3 research outputs found

    Learning Humanoid Robot Motions Through Deep Neural Networks

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    Controlling a high degrees of freedom humanoid robot is acknowledged as one of the hardest problems in Robotics. Due to the lack of mathematical models, an approach frequently employed is to rely on human intuition to design keyframe movements by hand, usually aided by graphical tools. In this paper, we propose a learning framework based on neural networks in order to mimic humanoid robot movements. The developed technique does not make any assumption about the underlying implementation of the movement, therefore both keyframe and model-based motions may be learned. The framework was applied in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation domain and promising results were obtained using the same network architecture for several motions, even when copying motions from another teams

    Learning Humanoid Robot Running Skills through Proximal Policy Optimization

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    In the current level of evolution of Soccer 3D, motion control is a key factor in team's performance. Recent works takes advantages of model-free approaches based on Machine Learning to exploit robot dynamics in order to obtain faster locomotion skills, achieving running policies and, therefore, opening a new research direction in the Soccer 3D environment. In this work, we present a methodology based on Deep Reinforcement Learning that learns running skills without any prior knowledge, using a neural network whose inputs are related to robot's dynamics. Our results outperformed the previous state-of-the-art sprint velocity reported in Soccer 3D literature by a significant margin. It also demonstrated improvement in sample efficiency, being able to learn how to run in just few hours. We reported our results analyzing the training procedure and also evaluating the policies in terms of speed, reliability and human similarity. Finally, we presented key factors that lead us to improve previous results and shared some ideas for future work

    Bottom-Up Meta-Policy Search

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    Despite of the recent progress in agents that learn through interaction, there are several challenges in terms of sample efficiency and generalization across unseen behaviors during training. To mitigate these problems, we propose and apply a first-order Meta-Learning algorithm called Bottom-Up Meta-Policy Search (BUMPS), which works with two-phase optimization procedure: firstly, in a meta-training phase, it distills few expert policies to create a meta-policy capable of generalizing knowledge to unseen tasks during training; secondly, it applies a fast adaptation strategy named Policy Filtering, which evaluates few policies sampled from the meta-policy distribution and selects which best solves the task. We conducted all experiments in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation domain, in the context of kick motion learning. We show that, given our experimental setup, BUMPS works in scenarios where simple multi-task Reinforcement Learning does not. Finally, we performed experiments in a way to evaluate each component of the algorithm