107,912 research outputs found

    Learning Graph Representation via Formal Concept Analysis

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    We present a novel method that can learn a graph representation from multivariate data. In our representation, each node represents a cluster of data points and each edge represents the subset-superset relationship between clusters, which can be mutually overlapped. The key to our method is to use formal concept analysis (FCA), which can extract hierarchical relationships between clusters based on the algebraic closedness property. We empirically show that our method can effectively extract hierarchical structures of clusters compared to the baseline method.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Relational Representation Learning Workshop (NeurIPS 2018

    Semantically Enhanced Models for Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition

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    Commonsense knowledge is paramount to enable intelligent systems. Typically, it is characterized as being implicit and ambiguous, hindering thereby the automation of its acquisition. To address these challenges, this paper presents semantically enhanced models to enable reasoning through resolving part of commonsense ambiguity. The proposed models enhance in a knowledge graph embedding (KGE) framework for knowledge base completion. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the new semantic models in commonsense reasoning

    Toward a Formal Model of Cognitive Synergy

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    "Cognitive synergy" refers to a dynamic in which multiple cognitive processes, cooperating to control the same cognitive system, assist each other in overcoming bottlenecks encountered during their internal processing. Cognitive synergy has been posited as a key feature of real-world general intelligence, and has been used explicitly in the design of the OpenCog cognitive architecture. Here category theory and related concepts are used to give a formalization of the cognitive synergy concept. A series of formal models of intelligent agents is proposed, with increasing specificity and complexity: simple reinforcement learning agents; "cognit" agents with an abstract memory and processing model; hypergraph-based agents (in which "cognit" operations are carried out via hypergraphs); hypergraph agents with a rich language of nodes and hyperlinks (such as the OpenCog framework provides); "PGMC" agents whose rich hypergraphs are endowed with cognitive processes guided via Probabilistic Growth and Mining of Combinations; and finally variations of the PrimeAGI design, which is currently being built on top of OpenCog. A notion of cognitive synergy is developed for cognitive processes acting within PGMC agents, based on developing a formal notion of "stuckness," and defining synergy as a relationship between cognitive processes in which they can help each other out when they get stuck. It is proposed that cognitive processes relating to each other synergetically, associate in a certain way with functors that map into each other via natural transformations. Cognitive synergy is proposed to correspond to a certain inequality regarding the relative costs of different paths through certain commutation diagrams. Applications of this notion of cognitive synergy to particular cognitive phenomena, and specific cognitive processes in the PrimeAGI design, are discussed

    Informed Machine Learning -- A Taxonomy and Survey of Integrating Knowledge into Learning Systems

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    Despite its great success, machine learning can have its limits when dealing with insufficient training data. A potential solution is the additional integration of prior knowledge into the training process which leads to the notion of informed machine learning. In this paper, we present a structured overview of various approaches in this field. We provide a definition and propose a concept for informed machine learning which illustrates its building blocks and distinguishes it from conventional machine learning. We introduce a taxonomy that serves as a classification framework for informed machine learning approaches. It considers the source of knowledge, its representation, and its integration into the machine learning pipeline. Based on this taxonomy, we survey related research and describe how different knowledge representations such as algebraic equations, logic rules, or simulation results can be used in learning systems. This evaluation of numerous papers on the basis of our taxonomy uncovers key methods in the field of informed machine learning.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/942998

    Deep Learning and Quantum Entanglement: Fundamental Connections with Implications to Network Design

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    Deep convolutional networks have witnessed unprecedented success in various machine learning applications. Formal understanding on what makes these networks so successful is gradually unfolding, but for the most part there are still significant mysteries to unravel. The inductive bias, which reflects prior knowledge embedded in the network architecture, is one of them. In this work, we establish a fundamental connection between the fields of quantum physics and deep learning. We use this connection for asserting novel theoretical observations regarding the role that the number of channels in each layer of the convolutional network fulfills in the overall inductive bias. Specifically, we show an equivalence between the function realized by a deep convolutional arithmetic circuit (ConvAC) and a quantum many-body wave function, which relies on their common underlying tensorial structure. This facilitates the use of quantum entanglement measures as well-defined quantifiers of a deep network's expressive ability to model intricate correlation structures of its inputs. Most importantly, the construction of a deep ConvAC in terms of a Tensor Network is made available. This description enables us to carry a graph-theoretic analysis of a convolutional network, with which we demonstrate a direct control over the inductive bias of the deep network via its channel numbers, that are related to the min-cut in the underlying graph. This result is relevant to any practitioner designing a network for a specific task. We theoretically analyze ConvACs, and empirically validate our findings on more common ConvNets which involve ReLU activations and max pooling. Beyond the results described above, the description of a deep convolutional network in well-defined graph-theoretic tools and the formal connection to quantum entanglement, are two interdisciplinary bridges that are brought forth by this work

