1,230 research outputs found

    Kernels for linear time invariant system identification

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    In this paper, we study the problem of identifying the impulse response of a linear time invariant (LTI) dynamical system from the knowledge of the input signal and a finite set of noisy output observations. We adopt an approach based on regularization in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) that takes into account both continuous and discrete time systems. The focus of the paper is on designing spaces that are well suited for temporal impulse response modeling. To this end, we construct and characterize general families of kernels that incorporate system properties such as stability, relative degree, absence of oscillatory behavior, smoothness, or delay. In addition, we discuss the possibility of automatically searching over these classes by means of kernel learning techniques, so as to capture different modes of the system to be identified

    Learning 2D Gabor Filters by Infinite Kernel Learning Regression

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    Gabor functions have wide-spread applications in image processing and computer vision. In this paper, we prove that 2D Gabor functions are translation-invariant positive-definite kernels and propose a novel formulation for the problem of image representation with Gabor functions based on infinite kernel learning regression. Using this formulation, we obtain a support vector expansion of an image based on a mixture of Gabor functions. The problem with this representation is that all Gabor functions are present at all support vector pixels. Applying LASSO to this support vector expansion, we obtain a sparse representation in which each Gabor function is positioned at a very small set of pixels. As an application, we introduce a method for learning a dataset-specific set of Gabor filters that can be used subsequently for feature extraction. Our experiments show that use of the learned Gabor filters improves the recognition accuracy of a recently introduced face recognition algorithm

    Alignment Based Kernel Learning with a Continuous Set of Base Kernels

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    The success of kernel-based learning methods depend on the choice of kernel. Recently, kernel learning methods have been proposed that use data to select the most appropriate kernel, usually by combining a set of base kernels. We introduce a new algorithm for kernel learning that combines a {\em continuous set of base kernels}, without the common step of discretizing the space of base kernels. We demonstrate that our new method achieves state-of-the-art performance across a variety of real-world datasets. Furthermore, we explicitly demonstrate the importance of combining the right dictionary of kernels, which is problematic for methods based on a finite set of base kernels chosen a priori. Our method is not the first approach to work with continuously parameterized kernels. However, we show that our method requires substantially less computation than previous such approaches, and so is more amenable to multiple dimensional parameterizations of base kernels, which we demonstrate

    A Metric-learning based framework for Support Vector Machines and Multiple Kernel Learning

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    Most metric learning algorithms, as well as Fisher's Discriminant Analysis (FDA), optimize some cost function of different measures of within-and between-class distances. On the other hand, Support Vector Machines(SVMs) and several Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) algorithms are based on the SVM large margin theory. Recently, SVMs have been analyzed from SVM and metric learning, and to develop new algorithms that build on the strengths of each. Inspired by the metric learning interpretation of SVM, we develop here a new metric-learning based SVM framework in which we incorporate metric learning concepts within SVM. We extend the optimization problem of SVM to include some measure of the within-class distance and along the way we develop a new within-class distance measure which is appropriate for SVM. In addition, we adopt the same approach for MKL and show that it can be also formulated as a Mahalanobis metric learning problem. Our end result is a number of SVM/MKL algorithms that incorporate metric learning concepts. We experiment with them on a set of benchmark datasets and observe important predictive performance improvements

    A Randomized Mirror Descent Algorithm for Large Scale Multiple Kernel Learning

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    We consider the problem of simultaneously learning to linearly combine a very large number of kernels and learn a good predictor based on the learnt kernel. When the number of kernels dd to be combined is very large, multiple kernel learning methods whose computational cost scales linearly in dd are intractable. We propose a randomized version of the mirror descent algorithm to overcome this issue, under the objective of minimizing the group pp-norm penalized empirical risk. The key to achieve the required exponential speed-up is the computationally efficient construction of low-variance estimates of the gradient. We propose importance sampling based estimates, and find that the ideal distribution samples a coordinate with a probability proportional to the magnitude of the corresponding gradient. We show the surprising result that in the case of learning the coefficients of a polynomial kernel, the combinatorial structure of the base kernels to be combined allows the implementation of sampling from this distribution to run in O(log(d))O(\log(d)) time, making the total computational cost of the method to achieve an ϵ\epsilon-optimal solution to be O(log(d)/ϵ2)O(\log(d)/\epsilon^2), thereby allowing our method to operate for very large values of dd. Experiments with simulated and real data confirm that the new algorithm is computationally more efficient than its state-of-the-art alternatives

