60 research outputs found

    Learning Hand-Eye Coordination for Robotic Grasping with Deep Learning and Large-Scale Data Collection

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    We describe a learning-based approach to hand-eye coordination for robotic grasping from monocular images. To learn hand-eye coordination for grasping, we trained a large convolutional neural network to predict the probability that task-space motion of the gripper will result in successful grasps, using only monocular camera images and independently of camera calibration or the current robot pose. This requires the network to observe the spatial relationship between the gripper and objects in the scene, thus learning hand-eye coordination. We then use this network to servo the gripper in real time to achieve successful grasps. To train our network, we collected over 800,000 grasp attempts over the course of two months, using between 6 and 14 robotic manipulators at any given time, with differences in camera placement and hardware. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our method achieves effective real-time control, can successfully grasp novel objects, and corrects mistakes by continuous servoing.Comment: This is an extended version of "Learning Hand-Eye Coordination for Robotic Grasping with Large-Scale Data Collection," ISER 2016. Draft modified to correct typo in Algorithm 1 and add a link to the publicly available datase

    Real-time policy generation and its application to robot grasping

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    Real time applications such as robotic require real time actions based on the immediate available data. Machine learning and artificial intelligence rely on high volume of training informative data set to propose a comprehensive and useful model for later real time action. Our goal in this paper is to provide a solution for robot grasping as a real time application without the time and memory consuming pertaining phase. Grasping as one of the most important ability of human being is defined as a suitable configuration which depends on the perceived information from the object. For human being, the best results obtain when one incorporates the vision data such as the extracted edges and shape from the object into grasping task. Nevertheless, in robotics, vision will not suite for every situation. Another possibility to grasping is using the object shape information from its vicinity. Based on these Haptic information, similar to human being, one can propose different approaches to grasping which are called grasping policies. In this work, we are trying to introduce a real time policy which aims at keeping contact with the object during movement and alignment on it. First we state problem by system dynamic equation incorporated by the object constraint surface into dynamic equation. In next step, the suggested policy to accomplish the task in real time based on the available sensor information will be presented. The effectiveness of proposed approach will be evaluated by demonstration results

    Improving Data Efficiency of Self-supervised Learning for Robotic Grasping

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    Given the task of learning robotic grasping solely based on a depth camera input and gripper force feedback, we derive a learning algorithm from an applied point of view to significantly reduce the amount of required training data. Major improvements in time and data efficiency are achieved by: Firstly, we exploit the geometric consistency between the undistorted depth images and the task space. Using a relative small, fully-convolutional neural network, we predict grasp and gripper parameters with great advantages in training as well as inference performance. Secondly, motivated by the small random grasp success rate of around 3%, the grasp space was explored in a systematic manner. The final system was learned with 23000 grasp attempts in around 60h, improving current solutions by an order of magnitude. For typical bin picking scenarios, we measured a grasp success rate of 96.6%. Further experiments showed that the system is able to generalize and transfer knowledge to novel objects and environments.Comment: Accepted for ICRA 201

    A Robotic Auto-Focus System based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Considering its advantages in dealing with high-dimensional visual input and learning control policies in discrete domain, Deep Q Network (DQN) could be an alternative method of traditional auto-focus means in the future. In this paper, based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, we propose an end-to-end approach that can learn auto-focus policies from visual input and finish at a clear spot automatically. We demonstrate that our method - discretizing the action space with coarse to fine steps and applying DQN is not only a solution to auto-focus but also a general approach towards vision-based control problems. Separate phases of training in virtual and real environments are applied to obtain an effective model. Virtual experiments, which are carried out after the virtual training phase, indicates that our method could achieve 100% accuracy on a certain view with different focus range. Further training on real robots could eliminate the deviation between the simulator and real scenario, leading to reliable performances in real applications.Comment: To Appear at ICARCV 201

    A Learning Framework for Robust Bin Picking by Customized Grippers

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    Customized grippers have specifically designed fingers to increase the contact area with the workpieces and improve the grasp robustness. However, grasp planning for customized grippers is challenging due to the object variations, surface contacts and structural constraints of the grippers. In this paper, we propose a learning framework to plan robust grasps for customized grippers in real-time. The learning framework contains a low-level optimization-based planner to search for optimal grasps locally under object shape variations, and a high-level learning-based explorer to learn the grasp exploration based on previous grasp experience. The optimization-based planner uses an iterative surface fitting (ISF) to simultaneously search for optimal gripper transformation and finger displacement by minimizing the surface fitting error. The high-level learning-based explorer trains a region-based convolutional neural network (R-CNN) to propose good optimization regions, which avoids ISF getting stuck in bad local optima and improves the collision avoidance performance. The proposed learning framework with RCNN-ISF is able to consider the structural constraints of the gripper, learn grasp exploration strategy from previous experience, and plan optimal grasps in clutter environment in real-time. The effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by experiments.Comment: Submitted to 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.1129

