24 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Universal Measurements of Non-linear Embeddings

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    A basic problem in machine learning is to find a mapping ff from a low dimensional latent space to a high dimensional observation space. Equipped with the representation power of non-linearity, a learner can easily find a mapping which perfectly fits all the observations. However such a mapping is often not considered as good as it is not simple enough and over-fits. How to define simplicity? This paper tries to make such a formal definition of the amount of information imposed by a non-linear mapping. This definition is based on information geometry and is independent of observations, nor specific parametrizations. We prove these basic properties and discuss relationships with parametric and non-parametric embeddings.Comment: work in progres

    Beyond Sentiment: The Manifold of Human Emotions

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    Sentiment analysis predicts the presence of positive or negative emotions in a text document. In this paper we consider higher dimensional extensions of the sentiment concept, which represent a richer set of human emotions. Our approach goes beyond previous work in that our model contains a continuous manifold rather than a finite set of human emotions. We investigate the resulting model, compare it to psychological observations, and explore its predictive capabilities. Besides obtaining significant improvements over a baseline without manifold, we are also able to visualize different notions of positive sentiment in different domains.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Geometrically Enriched Latent Spaces

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    A common assumption in generative models is that the generator immerses the latent space into a Euclidean ambient space. Instead, we consider the ambient space to be a Riemannian manifold, which allows for encoding domain knowledge through the associated Riemannian metric. Shortest paths can then be defined accordingly in the latent space to both follow the learned manifold and respect the ambient geometry. Through careful design of the ambient metric we can ensure that shortest paths are well-behaved even for deterministic generators that otherwise would exhibit a misleading bias. Experimentally we show that our approach improves interpretability of learned representations both using stochastic and deterministic generators

    Regression-Based Elastic Metric Learning on Shape Spaces of Elastic Curves

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    We propose a metric learning paradigm, Regression-based Elastic Metric Learning (REML), which optimizes the elastic metric for geodesic regression on the manifold of discrete curves. Geodesic regression is most accurate when the chosen metric models the data trajectory close to a geodesic on the discrete curve manifold. When tested on cell shape trajectories, regression with REML's learned metric has better predictive power than with the conventionally used square-root-velocity (SRV) metric.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, derivations in appendi

    Parametric information geometry with the package Geomstats

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    We introduce the information geometry module of the Python package Geomstats. The module first implements Fisher-Rao Riemannian manifolds of widely used parametric families of probability distributions, such as normal, gamma, beta, Dirichlet distributions, and more. The module further gives the Fisher-Rao Riemannian geometry of any parametric family of distributions of interest, given a parameterized probability density function as input. The implemented Riemannian geometry tools allow users to compare, average, interpolate between distributions inside a given family. Importantly, such capabilities open the door to statistics and machine learning on probability distributions. We present the object-oriented implementation of the module along with illustrative examples and show how it can be used to perform learning on manifolds of parametric probability distributions

    A Survey of Geometric Optimization for Deep Learning: From Euclidean Space to Riemannian Manifold

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    Although Deep Learning (DL) has achieved success in complex Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks, it suffers from various notorious problems (e.g., feature redundancy, and vanishing or exploding gradients), since updating parameters in Euclidean space cannot fully exploit the geometric structure of the solution space. As a promising alternative solution, Riemannian-based DL uses geometric optimization to update parameters on Riemannian manifolds and can leverage the underlying geometric information. Accordingly, this article presents a comprehensive survey of applying geometric optimization in DL. At first, this article introduces the basic procedure of the geometric optimization, including various geometric optimizers and some concepts of Riemannian manifold. Subsequently, this article investigates the application of geometric optimization in different DL networks in various AI tasks, e.g., convolution neural network, recurrent neural network, transfer learning, and optimal transport. Additionally, typical public toolboxes that implement optimization on manifold are also discussed. Finally, this article makes a performance comparison between different deep geometric optimization methods under image recognition scenarios.Comment: 41 page