act autonomously in real-world domains must acquire a model of the dynamics of the domain in which they operate. Learning domain dynamics can be challenging, especially where an agent only has partial access to the world state, and/or noisy external sensors. Even in standard STRIPS domains, existing approaches cannot learn from noisy, incomplete observations typical of real-world domains. We propose a method which learns STRIPS action models in such domains, by decomposing the problem into first learning a transition function between states in the form of a set of classifiers, and then deriving explicit STRIPS rules from the classifiers' parameters. We evaluate our approach on simulated standard planning domains from the International Planning Competition, and show that it learns useful domain descriptions from noisy, incomplete observations.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2012

    Efficient, Safe, and Probably Approximately Complete Learning of Action Models

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    In this paper we explore the theoretical boundaries of planning in a setting where no model of the agent's actions is given. Instead of an action model, a set of successfully executed plans are given and the task is to generate a plan that is safe, i.e., guaranteed to achieve the goal without failing. To this end, we show how to learn a conservative model of the world in which actions are guaranteed to be applicable. This conservative model is then given to an off-the-shelf classical planner, resulting in a plan that is guaranteed to achieve the goal. However, this reduction from a model-free planning to a model-based planning is not complete: in some cases a plan will not be found even when such exists. We analyze the relation between the number of observed plans and the likelihood that our conservative approach will indeed fail to solve a solvable problem. Our analysis show that the number of trajectories needed scales gracefully

    Symbol acquisition for task-level planning

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    We consider the problem of how to plan efficiently in low-level, continuous state spaces with temporally abstract actions (or skills), by constructing abstract representations of the problem suitable for task-level planning.The central question this effort poses is which abstract representations are required to express and evaluate plans composed of sequences of skills. We show that classifiers can be used as a symbolic representation system, and that the ability to represent the preconditions and effects of an agent's skills is both necessary and sufficient for task-level planning.The resulting representations allow a reinforcement learning agent to acquire a symbolic representation appropriate for planning from experience

    Symbol acquisition for probabilistic high-level planning

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    We introduce a framework that enables an agent to autonomously learn its own symbolic representation of a low-level, continuous environment. Propositional symbols are formalized as names for probability distributions, providing a natural means of dealing with uncertain representations and probabilistic plans. We determine the symbols that are sufficient for computing the probability with which a plan will succeed, and demonstrate the acquisition of a symbolic representation in a computer game domain.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant 1420927)United States. Office of Naval Research (grant N00014-14-1-0486)United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research (grant FA23861014135)United States. Army Research Office (grant W911NF1410433)MIT Intelligence Initiativ