    Generating Goal-Directed Visuomotor Plans Based on Learning Using a Predictive Coding-type Deep Visuomotor Recurrent Neural Network Model

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    The current paper presents how a predictive coding type deep recurrent neural networks can generate vision-based goal-directed plans based on prior learning experience by examining experiment results using a real arm robot. The proposed deep recurrent neural network learns to predict visuo-proprioceptive sequences by extracting an adequate predictive model from various visuomotor experiences related to object-directed behaviors. The predictive model was developed in terms of mapping from intention state space to expected visuo-proprioceptive sequences space through iterative learning. Our arm robot experiments adopted with three different tasks with different levels of difficulty showed that the error minimization principle in the predictive coding framework applied to inference of the optimal intention states for given goal states can generate goal-directed plans even for unlearned goal states with generalization. It was, however, shown that sufficient generalization requires relatively large number of learning trajectories. The paper discusses possible countermeasure to overcome this problem.Comment: 6 page

    Object Perception and Grasping in Open-Ended Domains

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    Nowadays service robots are leaving the structured and completely known environments and entering human-centric settings. For these robots, object perception and grasping are two challenging tasks due to the high demand for accurate and real-time responses. Although many problems have already been understood and solved successfully, many challenges still remain. Open-ended learning is one of these challenges waiting for many improvements. Cognitive science revealed that humans learn to recognize object categories and grasp affordances ceaselessly over time. This ability allows adapting to new environments by enhancing their knowledge from the accumulation of experiences and the conceptualization of new object categories. Inspired by this, an autonomous robot must have the ability to process visual information and conduct learning and recognition tasks in an open-ended fashion. In this context, "open-ended" implies that the set of object categories to be learned is not known in advance, and the training instances are extracted from online experiences of a robot, and become gradually available over time, rather than being completely available at the beginning of the learning process. In my research, I mainly focus on interactive open-ended learning approaches to recognize multiple objects and their grasp affordances concurrently. In particular, I try to address the following research questions: (i) What is the importance of open-ended learning for autonomous robots? (ii) How robots could learn incrementally from their own experiences as well as from interaction with humans? (iii) What are the limitations of Deep Learning approaches to be used in an open-ended manner? (iv) How to evaluate open-ended learning approaches and what are the right metrics to do so

    Learning 6-DoF Grasping and Pick-Place Using Attention Focus

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    We address a class of manipulation problems where the robot perceives the scene with a depth sensor and can move its end effector in a space with six degrees of freedom -- 3D position and orientation. Our approach is to formulate the problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) with abstract yet generally applicable state and action representations. Finding a good solution to the MDP requires adding constraints on the allowed actions. We develop a specific set of constraints called hierarchical SE(3)\text{SE}(3) sampling (HSE3S) which causes the robot to learn a sequence of gazes to focus attention on the task-relevant parts of the scene. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on three challenging pick-place tasks (with novel objects in clutter and nontrivial places) both in simulation and on a real robot, even though all training is done in simulation

    A Critical Investigation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation

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    The navigation problem is classically approached in two steps: an exploration step, where map-information about the environment is gathered; and an exploitation step, where this information is used to navigate efficiently. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms, alternatively, approach the problem of navigation in an end-to-end fashion. Inspired by the classical approach, we ask whether DRL algorithms are able to inherently explore, gather and exploit map-information over the course of navigation. We build upon Mirowski et al. [2017] work and introduce a systematic suite of experiments that vary three parameters: the agent's starting location, the agent's target location, and the maze structure. We choose evaluation metrics that explicitly measure the algorithm's ability to gather and exploit map-information. Our experiments show that when trained and tested on the same maps, the algorithm successfully gathers and exploits map-information. However, when trained and tested on different sets of maps, the algorithm fails to transfer the ability to gather and exploit map-information to unseen maps. Furthermore, we find that when the goal location is randomized and the map is kept static, the algorithm is able to gather and exploit map-information but the exploitation is far from optimal. We open-source our experimental suite in the hopes that it serves as a framework for the comparison of future algorithms and leads to the discovery of robust alternatives to classical navigation methods

    Robotic Arm Control and Task Training through Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    This paper proposes a detailed and extensive comparison of the Trust Region Policy Optimization and DeepQ-Network with Normalized Advantage Functions with respect to other state of the art algorithms, namely Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient and Vanilla Policy Gradient. Comparisons demonstrate that the former have better performances then the latter when asking robotic arms to accomplish manipulation tasks such as reaching a random target pose and pick &placing an object. Both simulated and real-world experiments are provided. Simulation lets us show the procedures that we adopted to precisely estimate the algorithms hyper-parameters and to correctly design good policies. Real-world experiments let show that our polices, if correctly trained on simulation, can be transferred and executed in a real environment with almost no changes.Comment: Submitted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201
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