308 research outputs found

    DeepPoint3D: Learning Discriminative Local Descriptors using Deep Metric Learning on 3D Point Clouds

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    Learning local descriptors is an important problem in computer vision. While there are many techniques for learning local patch descriptors for 2D images, recently efforts have been made for learning local descriptors for 3D points. The recent progress towards solving this problem in 3D leverages the strong feature representation capability of image based convolutional neural networks by utilizing RGB-D or multi-view representations. However, in this paper, we propose to learn 3D local descriptors by directly processing unstructured 3D point clouds without needing any intermediate representation. The method constitutes a deep network for learning permutation invariant representation of 3D points. To learn the local descriptors, we use a multi-margin contrastive loss which discriminates between similar and dissimilar points on a surface while also leveraging the extent of dissimilarity among the negative samples at the time of training. With comprehensive evaluation against strong baselines, we show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for matching points in 3D point clouds. Further, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on various applications achieving state-of-the-art results

    Learning Local Image Descriptors with Deep Siamese and Triplet Convolutional Networks by Minimising Global Loss Functions

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    Recent innovations in training deep convolutional neural network (ConvNet) models have motivated the design of new methods to automatically learn local image descriptors. The latest deep ConvNets proposed for this task consist of a siamese network that is trained by penalising misclassification of pairs of local image patches. Current results from machine learning show that replacing this siamese by a triplet network can improve the classification accuracy in several problems, but this has yet to be demonstrated for local image descriptor learning. Moreover, current siamese and triplet networks have been trained with stochastic gradient descent that computes the gradient from individual pairs or triplets of local image patches, which can make them prone to overfitting. In this paper, we first propose the use of triplet networks for the problem of local image descriptor learning. Furthermore, we also propose the use of a global loss that minimises the overall classification error in the training set, which can improve the generalisation capability of the model. Using the UBC benchmark dataset for comparing local image descriptors, we show that the triplet network produces a more accurate embedding than the siamese network in terms of the UBC dataset errors. Moreover, we also demonstrate that a combination of the triplet and global losses produces the best embedding in the field, using this triplet network. Finally, we also show that the use of the central-surround siamese network trained with the global loss produces the best result of the field on the UBC dataset. Pre-trained models are available online at https://github.com/vijaykbg/deep-patchmatchComment: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2016 (CVPR 2016

    From handcrafted to deep local features

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    This paper presents an overview of the evolution of local features from handcrafted to deep-learning-based methods, followed by a discussion of several benchmarks and papers evaluating such local features. Our investigations are motivated by 3D reconstruction problems, where the precise location of the features is important. As we describe these methods, we highlight and explain the challenges of feature extraction and potential ways to overcome them. We first present handcrafted methods, followed by methods based on classical machine learning and finally we discuss methods based on deep-learning. This largely chronologically-ordered presentation will help the reader to fully understand the topic of image and region description in order to make best use of it in modern computer vision applications. In particular, understanding handcrafted methods and their motivation can help to understand modern approaches and how machine learning is used to improve the results. We also provide references to most of the relevant literature and code.Comment: Preprin

    A Decade Survey of Content Based Image Retrieval using Deep Learning

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    The content based image retrieval aims to find the similar images from a large scale dataset against a query image. Generally, the similarity between the representative features of the query image and dataset images is used to rank the images for retrieval. In early days, various hand designed feature descriptors have been investigated based on the visual cues such as color, texture, shape, etc. that represent the images. However, the deep learning has emerged as a dominating alternative of hand-designed feature engineering from a decade. It learns the features automatically from the data. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of deep learning based developments in the past decade for content based image retrieval. The categorization of existing state-of-the-art methods from different perspectives is also performed for greater understanding of the progress. The taxonomy used in this survey covers different supervision, different networks, different descriptor type and different retrieval type. A performance analysis is also performed using the state-of-the-art methods. The insights are also presented for the benefit of the researchers to observe the progress and to make the best choices. The survey presented in this paper will help in further research progress in image retrieval using deep learning

    Learning to Align Images using Weak Geometric Supervision

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    Image alignment tasks require accurate pixel correspondences, which are usually recovered by matching local feature descriptors. Such descriptors are often derived using supervised learning on existing datasets with ground truth correspondences. However, the cost of creating such datasets is usually prohibitive. In this paper, we propose a new approach to align two images related by an unknown 2D homography where the local descriptor is learned from scratch from the images and the homography is estimated simultaneously. Our key insight is that a siamese convolutional neural network can be trained jointly while iteratively updating the homography parameters by optimizing a single loss function. Our method is currently weakly supervised because the input images need to be roughly aligned. We have used this method to align images of different modalities such as RGB and near-infra-red (NIR) without using any prior labeled data. Images automatically aligned by our method were then used to train descriptors that generalize to new images. We also evaluated our method on RGB images. On the HPatches benchmark, our method achieves comparable accuracy to deep local descriptors that were trained offline in a supervised setting.Comment: Accepted in 3DV 201

    Deep Learning for Image Search and Retrieval in Large Remote Sensing Archives

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    This chapter presents recent advances in content based image search and retrieval (CBIR) systems in remote sensing (RS) for fast and accurate information discovery from massive data archives. Initially, we analyze the limitations of the traditional CBIR systems that rely on the hand-crafted RS image descriptors. Then, we focus our attention on the advances in RS CBIR systems for which deep learning (DL) models are at the forefront. In particular, we present the theoretical properties of the most recent DL based CBIR systems for the characterization of the complex semantic content of RS images. After discussing their strengths and limitations, we present the deep hashing based CBIR systems that have high time-efficient search capability within huge data archives. Finally, the most promising research directions in RS CBIR are discussed.Comment: To appear as a book chapter in "Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences", John Wiley & Sons, 202

    Unsupervised learning from videos using temporal coherency deep networks

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    In this work we address the challenging problem of unsupervised learning from videos. Existing methods utilize the spatio-temporal continuity in contiguous video frames as regularization for the learning process. Typically, this temporal coherence of close frames is used as a free form of annotation, encouraging the learned representations to exhibit small differences between these frames. But this type of approach fails to capture the dissimilarity between videos with different content, hence learning less discriminative features. We here propose two Siamese architectures for Convolutional Neural Networks, and their corresponding novel loss functions, to learn from unlabeled videos, which jointly exploit the local temporal coherence between contiguous frames, and a global discriminative margin used to separate representations of different videos. An extensive experimental evaluation is presented, where we validate the proposed models on various tasks. First, we show how the learned features can be used to discover actions and scenes in video collections. Second, we show the benefits of such an unsupervised learning from just unlabeled videos, which can be directly used as a prior for the supervised recognition tasks of actions and objects in images, where our results further show that our features can even surpass a traditional and heavily supervised pre-training plus fine-tunning strategy

    Survey on Deep Learning Techniques for Person Re-Identification Task

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    Intelligent video-surveillance is currently an active research field in computer vision and machine learning techniques. It provides useful tools for surveillance operators and forensic video investigators. Person re-identification (PReID) is one among these tools. It consists of recognizing whether an individual has already been observed over a camera in a network or not. This tool can also be employed in various possible applications such as off-line retrieval of all the video-sequences showing an individual of interest whose image is given a query, and online pedestrian tracking over multiple camera views. To this aim, many techniques have been proposed to increase the performance of PReID. Among the systems, many researchers utilized deep neural networks (DNNs) because of their better performance and fast execution at test time. Our objective is to provide for future researchers the work being done on PReID to date. Therefore, we summarized state-of-the-art DNN models being used for this task. A brief description of each model along with their evaluation on a set of benchmark datasets is given. Finally, a detailed comparison is provided among these models followed by some limitations that can work as guidelines for future research

    Fine-tuning CNN Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation

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    Image descriptors based on activations of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become dominant in image retrieval due to their discriminative power, compactness of representation, and search efficiency. Training of CNNs, either from scratch or fine-tuning, requires a large amount of annotated data, where a high quality of annotation is often crucial. In this work, we propose to fine-tune CNNs for image retrieval on a large collection of unordered images in a fully automated manner. Reconstructed 3D models obtained by the state-of-the-art retrieval and structure-from-motion methods guide the selection of the training data. We show that both hard-positive and hard-negative examples, selected by exploiting the geometry and the camera positions available from the 3D models, enhance the performance of particular-object retrieval. CNN descriptor whitening discriminatively learned from the same training data outperforms commonly used PCA whitening. We propose a novel trainable Generalized-Mean (GeM) pooling layer that generalizes max and average pooling and show that it boosts retrieval performance. Applying the proposed method to the VGG network achieves state-of-the-art performance on the standard benchmarks: Oxford Buildings, Paris, and Holidays datasets.Comment: TPAMI 2018. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1604.0242

    Deep Metric Learning with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly

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    Learning similarity functions between image pairs with deep neural networks yields highly correlated activations of embeddings. In this work, we show how to improve the robustness of such embeddings by exploiting the independence within ensembles. To this end, we divide the last embedding layer of a deep network into an embedding ensemble and formulate training this ensemble as an online gradient boosting problem. Each learner receives a reweighted training sample from the previous learners. Further, we propose two loss functions which increase the diversity in our ensemble. These loss functions can be applied either for weight initialization or during training. Together, our contributions leverage large embedding sizes more effectively by significantly reducing correlation of the embedding and consequently increase retrieval accuracy of the embedding. Our method works with any differentiable loss function and does not introduce any additional parameters during test time. We evaluate our metric learning method on image retrieval tasks and show that it improves over state-of-the-art methods on the CUB 200-2011, Cars-196, Stanford Online Products, In-Shop Clothes Retrieval and VehicleID datasets.Comment: Extension to our paper BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly (ICCV 2017 oral) - submitted to PAM
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