6 research outputs found

    Learning Individual Models for Imputation (Technical Report)

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    Missing numerical values are prevalent, e.g., owing to unreliable sensor reading, collection and transmission among heterogeneous sources. Unlike categorized data imputation over a limited domain, the numerical values suffer from two issues: (1) sparsity problem, the incomplete tuple may not have sufficient complete neighbors sharing the same/similar values for imputation, owing to the (almost) infinite domain; (2) heterogeneity problem, different tuples may not fit the same (regression) model. In this study, enlightened by the conditional dependencies that hold conditionally over certain tuples rather than the whole relation, we propose to learn a regression model individually for each complete tuple together with its neighbors. Our IIM, Imputation via Individual Models, thus no longer relies on sharing similar values among the k complete neighbors for imputation, but utilizes their regression results by the aforesaid learned individual (not necessary the same) models. Remarkably, we show that some existing methods are indeed special cases of our IIM, under the extreme settings of the number l of learning neighbors considered in individual learning. In this sense, a proper number l of neighbors is essential to learn the individual models (avoid over-fitting or under-fitting). We propose to adaptively learn individual models over various number l of neighbors for different complete tuples. By devising efficient incremental computation, the time complexity of learning a model reduces from linear to constant. Experiments on real data demonstrate that our IIM with adaptive learning achieves higher imputation accuracy than the existing approaches

    A Survey on Sampling and Profiling over Big Data (Technical Report)

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    Due to the development of internet technology and computer science, data is exploding at an exponential rate. Big data brings us new opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, we can analyze and mine big data to discover hidden information and get more potential value. On the other hand, the 5V characteristic of big data, especially Volume which means large amount of data, brings challenges to storage and processing. For some traditional data mining algorithms, machine learning algorithms and data profiling tasks, it is very difficult to handle such a large amount of data. The large amount of data is highly demanding hardware resources and time consuming. Sampling methods can effectively reduce the amount of data and help speed up data processing. Hence, sampling technology has been widely studied and used in big data context, e.g., methods for determining sample size, combining sampling with big data processing frameworks. Data profiling is the activity that finds metadata of data set and has many use cases, e.g., performing data profiling tasks on relational data, graph data, and time series data for anomaly detection and data repair. However, data profiling is computationally expensive, especially for large data sets. Therefore, this paper focuses on researching sampling and profiling in big data context and investigates the application of sampling in different categories of data profiling tasks. From the experimental results of these studies, the results got from the sampled data are close to or even exceed the results of the full amount of data. Therefore, sampling technology plays an important role in the era of big data, and we also have reason to believe that sampling technology will become an indispensable step in big data processing in the future

    Time Series Data Imputation: A Survey on Deep Learning Approaches

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    Time series are all around in real-world applications. However, unexpected accidents for example broken sensors or missing of the signals will cause missing values in time series, making the data hard to be utilized. It then does harm to the downstream applications such as traditional classification or regression, sequential data integration and forecasting tasks, thus raising the demand for data imputation. Currently, time series data imputation is a well-studied problem with different categories of methods. However, these works rarely take the temporal relations among the observations and treat the time series as normal structured data, losing the information from the time data. In recent, deep learning models have raised great attention. Time series methods based on deep learning have made progress with the usage of models like RNN, since it captures time information from data. In this paper, we mainly focus on time series imputation technique with deep learning methods, which recently made progress in this field. We will review and discuss their model architectures, their pros and cons as well as their effects to show the development of the time series imputation methods

    Distance-based Data Cleaning: A Survey (Technical Report)

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    With the rapid development of the internet technology, dirty data are commonly observed in various real scenarios, e.g., owing to unreliable sensor reading, transmission and collection from heterogeneous sources. To deal with their negative effects on downstream applications, data cleaning approaches are designed to preprocess the dirty data before conducting applications. The idea of most data cleaning methods is to identify or correct dirty data, referring to the values of their neighbors which share the same information. Unfortunately, owing to data sparsity and heterogeneity, the number of neighbors based on equality relationship is rather limited, especially in the presence of data values with variances. To tackle this problem, distance-based data cleaning approaches propose to consider similarity neighbors based on value distance. By tolerance of small variants, the enriched similarity neighbors can be identified and used for data cleaning tasks. At the same time, distance relationship between tuples is also helpful to guide the data cleaning, which contains more information and includes the equality relationship. Therefore, distance-based technology plays an important role in the data cleaning area, and we also have reason to believe that distance-based data cleaning technology will attract more attention in data preprocessing research in the future. Hence this survey provides a classification of four main data cleaning tasks, i.e., rule profiling, error detection, data repair and data imputation, and comprehensively reviews the state of the art for each class

    Efficient Join Processing Over Incomplete Data Streams (Technical Report)

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    For decades, the join operator over fast data streams has always drawn much attention from the database community, due to its wide spectrum of real-world applications, such as online clustering, intrusion detection, sensor data monitoring, and so on. Existing works usually assume that the underlying streams to be joined are complete (without any missing values). However, this assumption may not always hold, since objects from streams may contain some missing attributes, due to various reasons such as packet losses, network congestion/failure, and so on. In this paper, we formalize an important problem, namely join over incomplete data streams (Join-iDS), which retrieves joining object pairs from incomplete data streams with high confidences. We tackle the Join-iDS problem in the style of "data imputation and query processing at the same time". To enable this style, we design an effective and efficient cost-model-based imputation method via deferential dependency (DD), devise effective pruning strategies to reduce the Join-iDS search space, and propose efficient algorithms via our proposed cost-model-based data synopsis/indexes. Extensive experiments have been conducted to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed Join-iDS approach on both real and synthetic data sets.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted conference paper for CIKM1

    Time Series Data Cleaning with Regular and Irregular Time Intervals

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    Errors are prevalent in time series data, especially in the industrial field. Data with errors could not be stored in the database, which results in the loss of data assets. Handling the dirty data in time series is non-trivial, when given irregular time intervals. At present, to deal with these time series containing errors, besides keeping original erroneous data, discarding erroneous data and manually checking erroneous data, we can also use the cleaning algorithm widely used in the database to automatically clean the time series data. This survey provides a classification of time series data cleaning techniques and comprehensively reviews the state-of-the-art methods of each type. In particular, we have a special focus on the irregular time intervals. Besides we summarize data cleaning tools, systems and evaluation criteria from research and industry. Finally, we highlight possible directions time series data cleaning