26 research outputs found

    Learning Role-based Graph Embeddings

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    Random walks are at the heart of many existing network embedding methods. However, such algorithms have many limitations that arise from the use of random walks, e.g., the features resulting from these methods are unable to transfer to new nodes and graphs as they are tied to vertex identity. In this work, we introduce the Role2Vec framework which uses the flexible notion of attributed random walks, and serves as a basis for generalizing existing methods such as DeepWalk, node2vec, and many others that leverage random walks. Our proposed framework enables these methods to be more widely applicable for both transductive and inductive learning as well as for use on graphs with attributes (if available). This is achieved by learning functions that generalize to new nodes and graphs. We show that our proposed framework is effective with an average AUC improvement of 16.55% while requiring on average 853x less space than existing methods on a variety of graphs.Comment: StarAI workshop @ IJCAI 201

    FI-GRL: Fast Inductive Graph Representation Learning via Projection-Cost Preservation

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    Graph representation learning aims at transforming graph data into meaningful low-dimensional vectors to facilitate the employment of machine learning and data mining algorithms designed for general data. Most current graph representation learning approaches are transductive, which means that they require all the nodes in the graph are known when learning graph representations and these approaches cannot naturally generalize to unseen nodes. In this paper, we present a Fast Inductive Graph Representation Learning framework (FI-GRL) to learn nodes' low-dimensional representations. Our approach can obtain accurate representations for seen nodes with provable theoretical guarantees and can easily generalize to unseen nodes. Specifically, in order to explicitly decouple nodes' relations expressed by the graph, we transform nodes into a randomized subspace spanned by a random projection matrix. This stage is guaranteed to preserve the projection-cost of the normalized random walk matrix which is highly related to the normalized cut of the graph. Then feature extraction is achieved by conducting singular value decomposition on the obtained matrix sketch. By leveraging the property of projection-cost preservation on the matrix sketch, the obtained representation result is nearly optimal. To deal with unseen nodes, we utilize folding-in technique to learn their meaningful representations. Empirically, when the amount of seen nodes are larger than that of unseen nodes, FI-GRL always achieves excellent results. Our algorithm is fast, simple to implement and theoretically guaranteed. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm on both efficacy and efficiency over both macroscopic level (clustering) and microscopic level (structural hole detection) applications.Comment: ICDM 2018, Full Versio

    Characterization of citizens using word2vec and latent topic analysis in a large set of tweets

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    With the increasing use of the Internet and mobile devices, social networks are becoming the most used media to communicate citizens' ideas and thoughts. This information is very useful to identify communities with common ideas based on what they publish in the network. This paper presents a method to automatically detect city communities based on machine learning techniques applied to a set of tweets from Bogot\'a's citizens. An analysis was performed in a collection of 2,634,176 tweets gathered from Twitter in a period of six months. Results show that the proposed method is an interesting tool to characterize a city population based on a machine learning methods and text analytics

    CommunityGAN: Community Detection with Generative Adversarial Nets

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    Community detection refers to the task of discovering groups of vertices sharing similar properties or functions so as to understand the network data. With the recent development of deep learning, graph representation learning techniques are also utilized for community detection. However, the communities can only be inferred by applying clustering algorithms based on learned vertex embeddings. These general cluster algorithms like K-means and Gaussian Mixture Model cannot output much overlapped communities, which have been proved to be very common in many real-world networks. In this paper, we propose CommunityGAN, a novel community detection framework that jointly solves overlapping community detection and graph representation learning. First, unlike the embedding of conventional graph representation learning algorithms where the vector entry values have no specific meanings, the embedding of CommunityGAN indicates the membership strength of vertices to communities. Second, a specifically designed Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) is adopted to optimize such embedding. Through the minimax competition between the motif-level generator and discriminator, both of them can alternatively and iteratively boost their performance and finally output a better community structure. Extensive experiments on synthetic data and real-world tasks demonstrate that CommunityGAN achieves substantial community detection performance gains over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 7 table

    Fast Gradient Attack on Network Embedding

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    Network embedding maps a network into a low-dimensional Euclidean space, and thus facilitate many network analysis tasks, such as node classification, link prediction and community detection etc, by utilizing machine learning methods. In social networks, we may pay special attention to user privacy, and would like to prevent some target nodes from being identified by such network analysis methods in certain cases. Inspired by successful adversarial attack on deep learning models, we propose a framework to generate adversarial networks based on the gradient information in Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). In particular, we extract the gradient of pairwise nodes based on the adversarial network, and select the pair of nodes with maximum absolute gradient to realize the Fast Gradient Attack (FGA) and update the adversarial network. This process is implemented iteratively and terminated until certain condition is satisfied, i.e., the number of modified links reaches certain predefined value. Comprehensive attacks, including unlimited attack, direct attack and indirect attack, are performed on six well-known network embedding methods. The experiments on real-world networks suggest that our proposed FGA behaves better than some baseline methods, i.e., the network embedding can be easily disturbed using FGA by only rewiring few links, achieving state-of-the-art attack performance

