6 research outputs found

    Online augmentation of learned grasp sequence policies for more adaptable and data-efficient in-hand manipulation

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    When using a tool, the grasps used for picking it up, reposing, and holding it in a suitable pose for the desired task could be distinct. Therefore, a key challenge for autonomous in-hand tool manipulation is finding a sequence of grasps that facilitates every step of the tool use process while continuously maintaining force closure and stability. Due to the complexity of modeling the contact dynamics, reinforcement learning (RL) techniques can provide a solution in this continuous space subject to highly parameterized physical models. However, these techniques impose a trade-off in adaptability and data efficiency. At test time the tool properties, desired trajectory, and desired application forces could differ substantially from training scenarios. Adapting to this necessitates more data or computationally expensive online policy updates. In this work, we apply the principles of discrete dynamic programming (DP) to augment RL performance with domain knowledge. Specifically, we first design a computationally simple approximation of our environment. We then demonstrate in physical simulation that performing tree searches (i.e., lookaheads) and policy rollouts with this approximation can improve an RL-derived grasp sequence policy with minimal additional online computation. Additionally, we show that pretraining a deep RL network with the DP-derived solution to the discretized problem can speed up policy training.Comment: 7 pages (6+1 bibliography), 4 figures, 1 table, 2 algorithms, to appear in ICRA 202

    Improved Exploration with Stochastic Policies in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep reinforcement learning has recently shown promising results in robot control, but even current state-of-the-art algorithms fail in solving seemingly simple realistic tasks. For example, OpenAI et al. 2019 demonstrate the learning of dexterous in-hand manipulation of objects lying on the palm of an upside oriented robot hand. However, manipulating an object from above (i.e., the hand is oriented upside-down) turns out to be fundamentally more difficult to learn for current algorithms because the object has to be robustly grasped at all times to avoid immediate failure. In this thesis, we identify the commonly used naive exploration strategies as the main issue. Therefore, we propose to utilize more expressive stochastic policy distributions to enable reinforcement learning agents to learn to explore in a targeted manner. In particular, we extend the Soft Actor-Critic algorithm with policy distributions of varying expressiveness. We analyze how these variants explore in simplified environments with adjustable difficulties that we designed specifically to mimic the core problem of dexterous in-hand manipulation. We find that stochastic policies with expressive distributions can learn fundamentally more complex tasks. Moreover, beyond the exploration behavior, we show that in not perfectly observable environments, agents that represent their final (learned) policy with expressive distributions can solve tasks where commonly used simpler distributions fail