10 research outputs found

    Learning Hierarchical Discourse-level Structure for Fake News Detection

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    On the one hand, nowadays, fake news articles are easily propagated through various online media platforms and have become a grand threat to the trustworthiness of information. On the other hand, our understanding of the language of fake news is still minimal. Incorporating hierarchical discourse-level structure of fake and real news articles is one crucial step toward a better understanding of how these articles are structured. Nevertheless, this has rarely been investigated in the fake news detection domain and faces tremendous challenges. First, existing methods for capturing discourse-level structure rely on annotated corpora which are not available for fake news datasets. Second, how to extract out useful information from such discovered structures is another challenge. To address these challenges, we propose Hierarchical Discourse-level Structure for Fake news detection. HDSF learns and constructs a discourse-level structure for fake/real news articles in an automated and data-driven manner. Moreover, we identify insightful structure-related properties, which can explain the discovered structures and boost our understating of fake news. Conducted experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Further structural analysis suggests that real and fake news present substantial differences in the hierarchical discourse-level structures.Comment: Accepted to 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics June 2-7, 2019 Minneapolis, US

    Exploring Thematic Coherence in Fake News

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    The spread of fake news remains a serious global issue; understanding and curtailing it is paramount. One way of differentiating between deceptive and truthful stories is by analyzing their coherence. This study explores the use of topic models to analyze the coherence of cross-domain news shared online. Experimental results on seven cross-domain datasets demonstrate that fake news shows a greater thematic deviation between its opening sentences and its remainder.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2020

    SAFE: Similarity-Aware Multi-Modal Fake News Detection

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    Effective detection of fake news has recently attracted significant attention. Current studies have made significant contributions to predicting fake news with less focus on exploiting the relationship (similarity) between the textual and visual information in news articles. Attaching importance to such similarity helps identify fake news stories that, for example, attempt to use irrelevant images to attract readers' attention. In this work, we propose a S\mathsf{S}imilarity-A\mathsf{A}ware F\mathsf{F}akE\mathsf{E} news detection method (SAFE\mathsf{SAFE}) which investigates multi-modal (textual and visual) information of news articles. First, neural networks are adopted to separately extract textual and visual features for news representation. We further investigate the relationship between the extracted features across modalities. Such representations of news textual and visual information along with their relationship are jointly learned and used to predict fake news. The proposed method facilitates recognizing the falsity of news articles based on their text, images, or their "mismatches." We conduct extensive experiments on large-scale real-world data, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: To be published in The 24th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2020

    Fake News Detection using Temporal Features Extracted via Point Process

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    Many people use social networking services (SNSs) to easily access various news. There are numerous ways to obtain and share ``fake news,'' which are news carrying false information. To address fake news, several studies have been conducted for detecting fake news by using SNS-extracted features. In this study, we attempt to use temporal features generated from SNS posts by using a point process algorithm to identify fake news from real news. Temporal features in fake news detection have the advantage of robustness over existing features because it has minimal dependence on fake news propagators. Further, we propose a novel multi-modal attention-based method, which includes linguistic and user features alongside temporal features, for detecting fake news from SNS posts. Results obtained from three public datasets indicate that the proposed model achieves better performance compared to existing methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of temporal features for fake news detection.Comment: CySoc 2020 International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats, ICWSM 202

    Unleashing the Power of Neural Discourse Parsers -- A Context and Structure Aware Approach Using Large Scale Pretraining

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    RST-based discourse parsing is an important NLP task with numerous downstream applications, such as summarization, machine translation and opinion mining. In this paper, we demonstrate a simple, yet highly accurate discourse parser, incorporating recent contextual language models. Our parser establishes the new state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance for predicting structure and nuclearity on two key RST datasets, RST-DT and Instr-DT. We further demonstrate that pretraining our parser on the recently available large-scale "silver-standard" discourse treebank MEGA-DT provides even larger performance benefits, suggesting a novel and promising research direction in the field of discourse analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, COLING 202

    From Sentiment Annotations to Sentiment Prediction through Discourse Augmentation

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    Sentiment analysis, especially for long documents, plausibly requires methods capturing complex linguistics structures. To accommodate this, we propose a novel framework to exploit task-related discourse for the task of sentiment analysis. More specifically, we are combining the large-scale, sentiment-dependent MEGA-DT treebank with a novel neural architecture for sentiment prediction, based on a hybrid TreeLSTM hierarchical attention model. Experiments show that our framework using sentiment-related discourse augmentations for sentiment prediction enhances the overall performance for long documents, even beyond previous approaches using well-established discourse parsers trained on human annotated data. We show that a simple ensemble approach can further enhance performance by selectively using discourse, depending on the document length.Comment: In Proceedings of the 28 International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). 10 page