    Algorithms for Learning Kernels Based on Centered Alignment

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    This paper presents new and effective algorithms for learning kernels. In particular, as shown by our empirical results, these algorithms consistently outperform the so-called uniform combination solution that has proven to be difficult to improve upon in the past, as well as other algorithms for learning kernels based on convex combinations of base kernels in both classification and regression. Our algorithms are based on the notion of centered alignment which is used as a similarity measure between kernels or kernel matrices. We present a number of novel algorithmic, theoretical, and empirical results for learning kernels based on our notion of centered alignment. In particular, we describe efficient algorithms for learning a maximum alignment kernel by showing that the problem can be reduced to a simple QP and discuss a one-stage algorithm for learning both a kernel and a hypothesis based on that kernel using an alignment-based regularization. Our theoretical results include a novel concentration bound for centered alignment between kernel matrices, the proof of the existence of effective predictors for kernels with high alignment, both for classification and for regression, and the proof of stability-based generalization bounds for a broad family of algorithms for learning kernels based on centered alignment. We also report the results of experiments with our centered alignment-based algorithms in both classification and regression

    Ensembles of Kernel Predictors

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    This paper examines the problem of learning with a finite and possibly large set of p base kernels. It presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of an approach addressing this problem based on ensembles of kernel predictors. This includes novel theoretical guarantees based on the Rademacher complexity of the corresponding hypothesis sets, the introduction and analysis of a learning algorithm based on these hypothesis sets, and a series of experiments using ensembles of kernel predictors with several data sets. Both convex combinations of kernel-based hypotheses and more general Lq-regularized nonnegative combinations are analyzed. These theoretical, algorithmic, and empirical results are compared with those achieved by using learning kernel techniques, which can be viewed as another approach for solving the same problem

    L2 Regularization for Learning Kernels

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    The choice of the kernel is critical to the success of many learning algorithms but it is typically left to the user. Instead, the training data can be used to learn the kernel by selecting it out of a given family, such as that of non-negative linear combinations of p base kernels, constrained by a trace or L1 regularization. This paper studies the problem of learning kernels with the same family of kernels but with an L2 regularization instead, and for regression problems. We analyze the problem of learning kernels with ridge regression. We derive the form of the solution of the optimization problem and give an efficient iterative algorithm for computing that solution. We present a novel theoretical analysis of the problem based on stability and give learning bounds for orthogonal kernels that contain only an additive term O(pp/m) when compared to the standard kernel ridge regression stability bound. We also report the results of experiments indicating that L1 regularization can lead to modest improvements for a small number of kernels, but to performance degradations in larger-scale cases. In contrast, L2 regularization never degrades performance and in fact achieves significant improvements with a large number of kernels.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2009

    Kernel machines with two layers and multiple kernel learning

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    In this paper, the framework of kernel machines with two layers is introduced, generalizing classical kernel methods. The new learning methodology provide a formal connection between computational architectures with multiple layers and the theme of kernel learning in standard regularization methods. First, a representer theorem for two-layer networks is presented, showing that finite linear combinations of kernels on each layer are optimal architectures whenever the corresponding functions solve suitable variational problems in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS). The input-output map expressed by these architectures turns out to be equivalent to a suitable single-layer kernel machines in which the kernel function is also learned from the data. Recently, the so-called multiple kernel learning methods have attracted considerable attention in the machine learning literature. In this paper, multiple kernel learning methods are shown to be specific cases of kernel machines with two layers in which the second layer is linear. Finally, a simple and effective multiple kernel learning method called RLS2 (regularized least squares with two layers) is introduced, and his performances on several learning problems are extensively analyzed. An open source MATLAB toolbox to train and validate RLS2 models with a Graphic User Interface is available

    Optimality Implies Kernel Sum Classifiers are Statistically Efficient

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    We propose a novel combination of optimization tools with learning theory bounds in order to analyze the sample complexity of optimal kernel sum classifiers. This contrasts the typical learning theoretic results which hold for all (potentially suboptimal) classifiers. Our work also justifies assumptions made in prior work on multiple kernel learning. As a byproduct of our analysis, we also provide a new form of Rademacher complexity for hypothesis classes containing only optimal classifiers