328 research outputs found

    Evaluating Disentanglement in Generative Models Without Knowledge of Latent Factors

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    Probabilistic generative models provide a flexible and systematic framework for learning the underlying geometry of data. However, model selection in this setting is challenging, particularly when selecting for ill-defined qualities such as disentanglement or interpretability. In this work, we address this gap by introducing a method for ranking generative models based on the training dynamics exhibited during learning. Inspired by recent theoretical characterizations of disentanglement, our method does not require supervision of the underlying latent factors. We evaluate our approach by demonstrating the need for disentanglement metrics which do not require labels\textemdash the underlying generative factors. We additionally demonstrate that our approach correlates with baseline supervised methods for evaluating disentanglement. Finally, we show that our method can be used as an unsupervised indicator for downstream performance on reinforcement learning and fairness-classification problems

    Modelling Cellular Perturbations with the Sparse Additive Mechanism Shift Variational Autoencoder

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    Generative models of observations under interventions have been a vibrant topic of interest across machine learning and the sciences in recent years. For example, in drug discovery, there is a need to model the effects of diverse interventions on cells in order to characterize unknown biological mechanisms of action. We propose the Sparse Additive Mechanism Shift Variational Autoencoder, SAMS-VAE, to combine compositionality, disentanglement, and interpretability for perturbation models. SAMS-VAE models the latent state of a perturbed sample as the sum of a local latent variable capturing sample-specific variation and sparse global variables of latent intervention effects. Crucially, SAMS-VAE sparsifies these global latent variables for individual perturbations to identify disentangled, perturbation-specific latent subspaces that are flexibly composable. We evaluate SAMS-VAE both quantitatively and qualitatively on a range of tasks using two popular single cell sequencing datasets. In order to measure perturbation-specific model-properties, we also introduce a framework for evaluation of perturbation models based on average treatment effects with links to posterior predictive checks. SAMS-VAE outperforms comparable models in terms of generalization across in-distribution and out-of-distribution tasks, including a combinatorial reasoning task under resource paucity, and yields interpretable latent structures which correlate strongly to known biological mechanisms. Our results suggest SAMS-VAE is an interesting addition to the modeling toolkit for machine learning-driven scientific discovery.Comment: Presented at the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) (Post-NeurIPS fixes: cosmetic fixes, updated references, added simulation to appendix

    Gated Variational AutoEncoders: Incorporating Weak Supervision to Encourage Disentanglement

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    Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) provide a means to generate representational latent embeddings. Previous research has highlighted the benefits of achieving representations that are disentangled, particularly for downstream tasks. However, there is some debate about how to encourage disentanglement with VAEs and evidence indicates that existing implementations of VAEs do not achieve disentanglement consistently. The evaluation of how well a VAE's latent space has been disentangled is often evaluated against our subjective expectations of which attributes should be disentangled for a given problem. Therefore, by definition, we already have domain knowledge of what should be achieved and yet we use unsupervised approaches to achieve it. We propose a weakly-supervised approach that incorporates any available domain knowledge into the training process to form a Gated-VAE. The process involves partitioning the representational embedding and gating backpropagation. All partitions are utilised on the forward pass but gradients are backpropagated through different partitions according to selected image/target pairings. The approach can be used to modify existing VAE models such as beta-VAE, InfoVAE and DIP-VAE-II. Experiments demonstrate that using gated backpropagation, latent factors are represented in their intended partition. The approach is applied to images of faces for the purpose of disentangling head-pose from facial expression. Quantitative metrics show that using Gated-VAE improves average disentanglement, completeness and informativeness, as compared with un-gated implementations. Qualitative assessment of latent traversals demonstrate its disentanglement of head-pose from expression, even when only weak/noisy supervision is available
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