18 research outputs found

    Learning Ordered Representations with Nested Dropout

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    In this paper, we study ordered representations of data in which different dimensions have different degrees of importance. To learn these representations we introduce nested dropout, a procedure for stochastically removing coherent nested sets of hidden units in a neural network. We first present a sequence of theoretical results in the simple case of a semi-linear autoencoder. We rigorously show that the application of nested dropout enforces identifiability of the units, which leads to an exact equivalence with PCA. We then extend the algorithm to deep models and demonstrate the relevance of ordered representations to a number of applications. Specifically, we use the ordered property of the learned codes to construct hash-based data structures that permit very fast retrieval, achieving retrieval in time logarithmic in the database size and independent of the dimensionality of the representation. This allows codes that are hundreds of times longer than currently feasible for retrieval. We therefore avoid the diminished quality associated with short codes, while still performing retrieval that is competitive in speed with existing methods. We also show that ordered representations are a promising way to learn adaptive compression for efficient online data reconstruction.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Learning Compact Convolutional Neural Networks with Nested Dropout

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    Recently, nested dropout was proposed as a method for ordering representation units in autoencoders by their information content, without diminishing reconstruction cost. However, it has only been applied to training fully-connected autoencoders in an unsupervised setting. We explore the impact of nested dropout on the convolutional layers in a CNN trained by backpropagation, investigating whether nested dropout can provide a simple and systematic way to determine the optimal representation size with respect to the desired accuracy and desired task and data complexity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted as a workshop contribution at ICLR 201

    Spectral Representations for Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Discrete Fourier transforms provide a significant speedup in the computation of convolutions in deep learning. In this work, we demonstrate that, beyond its advantages for efficient computation, the spectral domain also provides a powerful representation in which to model and train convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We employ spectral representations to introduce a number of innovations to CNN design. First, we propose spectral pooling, which performs dimensionality reduction by truncating the representation in the frequency domain. This approach preserves considerably more information per parameter than other pooling strategies and enables flexibility in the choice of pooling output dimensionality. This representation also enables a new form of stochastic regularization by randomized modification of resolution. We show that these methods achieve competitive results on classification and approximation tasks, without using any dropout or max-pooling. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of complex-coefficient spectral parameterization of convolutional filters. While this leaves the underlying model unchanged, it results in a representation that greatly facilitates optimization. We observe on a variety of popular CNN configurations that this leads to significantly faster convergence during training

    Learning with Pseudo-Ensembles

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    We formalize the notion of a pseudo-ensemble, a (possibly infinite) collection of child models spawned from a parent model by perturbing it according to some noise process. E.g., dropout (Hinton et. al, 2012) in a deep neural network trains a pseudo-ensemble of child subnetworks generated by randomly masking nodes in the parent network. We present a novel regularizer based on making the behavior of a pseudo-ensemble robust with respect to the noise process generating it. In the fully-supervised setting, our regularizer matches the performance of dropout. But, unlike dropout, our regularizer naturally extends to the semi-supervised setting, where it produces state-of-the-art results. We provide a case study in which we transform the Recursive Neural Tensor Network of (Socher et. al, 2013) into a pseudo-ensemble, which significantly improves its performance on a real-world sentiment analysis benchmark.Comment: To appear in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27 (NIPS 2014), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, Dec. 201

    Stick-Breaking Variational Autoencoders

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    We extend Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes to perform posterior inference for the weights of Stick-Breaking processes. This development allows us to define a Stick-Breaking Variational Autoencoder (SB-VAE), a Bayesian nonparametric version of the variational autoencoder that has a latent representation with stochastic dimensionality. We experimentally demonstrate that the SB-VAE, and a semi-supervised variant, learn highly discriminative latent representations that often outperform the Gaussian VAE's.Comment: ICLR 2017, Conference Trac

    Compressing Neural Networks with the Hashing Trick

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    As deep nets are increasingly used in applications suited for mobile devices, a fundamental dilemma becomes apparent: the trend in deep learning is to grow models to absorb ever-increasing data set sizes; however mobile devices are designed with very little memory and cannot store such large models. We present a novel network architecture, HashedNets, that exploits inherent redundancy in neural networks to achieve drastic reductions in model sizes. HashedNets uses a low-cost hash function to randomly group connection weights into hash buckets, and all connections within the same hash bucket share a single parameter value. These parameters are tuned to adjust to the HashedNets weight sharing architecture with standard backprop during training. Our hashing procedure introduces no additional memory overhead, and we demonstrate on several benchmark data sets that HashedNets shrink the storage requirements of neural networks substantially while mostly preserving generalization performance

    Dropout with Tabu Strategy for Regularizing Deep Neural Networks

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    Dropout has proven to be an effective technique for regularization and preventing the co-adaptation of neurons in deep neural networks (DNN). It randomly drops units with a probability pp during the training stage of DNN. Dropout also provides a way of approximately combining exponentially many different neural network architectures efficiently. In this work, we add a diversification strategy into dropout, which aims at generating more different neural network architectures in a proper times of iterations. The dropped units in last forward propagation will be marked. Then the selected units for dropping in the current FP will be kept if they have been marked in the last forward propagation. We only mark the units from the last forward propagation. We call this new technique Tabu Dropout. Tabu Dropout has no extra parameters compared with the standard Dropout and also it is computationally cheap. The experiments conducted on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST datasets show that Tabu Dropout improves the performance of the standard dropout

    Ordered Neurons: Integrating Tree Structures into Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Natural language is hierarchically structured: smaller units (e.g., phrases) are nested within larger units (e.g., clauses). When a larger constituent ends, all of the smaller constituents that are nested within it must also be closed. While the standard LSTM architecture allows different neurons to track information at different time scales, it does not have an explicit bias towards modeling a hierarchy of constituents. This paper proposes to add such an inductive bias by ordering the neurons; a vector of master input and forget gates ensures that when a given neuron is updated, all the neurons that follow it in the ordering are also updated. Our novel recurrent architecture, ordered neurons LSTM (ON-LSTM), achieves good performance on four different tasks: language modeling, unsupervised parsing, targeted syntactic evaluation, and logical inference.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    An Infinite Restricted Boltzmann Machine

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    We present a mathematical construction for the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) that doesn't require specifying the number of hidden units. In fact, the hidden layer size is adaptive and can grow during training. This is obtained by first extending the RBM to be sensitive to the ordering of its hidden units. Then, thanks to a carefully chosen definition of the energy function, we show that the limit of infinitely many hidden units is well defined. As with RBM, approximate maximum likelihood training can be performed, resulting in an algorithm that naturally and adaptively adds trained hidden units during learning. We empirically study the behaviour of this infinite RBM, showing that its performance is competitive to that of the RBM, while not requiring the tuning of a hidden layer size.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Anime Style Space Exploration Using Metric Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Deep learning-based style transfer between images has recently become a popular area of research. A common way of encoding "style" is through a feature representation based on the Gram matrix of features extracted by some pre-trained neural network or some other form of feature statistics. Such a definition is based on an arbitrary human decision and may not best capture what a style really is. In trying to gain a better understanding of "style", we propose a metric learning-based method to explicitly encode the style of an artwork. In particular, our definition of style captures the differences between artists, as shown by classification performances, and such that the style representation can be interpreted, manipulated and visualized through style-conditioned image generation through a Generative Adversarial Network. We employ this method to explore the style space of anime portrait illustrations