2 research outputs found

    Evolving Shepherding Behavior with Genetic Programming Algorithms

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    We apply genetic programming techniques to the `shepherding' problem, in which a group of one type of animal (sheep dogs) attempts to control the movements of a second group of animals (sheep) obeying flocking behavior. Our genetic programming algorithm evolves an expression tree that governs the movements of each dog. The operands of the tree are hand-selected features of the simulation environment that may allow the dogs to herd the sheep effectively. The algorithm uses tournament-style selection, crossover reproduction, and a point mutation. We find that the evolved solutions generalize well and outperform a (naive) human-designed algorithm

    A Comprehensive Review of Shepherding as a Bio-inspired Swarm-Robotics Guidance Approach

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    The simultaneous control of multiple coordinated robotic agents represents an elaborate problem. If solved, however, the interaction between the agents can lead to solutions to sophisticated problems. The concept of swarming, inspired by nature, can be described as the emergence of complex system-level behaviors from the interactions of relatively elementary agents. Due to the effectiveness of solutions found in nature, bio-inspired swarming-based control techniques are receiving a lot of attention in robotics. One method, known as swarm shepherding, is founded on the sheep herding behavior exhibited by sheepdogs, where a swarm of relatively simple agents are governed by a shepherd (or shepherds) which is responsible for high-level guidance and planning. Many studies have been conducted on shepherding as a control technique, ranging from the replication of sheep herding via simulation, to the control of uninhabited vehicles and robots for a variety of applications. We present a comprehensive review of the literature on swarm shepherding to reveal the advantages and potential of the approach to be applied to a plethora of robotic systems in the future.Comment: Copyright 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work