4 research outputs found

    Learning Compressed Sentence Representations for On-Device Text Processing

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    Vector representations of sentences, trained on massive text corpora, are widely used as generic sentence embeddings across a variety of NLP problems. The learned representations are generally assumed to be continuous and real-valued, giving rise to a large memory footprint and slow retrieval speed, which hinders their applicability to low-resource (memory and computation) platforms, such as mobile devices. In this paper, we propose four different strategies to transform continuous and generic sentence embeddings into a binarized form, while preserving their rich semantic information. The introduced methods are evaluated across a wide range of downstream tasks, where the binarized sentence embeddings are demonstrated to degrade performance by only about 2% relative to their continuous counterparts, while reducing the storage requirement by over 98%. Moreover, with the learned binary representations, the semantic relatedness of two sentences can be evaluated by simply calculating their Hamming distance, which is more computational efficient compared with the inner product operation between continuous embeddings. Detailed analysis and case study further validate the effectiveness of proposed methods.Comment: To appear at ACL 201

    General Purpose Text Embeddings from Pre-trained Language Models for Scalable Inference

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    The state of the art on many NLP tasks is currently achieved by large pre-trained language models, which require a considerable amount of computation. We explore a setting where many different predictions are made on a single piece of text. In that case, some of the computational cost during inference can be amortized over the different tasks using a shared text encoder. We compare approaches for training such an encoder and show that encoders pre-trained over multiple tasks generalize well to unseen tasks. We also compare ways of extracting fixed- and limited-size representations from this encoder, including different ways of pooling features extracted from multiple layers or positions. Our best approach compares favorably to knowledge distillation, achieving higher accuracy and lower computational cost once the system is handling around 7 tasks. Further, we show that through binary quantization, we can reduce the size of the extracted representations by a factor of 16 making it feasible to store them for later use. The resulting method offers a compelling solution for using large-scale pre-trained models at a fraction of the computational cost when multiple tasks are performed on the same text

    FairFil: Contrastive Neural Debiasing Method for Pretrained Text Encoders

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    Pretrained text encoders, such as BERT, have been applied increasingly in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, and have recently demonstrated significant performance gains. However, recent studies have demonstrated the existence of social bias in these pretrained NLP models. Although prior works have made progress on word-level debiasing, improved sentence-level fairness of pretrained encoders still lacks exploration. In this paper, we proposed the first neural debiasing method for a pretrained sentence encoder, which transforms the pretrained encoder outputs into debiased representations via a fair filter (FairFil) network. To learn the FairFil, we introduce a contrastive learning framework that not only minimizes the correlation between filtered embeddings and bias words but also preserves rich semantic information of the original sentences. On real-world datasets, our FairFil effectively reduces the bias degree of pretrained text encoders, while continuously showing desirable performance on downstream tasks. Moreover, our post-hoc method does not require any retraining of the text encoders, further enlarging FairFil's application space.Comment: Accepted by the 9th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021

    Contextual Lensing of Universal Sentence Representations

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    What makes a universal sentence encoder universal? The notion of a generic encoder of text appears to be at odds with the inherent contextualization and non-permanence of language use in a dynamic world. However, mapping sentences into generic fixed-length vectors for downstream similarity and retrieval tasks has been fruitful, particularly for multilingual applications. How do we manage this dilemma? In this work we propose Contextual Lensing, a methodology for inducing context-oriented universal sentence vectors. We break the construction of universal sentence vectors into a core, variable length, sentence matrix representation equipped with an adaptable `lens' from which fixed-length vectors can be induced as a function of the lens context. We show that it is possible to focus notions of language similarity into a small number of lens parameters given a core universal matrix representation. For example, we demonstrate the ability to encode translation similarity of sentences across several languages into a single weight matrix, even when the core encoder has not seen parallel data.Comment: 10 page