157 research outputs found

    Learning Continuous Control Policies by Stochastic Value Gradients

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    We present a unified framework for learning continuous control policies using backpropagation. It supports stochastic control by treating stochasticity in the Bellman equation as a deterministic function of exogenous noise. The product is a spectrum of general policy gradient algorithms that range from model-free methods with value functions to model-based methods without value functions. We use learned models but only require observations from the environment in- stead of observations from model-predicted trajectories, minimizing the impact of compounded model errors. We apply these algorithms first to a toy stochastic control problem and then to several physics-based control problems in simulation. One of these variants, SVG(1), shows the effectiveness of learning models, value functions, and policies simultaneously in continuous domains.Comment: 13 pages, NIPS 201

    Structured Neural Network Dynamics for Model-based Control

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    We present a structured neural network architecture that is inspired by linear time-varying dynamical systems. The network is designed to mimic the properties of linear dynamical systems which makes analysis and control simple. The architecture facilitates the integration of learned system models with gradient-based model predictive control algorithms, and removes the requirement of computing potentially costly derivatives online. We demonstrate the efficacy of this modeling technique in computing autonomous control policies through evaluation in a variety of standard continuous control domains

    Actor-critic versus direct policy search: a comparison based on sample complexity

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    Sample efficiency is a critical property when optimizing policy parameters for the controller of a robot. In this paper, we evaluate two state-of-the-art policy optimization algorithms. One is a recent deep reinforcement learning method based on an actor-critic algorithm, Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), that has been shown to perform well on various control benchmarks. The other one is a direct policy search method, Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), a black-box optimization method that is widely used for robot learning. The algorithms are evaluated on a continuous version of the mountain car benchmark problem, so as to compare their sample complexity. From a preliminary analysis, we expect DDPG to be more sample efficient than CMA-ES, which is confirmed by our experimental results.Comment: Proceedings JFPDA (Journees Francaises Planification Decision Apprentissage

    Model-Based Action Exploration for Learning Dynamic Motion Skills

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    Deep reinforcement learning has achieved great strides in solving challenging motion control tasks. Recently, there has been significant work on methods for exploiting the data gathered during training, but there has been less work on how to best generate the data to learn from. For continuous action domains, the most common method for generating exploratory actions involves sampling from a Gaussian distribution centred around the mean action output by a policy. Although these methods can be quite capable, they do not scale well with the dimensionality of the action space, and can be dangerous to apply on hardware. We consider learning a forward dynamics model to predict the result, (xt+1x_{t+1}), of taking a particular action, (uu), given a specific observation of the state, (xtx_{t}). With this model we perform internal look-ahead predictions of outcomes and seek actions we believe have a reasonable chance of success. This method alters the exploratory action space, thereby increasing learning speed and enables higher quality solutions to difficult problems, such as robotic locomotion and juggling.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, conference pape

    Tangent: Automatic differentiation using source-code transformation for dynamically typed array programming

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    The need to efficiently calculate first- and higher-order derivatives of increasingly complex models expressed in Python has stressed or exceeded the capabilities of available tools. In this work, we explore techniques from the field of automatic differentiation (AD) that can give researchers expressive power, performance and strong usability. These include source-code transformation (SCT), flexible gradient surgery, efficient in-place array operations, higher-order derivatives as well as mixing of forward and reverse mode AD. We implement and demonstrate these ideas in the Tangent software library for Python, the first AD framework for a dynamic language that uses SCT

    Towards Generalization and Simplicity in Continuous Control

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    This work shows that policies with simple linear and RBF parameterizations can be trained to solve a variety of continuous control tasks, including the OpenAI gym benchmarks. The performance of these trained policies are competitive with state of the art results, obtained with more elaborate parameterizations such as fully connected neural networks. Furthermore, existing training and testing scenarios are shown to be very limited and prone to over-fitting, thus giving rise to only trajectory-centric policies. Training with a diverse initial state distribution is shown to produce more global policies with better generalization. This allows for interactive control scenarios where the system recovers from large on-line perturbations; as shown in the supplementary video.Comment: NIPS 2017, Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/simple-po

    Model-Based Regularization for Deep Reinforcement Learning with Transcoder Networks

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    This paper proposes a new optimization objective for value-based deep reinforcement learning. We extend conventional Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) by adding a model-learning component yielding a transcoder network. The prediction errors for the model are included in the basic DQN loss as additional regularizers. This augmented objective leads to a richer training signal that provides feedback at every time step. Moreover, because learning an environment model shares a common structure with the RL problem, we hypothesize that the resulting objective improves both sample efficiency and performance. We empirically confirm our hypothesis on a range of 20 games from the Atari benchmark attaining superior results over vanilla DQN without model-based regularization.Comment: Presented at the NIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 201

    Memory-based control with recurrent neural networks

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    Partially observed control problems are a challenging aspect of reinforcement learning. We extend two related, model-free algorithms for continuous control -- deterministic policy gradient and stochastic value gradient -- to solve partially observed domains using recurrent neural networks trained with backpropagation through time. We demonstrate that this approach, coupled with long-short term memory is able to solve a variety of physical control problems exhibiting an assortment of memory requirements. These include the short-term integration of information from noisy sensors and the identification of system parameters, as well as long-term memory problems that require preserving information over many time steps. We also demonstrate success on a combined exploration and memory problem in the form of a simplified version of the well-known Morris water maze task. Finally, we show that our approach can deal with high-dimensional observations by learning directly from pixels. We find that recurrent deterministic and stochastic policies are able to learn similarly good solutions to these tasks, including the water maze where the agent must learn effective search strategies.Comment: NIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop 201

    Deep Reinforcement Learning to Acquire Navigation Skills for Wheel-Legged Robots in Complex Environments

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    Mobile robot navigation in complex and dynamic environments is a challenging but important problem. Reinforcement learning approaches fail to solve these tasks efficiently due to reward sparsities, temporal complexities and high-dimensionality of sensorimotor spaces which are inherent in such problems. We present a novel approach to train action policies to acquire navigation skills for wheel-legged robots using deep reinforcement learning. The policy maps height-map image observations to motor commands to navigate to a target position while avoiding obstacles. We propose to acquire the multifaceted navigation skill by learning and exploiting a number of manageable navigation behaviors. We also introduce a domain randomization technique to improve the versatility of the training samples. We demonstrate experimentally a significant improvement in terms of data-efficiency, success rate, robustness against irrelevant sensory data, and also the quality of the maneuver skills.Comment: Submitted to IROS 201

    Synthesizing Neural Network Controllers with Probabilistic Model based Reinforcement Learning

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    We present an algorithm for rapidly learning controllers for robotics systems. The algorithm follows the model-based reinforcement learning paradigm, and improves upon existing algorithms; namely Probabilistic learning in Control (PILCO) and a sample-based version of PILCO with neural network dynamics (Deep-PILCO). We propose training a neural network dynamics model using variational dropout with truncated Log-Normal noise. This allows us to obtain a dynamics model with calibrated uncertainty, which can be used to simulate controller executions via rollouts. We also describe set of techniques, inspired by viewing PILCO as a recurrent neural network model, that are crucial to improve the convergence of the method. We test our method on a variety of benchmark tasks, demonstrating data-efficiency that is competitive with PILCO, while being able to optimize complex neural network controllers. Finally, we assess the performance of the algorithm for learning motor controllers for a six legged autonomous underwater vehicle. This demonstrates the potential of the algorithm for scaling up the dimensionality and dataset sizes, in more complex control tasks.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
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