769 research outputs found

    A Novel Machine Learning Classifier Based on a Qualia Modeling Agent (QMA)

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    This dissertation addresses a problem found in supervised machine learning (ML) classification, that the target variable, i.e., the variable a classifier predicts, has to be identified before training begins and cannot change during training and testing. This research develops a computational agent, which overcomes this problem. The Qualia Modeling Agent (QMA) is modeled after two cognitive theories: Stanovich\u27s tripartite framework, which proposes learning results from interactions between conscious and unconscious processes; and, the Integrated Information Theory (IIT) of Consciousness, which proposes that the fundamental structural elements of consciousness are qualia. By modeling the informational relationships of qualia, the QMA allows for retaining and reasoning-over data sets in a non-ontological, non-hierarchical qualia space (QS). This novel computational approach supports concept drift, by allowing the target variable to change ad infinitum without re-training while achieving classification accuracy comparable to or greater than benchmark classifiers. Additionally, the research produced a functioning model of Stanovich\u27s framework, and a computationally tractable working solution for a representation of qualia, which when exposed to new examples, is able to match the causal structure and generate new inferences

    When Deep Learning Meets Polyhedral Theory: A Survey

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    In the past decade, deep learning became the prevalent methodology for predictive modeling thanks to the remarkable accuracy of deep neural networks in tasks such as computer vision and natural language processing. Meanwhile, the structure of neural networks converged back to simpler representations based on piecewise constant and piecewise linear functions such as the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), which became the most commonly used type of activation function in neural networks. That made certain types of network structure \unicode{x2014}such as the typical fully-connected feedforward neural network\unicode{x2014} amenable to analysis through polyhedral theory and to the application of methodologies such as Linear Programming (LP) and Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) for a variety of purposes. In this paper, we survey the main topics emerging from this fast-paced area of work, which bring a fresh perspective to understanding neural networks in more detail as well as to applying linear optimization techniques to train, verify, and reduce the size of such networks

    Orientation Invariant ECG-Based Stethoscope Tracking for Heart Auscultation Training on Augmented Standardized Patients

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    Auscultation, the act of listening to the heart and lung sounds, can reveal substantial information about patients’ health and other cardiac-related problems; therefore, competent training can be a key for accurate and reliable diagnosis. Standardized patients (SPs), who are healthy individuals trained to portray real patients, have been extensively used for such training and other medical teaching techniques; however, the range of symptoms and conditions they can simulate remains limited since they are only patient actors. In this work, we describe a novel tracking method for placing virtual symptoms in correct auscultation areas based on recorded ECG signals with various stethoscope diaphragm orientations; this augmented reality simulation would extend the capabilities of SPs and allow medical trainees to hear abnormal heart and lung sounds in a normal SP. ECG signals recorded from two different SPs over a wide range of stethoscope diaphragm orientations were processed and analyzed to accurately distinguish four different heart auscultation areas, aortic, mitral, pulmonic and tricuspid, for any stethoscope’s orientation. After processing the signals and extracting relevant features, different classifiers were applied for assessment of the proposed method; 95.1% and 87.1% accuracy were obtained for SP1 and SP2, respectively. The proposed system provides an efficient, non-invasive, and cost efficient method for training medical practitioners on heart auscultation

    Convex hulls in concept induction

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    Classification learning is dominated by systems which induce large numbers of small axis-orthogonal decision surfaces. This strongly biases such systems towards particular hypothesis types but there is reason believe that many domains have underlying concepts which do not involve axis orthogonal surfaces. Further, the multiplicity of small decision regions mitigates against any holistic appreciation of the theories produced by these systems, notwithstanding the fact that many of the small regions are individually comprehensible. This thesis investigates modeling concepts as large geometric structures in n-dimensional space. Convex hulls are a superset of the set of axis orthogonal hyperrectangles into which axis orthogonal systems partition the instance space. In consequence, there is reason to believe that convex hulls might provide a more flexible and general learning bias than axis orthogonal regions. The formation of convex hulls around a group of points of the same class is shown to be a usable generalisation and is more general than generalisations produced by axis-orthogonal based classifiers, without constructive induction, like decision trees, decision lists and rules. The use of a small number of large hulls as a concept representation is shown to provide classification performance which can be better than that of classifiers which use a large number of small fragmentary regions for each concept. A convex hull based classifier, CH1, has been implemented and tested. CH1 can handle categorical and continuous data. Algorithms for two basic generalisation operations on hulls, inflation and facet deletion, are presented. The two operations are shown to improve the accuracy of the classifier and provide moderate classification accuracy over a representative selection of typical, largely or wholly continuous valued machine learning tasks. The classifier exhibits superior performance to well-known axis-orthogonal-based classifiers when presented with domains where the underlying decision surfaces are not axis parallel. The strengths and weaknesses of the system are identified. One particular advantage is the ability of the system to model domains with approximately the same number of structures as there are underlying concepts. This leads to the possibility of extraction of higher level mathematical descriptions of the induced concepts, using the techniques of computational geometry, which is not possible from a multiplicity of small regions
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