    Credibility-based Fake News Detection

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    Fake news can significantly misinform people who often rely on online sources and social media for their information. Current research on fake news detection has mostly focused on analyzing fake news content and how it propagates on a network of users. In this paper, we emphasize the detection of fake news by assessing its credibility. By analyzing public fake news data, we show that information on news sources (and authors) can be a strong indicator of credibility. Our findings suggest that an author's history of association with fake news, and the number of authors of a news article, can play a significant role in detecting fake news. Our approach can help improve traditional fake news detection methods, wherein content features are often used to detect fake news

    Network-based Fake News Detection: A Pattern-driven Approach

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    Fake news gains has gained significant momentum, strongly motivating the need for fake news research. Many fake news detection approaches have thus been proposed, where most of them heavily rely on news content. However, network-based clues revealed when analyzing news propagation on social networks is an information that has hardly been comprehensively explored or used for fake news detection. We bridge this gap by proposing a network-based pattern-driven fake news detection approach. We aim to study the patterns of fake news in social networks, which refer to the news being spread, spreaders of the news and relationships among the spreaders. Empirical evidence and interpretations on the existence of such patterns are provided based on social psychological theories. These patterns are then represented at various network levels (i.e., node-level, ego-level, triad-level, community-level and the overall network) for being further utilized to detect fake news. The proposed approach enhances the explainability in fake news feature engineering. Experiments conducted on real-world data demonstrate that the proposed approach can outperform the state of the arts

    Characterizing the Decision Boundary of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks and in particular, deep neural classifiers have become an integral part of many modern applications. Despite their practical success, we still have limited knowledge of how they work and the demand for such an understanding is evergrowing. In this regard, one crucial aspect of deep neural network classifiers that can help us deepen our knowledge about their decision-making behavior is to investigate their decision boundaries. Nevertheless, this is contingent upon having access to samples populating the areas near the decision boundary. To achieve this, we propose a novel approach we call Deep Decision boundary Instance Generation (DeepDIG). DeepDIG utilizes a method based on adversarial example generation as an effective way of generating samples near the decision boundary of any deep neural network model. Then, we introduce a set of important principled characteristics that take advantage of the generated instances near the decision boundary to provide multifaceted understandings of deep neural networks. We have performed extensive experiments on multiple representative datasets across various deep neural network models and characterized their decision boundaries. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/hamidkarimi/DeepDIG/.Comment: Please contact the first author for any issue or the question regarding this pape

    Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News in Social Media [electronic resource] : Emerging Research Challenges and Opportunities /

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    This book serves as a convenient entry point for researchers, practitioners, and students to understand the problems and challenges, learn state-of-the-art solutions for their specific needs, and quickly identify new research problems in their domains. The contributors to this volume describe the recent advancements in three related parts: (1) user engagements in the dissemination of information disorder; (2) techniques on detecting and mitigating disinformation; and (3) trending issues such as ethics, blockchain, clickbaits, etc. This edited volume will appeal to students, researchers, and professionals working on disinformation, misinformation and fake news in social media from a unique lens.A Social Network Analysis and Cyber Forensics Informed Exploration of Disinformation Campaigns -- Mitigating Fake News through Fact-checking URL recommendation -- Detecting Fake News with Semi-supervised Tensor Decomposition -- Learning Hierarchical Discourse-level Structure for Fake News Detection -- Mining Styles and Emotions for Fake News Detection -- Fake News Detection with Deep Diffusive Network Model -- Fake News Detection: An Interdisciplinary Research -- Jointly Identifying Framing Bias and Detecting Fake News on Social Media.This book serves as a convenient entry point for researchers, practitioners, and students to understand the problems and challenges, learn state-of-the-art solutions for their specific needs, and quickly identify new research problems in their domains. The contributors to this volume describe the recent advancements in three related parts: (1) user engagements in the dissemination of information disorder; (2) techniques on detecting and mitigating disinformation; and (3) trending issues such as ethics, blockchain, clickbaits, etc. This edited volume will appeal to students, researchers, and professionals working on disinformation, misinformation and fake news in social media from a unique lens