3,095 research outputs found

    HoME: a Household Multimodal Environment

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    We introduce HoME: a Household Multimodal Environment for artificial agents to learn from vision, audio, semantics, physics, and interaction with objects and other agents, all within a realistic context. HoME integrates over 45,000 diverse 3D house layouts based on the SUNCG dataset, a scale which may facilitate learning, generalization, and transfer. HoME is an open-source, OpenAI Gym-compatible platform extensible to tasks in reinforcement learning, language grounding, sound-based navigation, robotics, multi-agent learning, and more. We hope HoME better enables artificial agents to learn as humans do: in an interactive, multimodal, and richly contextualized setting.Comment: Presented at NIPS 2017's Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language Worksho

    Inferring Fluid Dynamics via Inverse Rendering

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    Humans have a strong intuitive understanding of physical processes such as fluid falling by just a glimpse of such a scene picture, i.e., quickly derived from our immersive visual experiences in memory. This work achieves such a photo-to-fluid-dynamics reconstruction functionality learned from unannotated videos, without any supervision of ground-truth fluid dynamics. In a nutshell, a differentiable Euler simulator modeled with a ConvNet-based pressure projection solver, is integrated with a volumetric renderer, supporting end-to-end/coherent differentiable dynamic simulation and rendering. By endowing each sampled point with a fluid volume value, we derive a NeRF-like differentiable renderer dedicated from fluid data; and thanks to this volume-augmented representation, fluid dynamics could be inversely inferred from the error signal between the rendered result and ground-truth video frame (i.e., inverse rendering). Experiments on our generated Fluid Fall datasets and DPI Dam Break dataset are conducted to demonstrate both effectiveness and generalization ability of our method

    Assemble Them All: Physics-Based Planning for Generalizable Assembly by Disassembly

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    Assembly planning is the core of automating product assembly, maintenance, and recycling for modern industrial manufacturing. Despite its importance and long history of research, planning for mechanical assemblies when given the final assembled state remains a challenging problem. This is due to the complexity of dealing with arbitrary 3D shapes and the highly constrained motion required for real-world assemblies. In this work, we propose a novel method to efficiently plan physically plausible assembly motion and sequences for real-world assemblies. Our method leverages the assembly-by-disassembly principle and physics-based simulation to efficiently explore a reduced search space. To evaluate the generality of our method, we define a large-scale dataset consisting of thousands of physically valid industrial assemblies with a variety of assembly motions required. Our experiments on this new benchmark demonstrate we achieve a state-of-the-art success rate and the highest computational efficiency compared to other baseline algorithms. Our method also generalizes to rotational assemblies (e.g., screws and puzzles) and solves 80-part assemblies within several minutes.Comment: Accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2022. Project website: http://assembly.csail.mit.edu

    SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation

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    Humans excel at transferring manipulation skills across diverse object shapes, poses, and appearances due to their understanding of semantic correspondences between different instances. To endow robots with a similar high-level understanding, we develop a Distilled Feature Field (DFF) for 3D scenes, leveraging large 2D vision models to distill semantic features from multiview images. While current research demonstrates advanced performance in reconstructing DFFs from dense views, the development of learning a DFF from sparse views is relatively nascent, despite its prevalence in numerous manipulation tasks with fixed cameras. In this work, we introduce SparseDFF, a novel method for acquiring view-consistent 3D DFFs from sparse RGBD observations, enabling one-shot learning of dexterous manipulations that are transferable to novel scenes. Specifically, we map the image features to the 3D point cloud, allowing for propagation across the 3D space to establish a dense feature field. At the core of SparseDFF is a lightweight feature refinement network, optimized with a contrastive loss between pairwise views after back-projecting the image features onto the 3D point cloud. Additionally, we implement a point-pruning mechanism to augment feature continuity within each local neighborhood. By establishing coherent feature fields on both source and target scenes, we devise an energy function that facilitates the minimization of feature discrepancies w.r.t. the end-effector parameters between the demonstration and the target manipulation. We evaluate our approach using a dexterous hand, mastering real-world manipulations on both rigid and deformable objects, and showcase robust generalization in the face of object and scene-context variations

    Robo360: A 3D Omnispective Multi-Material Robotic Manipulation Dataset

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    Building robots that can automate labor-intensive tasks has long been the core motivation behind the advancements in computer vision and the robotics community. Recent interest in leveraging 3D algorithms, particularly neural fields, has led to advancements in robot perception and physical understanding in manipulation scenarios. However, the real world's complexity poses significant challenges. To tackle these challenges, we present Robo360, a dataset that features robotic manipulation with a dense view coverage, which enables high-quality 3D neural representation learning, and a diverse set of objects with various physical and optical properties and facilitates research in various object manipulation and physical world modeling tasks. We confirm the effectiveness of our dataset using existing dynamic NeRF and evaluate its potential in learning multi-view policies. We hope that Robo360 can open new research directions yet to be explored at the intersection of understanding the physical world in 3D and robot control

    SURFSUP: Learning Fluid Simulation for Novel Surfaces

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    Modeling the mechanics of fluid in complex scenes is vital to applications in design, graphics, and robotics. Learning-based methods provide fast and differentiable fluid simulators, however most prior work is unable to accurately model how fluids interact with genuinely novel surfaces not seen during training. We introduce SURFSUP, a framework that represents objects implicitly using signed distance functions (SDFs), rather than an explicit representation of meshes or particles. This continuous representation of geometry enables more accurate simulation of fluid-object interactions over long time periods while simultaneously making computation more efficient. Moreover, SURFSUP trained on simple shape primitives generalizes considerably out-of-distribution, even to complex real-world scenes and objects. Finally, we show we can invert our model to design simple objects to manipulate fluid flow.Comment: Website: https://surfsup.cs.columbia.edu

    EquivAct: SIM(3)-Equivariant Visuomotor Policies beyond Rigid Object Manipulation

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    If a robot masters folding a kitchen towel, we would also expect it to master folding a beach towel. However, existing works for policy learning that rely on data set augmentations are still limited in achieving this level of generalization. Our insight is to add equivariance to both the visual object representation and policy architecture. We propose EquivAct which utilizes SIM(3)-equivariant network structures that guarantee generalization across all possible object translations, 3D rotations, and scales by construction. Training of EquivAct is done in two phases. We first pre-train a SIM(3)-equivariant visual representation on simulated scene point clouds. Then, we learn a SIM(3)-equivariant visuomotor policy on top of the pre-trained visual representation using a small amount of source task demonstrations. We demonstrate that after training, the learned policy directly transfers to objects that substantially differ in scale, position and orientation from the source demonstrations. In simulation, we evaluate our method in three manipulation tasks involving deformable and articulated objects thereby going beyond the typical rigid object manipulation tasks that prior works considered. We show that our method outperforms prior works that do not use equivariant architectures or do not use our contrastive pre-training procedure. We also show quantitative and qualitative experiments on three real robot tasks, where the robot watches twenty demonstrations of a tabletop task and transfers zero-shot to a mobile manipulation task in a much larger setup. Project website: https://equivact.github.i