98,703 research outputs found

    A Framework for Few-Shot Policy Transfer through Observation Mapping and Behavior Cloning

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    Despite recent progress in Reinforcement Learning for robotics applications, many tasks remain prohibitively difficult to solve because of the expensive interaction cost. Transfer learning helps reduce the training time in the target domain by transferring knowledge learned in a source domain. Sim2Real transfer helps transfer knowledge from a simulated robotic domain to a physical target domain. Knowledge transfer reduces the time required to train a task in the physical world, where the cost of interactions is high. However, most existing approaches assume exact correspondence in the task structure and the physical properties of the two domains. This work proposes a framework for Few-Shot Policy Transfer between two domains through Observation Mapping and Behavior Cloning. We use Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) along with a cycle-consistency loss to map the observations between the source and target domains and later use this learned mapping to clone the successful source task behavior policy to the target domain. We observe successful behavior policy transfer with limited target task interactions and in cases where the source and target task are semantically dissimilar.Comment: Paper accepted to the IROS 2023 Conferenc

    Self-Supervised Geometric Correspondence for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Wild

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    While 6D object pose estimation has wide applications across computer vision and robotics, it remains far from being solved due to the lack of annotations. The problem becomes even more challenging when moving to category-level 6D pose, which requires generalization to unseen instances. Current approaches are restricted by leveraging annotations from simulation or collected from humans. In this paper, we overcome this barrier by introducing a self-supervised learning approach trained directly on large-scale real-world object videos for category-level 6D pose estimation in the wild. Our framework reconstructs the canonical 3D shape of an object category and learns dense correspondences between input images and the canonical shape via surface embedding. For training, we propose novel geometrical cycle-consistency losses which construct cycles across 2D-3D spaces, across different instances and different time steps. The learned correspondence can be applied for 6D pose estimation and other downstream tasks such as keypoint transfer. Surprisingly, our method, without any human annotations or simulators, can achieve on-par or even better performance than previous supervised or semi-supervised methods on in-the-wild images. Our project page is: https://kywind.github.io/self-pose .Comment: Project page: https://kywind.github.io/self-pos

    Cycle-Consistent Deep Generative Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval

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    In this paper, we propose a novel deep generative approach to cross-modal retrieval to learn hash functions in the absence of paired training samples through the cycle consistency loss. Our proposed approach employs adversarial training scheme to lean a couple of hash functions enabling translation between modalities while assuming the underlying semantic relationship. To induce the hash codes with semantics to the input-output pair, cycle consistency loss is further proposed upon the adversarial training to strengthen the correlations between inputs and corresponding outputs. Our approach is generative to learn hash functions such that the learned hash codes can maximally correlate each input-output correspondence, meanwhile can also regenerate the inputs so as to minimize the information loss. The learning to hash embedding is thus performed to jointly optimize the parameters of the hash functions across modalities as well as the associated generative models. Extensive experiments on a variety of large-scale cross-modal data sets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves better retrieval results than the state-of-the-arts.Comment: To appeared on IEEE Trans. Image Processing. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.10593 by other author

    Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting

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    We introduce a data-driven approach for unsupervised video retargeting that translates content from one domain to another while preserving the style native to a domain, i.e., if contents of John Oliver's speech were to be transferred to Stephen Colbert, then the generated content/speech should be in Stephen Colbert's style. Our approach combines both spatial and temporal information along with adversarial losses for content translation and style preservation. In this work, we first study the advantages of using spatiotemporal constraints over spatial constraints for effective retargeting. We then demonstrate the proposed approach for the problems where information in both space and time matters such as face-to-face translation, flower-to-flower, wind and cloud synthesis, sunrise and sunset.Comment: ECCV 2018; Please refer to project webpage for videos - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aayushb/Recycle-GA
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