5,646 research outputs found

    DeepDriving: Learning Affordance for Direct Perception in Autonomous Driving

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    Today, there are two major paradigms for vision-based autonomous driving systems: mediated perception approaches that parse an entire scene to make a driving decision, and behavior reflex approaches that directly map an input image to a driving action by a regressor. In this paper, we propose a third paradigm: a direct perception approach to estimate the affordance for driving. We propose to map an input image to a small number of key perception indicators that directly relate to the affordance of a road/traffic state for driving. Our representation provides a set of compact yet complete descriptions of the scene to enable a simple controller to drive autonomously. Falling in between the two extremes of mediated perception and behavior reflex, we argue that our direct perception representation provides the right level of abstraction. To demonstrate this, we train a deep Convolutional Neural Network using recording from 12 hours of human driving in a video game and show that our model can work well to drive a car in a very diverse set of virtual environments. We also train a model for car distance estimation on the KITTI dataset. Results show that our direct perception approach can generalize well to real driving images. Source code and data are available on our project website

    Static and Dynamic Affordance Learning in Vision-based Direct Perception for Autonomous Driving

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    The recent development in autonomous driving involves high-level computer vision and detailed road scene understanding. Today, most autonomous vehicles are using the mediated perception approach for path planning and control, which highly rely on high-definition 3D maps and real-time sensors. Recent research efforts aim to substitute the massive HD maps with coarse road attributes. In this thesis, We follow the direct perception-based method to train a deep neural network for affordance learning in autonomous driving. The goal and the main contributions of this thesis are in two folds. Firstly, to develop the affordance learning model based on freely available Google Street View panoramas and Open Street Map road vector attributes. Driving scene understanding can be achieved by learning affordances from the images captured by car-mounted cameras. Such scene understanding by learning affordances may be useful for corroborating base-maps such as HD maps so that the required data storage space is minimized and available for processing in real-time. We compare capability in road attribute identification between human volunteers and the trained model by experimental evaluation. The results indicate that this method could act as a cheaper way for training data collection in autonomous driving. The cross-validation results also indicate the effectiveness of the trained model. Secondly, We propose a scalable and affordable data collection framework named I2MAP (image-to-map annotation proximity algorithm) for autonomous driving systems. We built an automated labeling pipeline with both vehicle dynamics and static road attributes. The data collected and annotated under our framework is suitable for direct perception and end-to-end imitation learning. Our benchmark consists of 40,000 images with more than 40 affordance labels under various day time and weather even with very challenging heavy snow. We train and evaluate a ConvNet based traffic flow prediction model for driver warning and suggestion under low visibility condition

    Virtual to Real Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

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    Reinforcement learning is considered as a promising direction for driving policy learning. However, training autonomous driving vehicle with reinforcement learning in real environment involves non-affordable trial-and-error. It is more desirable to first train in a virtual environment and then transfer to the real environment. In this paper, we propose a novel realistic translation network to make model trained in virtual environment be workable in real world. The proposed network can convert non-realistic virtual image input into a realistic one with similar scene structure. Given realistic frames as input, driving policy trained by reinforcement learning can nicely adapt to real world driving. Experiments show that our proposed virtual to real (VR) reinforcement learning (RL) works pretty well. To our knowledge, this is the first successful case of driving policy trained by reinforcement learning that can adapt to real world driving data