    Overlapping Community Detection with Graph Neural Networks

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    Community detection is a fundamental problem in machine learning. While deep learning has shown great promise in many graphrelated tasks, developing neural models for community detection has received surprisingly little attention. The few existing approaches focus on detecting disjoint communities, even though communities in real graphs are well known to be overlapping. We address this shortcoming and propose a graph neural network (GNN) based model for overlapping community detection. Despite its simplicity, our model outperforms the existing baselines by a large margin in the task of community recovery. We establish through an extensive experimental evaluation that the proposed model is effective, scalable and robust to hyperparameter settings. We also perform an ablation study that confirms that GNN is the key ingredient to the power of the proposed model.Comment: The First International Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs (In Conjunction with the 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining) https://dlg2019.bitbucket.io

    Phonetic-enriched Text Representation for Chinese Sentiment Analysis with Reinforcement Learning

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    The Chinese pronunciation system offers two characteristics that distinguish it from other languages: deep phonemic orthography and intonation variations. We are the first to argue that these two important properties can play a major role in Chinese sentiment analysis. Particularly, we propose two effective features to encode phonetic information. Next, we develop a Disambiguate Intonation for Sentiment Analysis (DISA) network using a reinforcement network. It functions as disambiguating intonations for each Chinese character (pinyin). Thus, a precise phonetic representation of Chinese is learned. Furthermore, we also fuse phonetic features with textual and visual features in order to mimic the way humans read and understand Chinese text. Experimental results on five different Chinese sentiment analysis datasets show that the inclusion of phonetic features significantly and consistently improves the performance of textual and visual representations and outshines the state-of-the-art Chinese character level representations

    vGraph: A Generative Model for Joint Community Detection and Node Representation Learning

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    This paper focuses on two fundamental tasks of graph analysis: community detection and node representation learning, which capture the global and local structures of graphs, respectively. In the current literature, these two tasks are usually independently studied while they are actually highly correlated. We propose a probabilistic generative model called vGraph to learn community membership and node representation collaboratively. Specifically, we assume that each node can be represented as a mixture of communities, and each community is defined as a multinomial distribution over nodes. Both the mixing coefficients and the community distribution are parameterized by the low-dimensional representations of the nodes and communities. We designed an effective variational inference algorithm which regularizes the community membership of neighboring nodes to be similar in the latent space. Experimental results on multiple real-world graphs show that vGraph is very effective in both community detection and node representation learning, outperforming many competitive baselines in both tasks. We show that the framework of vGraph is quite flexible and can be easily extended to detect hierarchical communities.Comment: Accepted Paper at NeurIPS 201

    Can Adversarial Network Attack be Defended?

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    Machine learning has been successfully applied to complex network analysis in various areas, and graph neural networks (GNNs) based methods outperform others. Recently, adversarial attack on networks has attracted special attention since carefully crafted adversarial networks with slight perturbations on clean network may invalid lots of network applications, such as node classification, link prediction, and community detection etc. Such attacks are easily constructed with serious security threat to various analyze methods, including traditional methods and deep models. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that defense method against network adversarial attack is discussed. In this paper, we are interested in the possibility of defense against adversarial attack on network, and propose defense strategies for GNNs against attacks. First, we propose novel adversarial training strategies to improve GNNs' defensibility against attacks. Then, we analytically investigate the robustness properties for GNNs granted by the use of smooth defense, and propose two special smooth defense strategies: smoothing distillation and smoothing cross-entropy loss function. Both of them are capable of smoothing gradient of GNNs, and consequently reduce the amplitude of adversarial gradients, which benefits gradient masking from attackers. The comprehensive experiments show that our proposed strategies have great defensibility against different adversarial attacks on four real-world networks in different network analyze tasks.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1809.0279

    Dynamic Node Embeddings from Edge Streams

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    Networks evolve continuously over time with the addition, deletion, and changing of links and nodes. Such temporal networks (or edge streams) consist of a sequence of timestamped edges and are seemingly ubiquitous. Despite the importance of accurately modeling the temporal information, most embedding methods ignore it entirely or approximate the temporal network using a sequence of static snapshot graphs. In this work, we propose using the notion of temporal walks for learning dynamic embeddings from temporal networks. Temporal walks capture the temporally valid interactions (e.g., flow of information, spread of disease) in the dynamic network in a lossless fashion. Based on the notion of temporal walks, we describe a general class of embeddings called continuous-time dynamic network embeddings (CTDNEs) that completely avoid the issues and problems that arise when approximating the temporal network as a sequence of static snapshot graphs. Unlike previous work, CTDNEs learn dynamic node embeddings directly from the temporal network at the finest temporal granularity and thus use only temporally valid information. As such CTDNEs naturally support online learning of the node embeddings in a streaming real-time fashion. Finally, the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this class of embedding methods that leverage temporal walks as it achieves an average gain in AUC of 11.9% across all methods and graphs.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETIC