9,206 research outputs found

    Learning Individual Speaking Styles for Accurate Lip to Speech Synthesis

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    Humans involuntarily tend to infer parts of the conversation from lip movements when the speech is absent or corrupted by external noise. In this work, we explore the task of lip to speech synthesis, i.e., learning to generate natural speech given only the lip movements of a speaker. Acknowledging the importance of contextual and speaker-specific cues for accurate lip-reading, we take a different path from existing works. We focus on learning accurate lip sequences to speech mappings for individual speakers in unconstrained, large vocabulary settings. To this end, we collect and release a large-scale benchmark dataset, the first of its kind, specifically to train and evaluate the single-speaker lip to speech task in natural settings. We propose a novel approach with key design choices to achieve accurate, natural lip to speech synthesis in such unconstrained scenarios for the first time. Extensive evaluation using quantitative, qualitative metrics and human evaluation shows that our method is four times more intelligible than previous works in this space. Please check out our demo video for a quick overview of the paper, method, and qualitative results. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HziA-jmlk_4&feature=youtu.beComment: 10 pages (including references), 5 figures, Accepted in CVPR, 202

    DreamTalk: When Expressive Talking Head Generation Meets Diffusion Probabilistic Models

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    Diffusion models have shown remarkable success in a variety of downstream generative tasks, yet remain under-explored in the important and challenging expressive talking head generation. In this work, we propose a DreamTalk framework to fulfill this gap, which employs meticulous design to unlock the potential of diffusion models in generating expressive talking heads. Specifically, DreamTalk consists of three crucial components: a denoising network, a style-aware lip expert, and a style predictor. The diffusion-based denoising network is able to consistently synthesize high-quality audio-driven face motions across diverse expressions. To enhance the expressiveness and accuracy of lip motions, we introduce a style-aware lip expert that can guide lip-sync while being mindful of the speaking styles. To eliminate the need for expression reference video or text, an extra diffusion-based style predictor is utilized to predict the target expression directly from the audio. By this means, DreamTalk can harness powerful diffusion models to generate expressive faces effectively and reduce the reliance on expensive style references. Experimental results demonstrate that DreamTalk is capable of generating photo-realistic talking faces with diverse speaking styles and achieving accurate lip motions, surpassing existing state-of-the-art counterparts.Comment: Project Page: https://dreamtalk-project.github.i

    DF-3DFace: One-to-Many Speech Synchronized 3D Face Animation with Diffusion

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    Speech-driven 3D facial animation has gained significant attention for its ability to create realistic and expressive facial animations in 3D space based on speech. Learning-based methods have shown promising progress in achieving accurate facial motion synchronized with speech. However, one-to-many nature of speech-to-3D facial synthesis has not been fully explored: while the lip accurately synchronizes with the speech content, other facial attributes beyond speech-related motions are variable with respect to the speech. To account for the potential variance in the facial attributes within a single speech, we propose DF-3DFace, a diffusion-driven speech-to-3D face mesh synthesis. DF-3DFace captures the complex one-to-many relationships between speech and 3D face based on diffusion. It concurrently achieves aligned lip motion by exploiting audio-mesh synchronization and masked conditioning. Furthermore, the proposed method jointly models identity and pose in addition to facial motions so that it can generate 3D face animation without requiring a reference identity mesh and produce natural head poses. We contribute a new large-scale 3D facial mesh dataset, 3D-HDTF to enable the synthesis of variations in identities, poses, and facial motions of 3D face mesh. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method successfully generates highly variable facial shapes and motions from speech and simultaneously achieves more realistic facial animation than the state-of-the-art methods

    ExpCLIP: Bridging Text and Facial Expressions via Semantic Alignment

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    The objective of stylized speech-driven facial animation is to create animations that encapsulate specific emotional expressions. Existing methods often depend on pre-established emotional labels or facial expression templates, which may limit the necessary flexibility for accurately conveying user intent. In this research, we introduce a technique that enables the control of arbitrary styles by leveraging natural language as emotion prompts. This technique presents benefits in terms of both flexibility and user-friendliness. To realize this objective, we initially construct a Text-Expression Alignment Dataset (TEAD), wherein each facial expression is paired with several prompt-like descriptions.We propose an innovative automatic annotation method, supported by Large Language Models (LLMs), to expedite the dataset construction, thereby eliminating the substantial expense of manual annotation. Following this, we utilize TEAD to train a CLIP-based model, termed ExpCLIP, which encodes text and facial expressions into semantically aligned style embeddings. The embeddings are subsequently integrated into the facial animation generator to yield expressive and controllable facial animations. Given the limited diversity of facial emotions in existing speech-driven facial animation training data, we further introduce an effective Expression Prompt Augmentation (EPA) mechanism to enable the animation generator to support unprecedented richness in style control. Comprehensive experiments illustrate that our method accomplishes expressive facial animation generation and offers enhanced flexibility in effectively conveying the desired style

