20 research outputs found

    Label optimal regret bounds for online local learning

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    We resolve an open question from (Christiano, 2014b) posed in COLT'14 regarding the optimal dependency of the regret achievable for online local learning on the size of the label set. In this framework the algorithm is shown a pair of items at each step, chosen from a set of nn items. The learner then predicts a label for each item, from a label set of size LL and receives a real valued payoff. This is a natural framework which captures many interesting scenarios such as collaborative filtering, online gambling, and online max cut among others. (Christiano, 2014a) designed an efficient online learning algorithm for this problem achieving a regret of O(nL3T)O(\sqrt{nL^3T}), where TT is the number of rounds. Information theoretically, one can achieve a regret of O(nlogLT)O(\sqrt{n \log L T}). One of the main open questions left in this framework concerns closing the above gap. In this work, we provide a complete answer to the question above via two main results. We show, via a tighter analysis, that the semi-definite programming based algorithm of (Christiano, 2014a), in fact achieves a regret of O(nLT)O(\sqrt{nLT}). Second, we show a matching computational lower bound. Namely, we show that a polynomial time algorithm for online local learning with lower regret would imply a polynomial time algorithm for the planted clique problem which is widely believed to be hard. We prove a similar hardness result under a related conjecture concerning planted dense subgraphs that we put forth. Unlike planted clique, the planted dense subgraph problem does not have any known quasi-polynomial time algorithms. Computational lower bounds for online learning are relatively rare, and we hope that the ideas developed in this work will lead to lower bounds for other online learning scenarios as well.Comment: 13 pages; Changes from previous version: small changes to proofs of Theorems 1 & 2, a small rewrite of introduction as well (this version is the same as camera-ready copy in COLT '15

    One Arrow, Two Kills: An Unified Framework for Achieving Optimal Regret Guarantees in Sleeping Bandits

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    We address the problem of \emph{`Internal Regret'} in \emph{Sleeping Bandits} in the fully adversarial setup, as well as draw connections between different existing notions of sleeping regrets in the multiarmed bandits (MAB) literature and consequently analyze the implications: Our first contribution is to propose the new notion of \emph{Internal Regret} for sleeping MAB. We then proposed an algorithm that yields sublinear regret in that measure, even for a completely adversarial sequence of losses and availabilities. We further show that a low sleeping internal regret always implies a low external regret, and as well as a low policy regret for iid sequence of losses. The main contribution of this work precisely lies in unifying different notions of existing regret in sleeping bandits and understand the implication of one to another. Finally, we also extend our results to the setting of \emph{Dueling Bandits} (DB)--a preference feedback variant of MAB, and proposed a reduction to MAB idea to design a low regret algorithm for sleeping dueling bandits with stochastic preferences and adversarial availabilities. The efficacy of our algorithms is justified through empirical evaluations

    Near-Optimal Algorithms for Online Matrix Prediction

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    In several online prediction problems of recent interest the comparison class is composed of matrices with bounded entries. For example, in the online max-cut problem, the comparison class is matrices which represent cuts of a given graph and in online gambling the comparison class is matrices which represent permutations over n teams. Another important example is online collaborative filtering in which a widely used comparison class is the set of matrices with a small trace norm. In this paper we isolate a property of matrices, which we call (beta,tau)-decomposability, and derive an efficient online learning algorithm, that enjoys a regret bound of O*(sqrt(beta tau T)) for all problems in which the comparison class is composed of (beta,tau)-decomposable matrices. By analyzing the decomposability of cut matrices, triangular matrices, and low trace-norm matrices, we derive near optimal regret bounds for online max-cut, online gambling, and online collaborative filtering. In particular, this resolves (in the affirmative) an open problem posed by Abernethy (2010); Kleinberg et al (2010). Finally, we derive lower bounds for the three problems and show that our upper bounds are optimal up to logarithmic factors. In particular, our lower bound for the online collaborative filtering problem resolves another open problem posed by Shamir and Srebro (2011).Comment: 25 page

    Online Optimization of Smoothed Piecewise Constant Functions

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    We study online optimization of smoothed piecewise constant functions over the domain [0, 1). This is motivated by the problem of adaptively picking parameters of learning algorithms as in the recently introduced framework by Gupta and Roughgarden (2016). Majority of the machine learning literature has focused on Lipschitz-continuous functions or functions with bounded gradients. 1 This is with good reason---any learning algorithm suffers linear regret even against piecewise constant functions that are chosen adversarially, arguably the simplest of non-Lipschitz continuous functions. The smoothed setting we consider is inspired by the seminal work of Spielman and Teng (2004) and the recent work of Gupta and Roughgarden---in this setting, the sequence of functions may be chosen by an adversary, however, with some uncertainty in the location of discontinuities. We give algorithms that achieve sublinear regret in the full information and bandit settings

    Online combinatorial optimization with stochastic decision sets and adversarial losses

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    International audienceMost work on sequential learning assumes a fixed set of actions that are available all the time. However, in practice, actions can consist of picking subsets of readings from sensors that may break from time to time, road segments that can be blocked or goods that are out of stock. In this paper we study learning algorithms that are able to deal with stochastic availability of such unreliable composite actions. We propose and analyze algorithms based on the Follow-The-Perturbed-Leader prediction method for several learning settings differing in the feedback provided to the learner. Our algorithms rely on a novel loss estimation technique that we call Counting Asleep Times. We deliver regret bounds for our algorithms for the previously studied full information and (semi-)bandit settings, as well as a natural middle point between the two that we call the restricted information setting. A special consequence of our results is a significant improvement of the best known performance guarantees achieved by an efficient algorithm for the sleeping bandit problem with stochastic availability. Finally, we evaluate our algorithms empirically and show their improvement over the known approaches

    Open Problem: Online Sabotaged Shortest Path

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    Abstract There has been much work on extending the prediction with expert advice methodology to the case when experts are composed of components and there are combinatorially many such experts. One of the core examples is the Online Shortest Path problem where the components are edges and the experts are paths. In this note we revisit this online routing problem in the case where in each trial some of the edges or components are sabotaged / blocked. In the vanilla expert setting a known method can solve this extension where experts are now awake or asleep in each trial. We ask whether this technology can be upgraded efficiently to the case when at each trial every component can be awake or asleep. It is easy get to get an initial regret bound by using combinatorially many experts. However it is open whether there are efficient algorithms achieving the same regret

    One Arrow, Two Kills: An Unified Framework for Achieving Optimal Regret Guarantees in Sleeping Bandits

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    We address the problem of `Internal Regret' in Sleeping Bandits in the fully adversarial setup, as well as draw connections between different existing notions of sleeping regrets in the multiarmed bandits (MAB) literature and consequently analyze the implications: Our first contribution is to propose the new notion of Internal Regret for sleeping MAB. We then proposed an algorithm that yields sublinear regret in that measure, even for a completely adversarial sequence of losses and availabilities. We further show that a low sleeping internal regret always implies a low external regret, and as well as a low policy regret for iid sequence of losses. The main contribution of this work precisely lies in unifying different notions of existing regret in sleeping bandits and understand the implication of one to another. Finally, we also extend our results to the setting of Dueling Bandits (DB)--a preference feedback variant of MAB, and proposed a reduction to MAB idea to design a low regret algorithm for sleeping dueling bandits with stochastic preferences and adversarial availabilities. The efficacy of our algorithms is justified through empirical evaluations