    Machine Learning with World Knowledge: The Position and Survey

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    Machine learning has become pervasive in multiple domains, impacting a wide variety of applications, such as knowledge discovery and data mining, natural language processing, information retrieval, computer vision, social and health informatics, ubiquitous computing, etc. Two essential problems of machine learning are how to generate features and how to acquire labels for machines to learn. Particularly, labeling large amount of data for each domain-specific problem can be very time consuming and costly. It has become a key obstacle in making learning protocols realistic in applications. In this paper, we will discuss how to use the existing general-purpose world knowledge to enhance machine learning processes, by enriching the features or reducing the labeling work. We start from the comparison of world knowledge with domain-specific knowledge, and then introduce three key problems in using world knowledge in learning processes, i.e., explicit and implicit feature representation, inference for knowledge linking and disambiguation, and learning with direct or indirect supervision. Finally we discuss the future directions of this research topic

    Collaborative ontology sharing and editing

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    This article first lists reasons why - in the long term or when creating a new knowledge base (KB) for general knowledge sharing purposes - collaboratively building a well-organized KB does/can provide more possibilities, with on the whole no more costs, than the mainstream approach where knowledge creation and re-use involves searching, merging and creating (semi-)independent (relatively small) ontologies or semi-formal documents. The article lists elements required to achieve this and describes the main one: a KB editing protocol that keeps the KB free of automatically/manually detected inconsistencies while not forcing them to discuss or agree on terminology and beliefs nor requiring a selection committee.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, journa

    Formal Ontology Learning on Factual IS-A Corpus in English using Description Logics

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    Ontology Learning (OL) is the computational task of generating a knowledge base in the form of an ontology given an unstructured corpus whose content is in natural language (NL). Several works can be found in this area most of which are limited to statistical and lexico-syntactic pattern matching based techniques Light-Weight OL. These techniques do not lead to very accurate learning mostly because of several linguistic nuances in NL. Formal OL is an alternative (less explored) methodology were deep linguistics analysis is made using theory and tools found in computational linguistics to generate formal axioms and definitions instead simply inducing a taxonomy. In this paper we propose "Description Logic (DL)" based formal OL framework for learning factual IS-A type sentences in English. We claim that semantic construction of IS-A sentences is non trivial. Hence, we also claim that such sentences requires special studies in the context of OL before any truly formal OL can be proposed. We introduce a learner tool, called DLOL_IS-A, that generated such ontologies in the owl format. We have adopted "Gold Standard" based OL evaluation on IS-A rich WCL v.1.1 dataset and our own Community representative IS-A dataset. We observed significant improvement of DLOL_IS-A when compared to the light-weight OL tool Text2Onto and formal OL tool FRED.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to requirement of re-evaluation of result

    RHOG: A Refinement-Operator Library for Directed Labeled Graphs

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    This document provides the foundations behind the functionality provided by the ρ\rhoG library (https://github.com/santiontanon/RHOG), focusing on the basic operations the library provides: subsumption, refinement of directed labeled graphs, and distance/similarity assessment between directed labeled graphs. ρ\rhoG development was initially supported by the National Science Foundation, by the EAGER grant IIS-1551338.Comment: Report of the theory behind the RHOG library developed under NSF EAGER grant IIS-155133

    Semantics, Representations and Grammars for Deep Learning

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    Deep learning is currently the subject of intensive study. However, fundamental concepts such as representations are not formally defined -- researchers "know them when they see them" -- and there is no common language for describing and analyzing algorithms. This essay proposes an abstract framework that identifies the essential features of current practice and may provide a foundation for future developments. The backbone of almost all deep learning algorithms is backpropagation, which is simply a gradient computation distributed over a neural network. The main ingredients of the framework are thus, unsurprisingly: (i) game theory, to formalize distributed optimization; and (ii) communication protocols, to track the flow of zeroth and first-order information. The framework allows natural definitions of semantics (as the meaning encoded in functions), representations (as functions whose semantics is chosen to optimized a criterion) and grammars (as communication protocols equipped with first-order convergence guarantees). Much of the essay is spent discussing examples taken from the literature. The ultimate aim is to develop a graphical language for describing the structure of deep learning algorithms that backgrounds the details of the optimization procedure and foregrounds how the components interact. Inspiration is taken from probabilistic graphical models and factor graphs, which capture the essential structural features of multivariate distributions.Comment: 20 pages, many diagram