    GSmoothFace: Generalized Smooth Talking Face Generation via Fine Grained 3D Face Guidance

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    Although existing speech-driven talking face generation methods achieve significant progress, they are far from real-world application due to the avatar-specific training demand and unstable lip movements. To address the above issues, we propose the GSmoothFace, a novel two-stage generalized talking face generation model guided by a fine-grained 3d face model, which can synthesize smooth lip dynamics while preserving the speaker's identity. Our proposed GSmoothFace model mainly consists of the Audio to Expression Prediction (A2EP) module and the Target Adaptive Face Translation (TAFT) module. Specifically, we first develop the A2EP module to predict expression parameters synchronized with the driven speech. It uses a transformer to capture the long-term audio context and learns the parameters from the fine-grained 3D facial vertices, resulting in accurate and smooth lip-synchronization performance. Afterward, the well-designed TAFT module, empowered by Morphology Augmented Face Blending (MAFB), takes the predicted expression parameters and target video as inputs to modify the facial region of the target video without distorting the background content. The TAFT effectively exploits the identity appearance and background context in the target video, which makes it possible to generalize to different speakers without retraining. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments confirm the superiority of our method in terms of realism, lip synchronization, and visual quality. See the project page for code, data, and request pre-trained models: https://zhanghm1995.github.io/GSmoothFace

    PMMTalk: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation from Complementary Pseudo Multi-modal Features

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    Speech-driven 3D facial animation has improved a lot recently while most related works only utilize acoustic modality and neglect the influence of visual and textual cues, leading to unsatisfactory results in terms of precision and coherence. We argue that visual and textual cues are not trivial information. Therefore, we present a novel framework, namely PMMTalk, using complementary Pseudo Multi-Modal features for improving the accuracy of facial animation. The framework entails three modules: PMMTalk encoder, cross-modal alignment module, and PMMTalk decoder. Specifically, the PMMTalk encoder employs the off-the-shelf talking head generation architecture and speech recognition technology to extract visual and textual information from speech, respectively. Subsequently, the cross-modal alignment module aligns the audio-image-text features at temporal and semantic levels. Then PMMTalk decoder is employed to predict lip-syncing facial blendshape coefficients. Contrary to prior methods, PMMTalk only requires an additional random reference face image but yields more accurate results. Additionally, it is artist-friendly as it seamlessly integrates into standard animation production workflows by introducing facial blendshape coefficients. Finally, given the scarcity of 3D talking face datasets, we introduce a large-scale 3D Chinese Audio-Visual Facial Animation (3D-CAVFA) dataset. Extensive experiments and user studies show that our approach outperforms the state of the art. We recommend watching the supplementary video

    An exploration of the potential of Automatic Speech Recognition to assist and enable receptive communication in higher education

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    The potential use of Automatic Speech Recognition to assist receptive communication is explored. The opportunities and challenges that this technology presents students and staff to provide captioning of speech online or in classrooms for deaf or hard of hearing students and assist blind, visually impaired or dyslexic learners to read and search learning material more readily by augmenting synthetic speech with natural recorded real speech is also discussed and evaluated. The automatic provision of online lecture notes, synchronised with speech, enables staff and students to focus on learning and teaching issues, while also benefiting learners unable to attend the lecture or who find it difficult or impossible to take notes at the same time as listening, watching and thinking

    DiffusionTalker: Personalization and Acceleration for Speech-Driven 3D Face Diffuser

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    Speech-driven 3D facial animation has been an attractive task in both academia and industry. Traditional methods mostly focus on learning a deterministic mapping from speech to animation. Recent approaches start to consider the non-deterministic fact of speech-driven 3D face animation and employ the diffusion model for the task. However, personalizing facial animation and accelerating animation generation are still two major limitations of existing diffusion-based methods. To address the above limitations, we propose DiffusionTalker, a diffusion-based method that utilizes contrastive learning to personalize 3D facial animation and knowledge distillation to accelerate 3D animation generation. Specifically, to enable personalization, we introduce a learnable talking identity to aggregate knowledge in audio sequences. The proposed identity embeddings extract customized facial cues across different people in a contrastive learning manner. During inference, users can obtain personalized facial animation based on input audio, reflecting a specific talking style. With a trained diffusion model with hundreds of steps, we distill it into a lightweight model with 8 steps for acceleration. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The code will be released
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