4 research outputs found

    Learning Adaptive Loss for Robust Learning with Noisy Labels

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    Robust loss minimization is an important strategy for handling robust learning issue on noisy labels. Current robust loss functions, however, inevitably involve hyperparameter(s) to be tuned, manually or heuristically through cross validation, which makes them fairly hard to be generally applied in practice. Besides, the non-convexity brought by the loss as well as the complicated network architecture makes it easily trapped into an unexpected solution with poor generalization capability. To address above issues, we propose a meta-learning method capable of adaptively learning hyperparameter in robust loss functions. Specifically, through mutual amelioration between robust loss hyperparameter and network parameters in our method, both of them can be simultaneously finely learned and coordinated to attain solutions with good generalization capability. Four kinds of SOTA robust loss functions are attempted to be integrated into our algorithm, and comprehensive experiments substantiate the general availability and effectiveness of the proposed method in both its accuracy and generalization performance, as compared with conventional hyperparameter tuning strategy, even with carefully tuned hyperparameters.Comment: 10page

    A Second-Order Approach to Learning with Instance-Dependent Label Noise

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    The presence of label noise often misleads the training of deep neural networks. Departing from the recent literature which largely assumes the label noise rate is only determined by the true label class, the errors in human-annotated labels are more likely to be dependent on the difficulty levels of tasks, resulting in settings with instance-dependent label noise. We first provide evidences that the heterogeneous instance-dependent label noise is effectively down-weighting the examples with higher noise rates in a non-uniform way and thus causes imbalances, rendering the strategy of directly applying methods for class-dependent label noise questionable. Built on a recent work peer loss [24], we then propose and study the potentials of a second-order approach that leverages the estimation of several covariance terms defined between the instance-dependent noise rates and the Bayes optimal label. We show that this set of second-order statistics successfully captures the induced imbalances. We further proceed to show that with the help of the estimated second-order statistics, we identify a new loss function whose expected risk of a classifier under instance-dependent label noise is equivalent to a new problem with only class-dependent label noise. This fact allows us to apply existing solutions to handle this better-studied setting. We provide an efficient procedure to estimate these second-order statistics without accessing either ground truth labels or prior knowledge of the noise rates. Experiments on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 with synthetic instance-dependent label noise and Clothing1M with real-world human label noise verify our approach. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/UCSC-REAL/CAL.Comment: Learning with label noise. Accepted as an oral paper by CVPR 202

    Learning with Instance-Dependent Label Noise: A Sample Sieve Approach

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    Human-annotated labels are often prone to noise, and the presence of such noise will degrade the performance of the resulting deep neural network (DNN) models. Much of the literature (with several recent exceptions) of learning with noisy labels focuses on the case when the label noise is independent of features. Practically, annotations errors tend to be instance-dependent and often depend on the difficulty levels of recognizing a certain task. Applying existing results from instance-independent settings would require a significant amount of estimation of noise rates. Therefore, providing theoretically rigorous solutions for learning with instance-dependent label noise remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose CORES2^{2} (COnfidence REgularized Sample Sieve), which progressively sieves out corrupted examples. The implementation of CORES2^{2} does not require specifying noise rates and yet we are able to provide theoretical guarantees of CORES2^{2} in filtering out the corrupted examples. This high-quality sample sieve allows us to treat clean examples and the corrupted ones separately in training a DNN solution, and such a separation is shown to be advantageous in the instance-dependent noise setting. We demonstrate the performance of CORES2^{2} on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets with synthetic instance-dependent label noise and Clothing1M with real-world human noise. As of independent interests, our sample sieve provides a generic machinery for anatomizing noisy datasets and provides a flexible interface for various robust training techniques to further improve the performance. Code is available at https://github.com/UCSC-REAL/cores.Comment: ICLR 202

    Meta-LR-Schedule-Net: Learned LR Schedules that Scale and Generalize

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    The learning rate (LR) is one of the most important hyper-parameters in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for deep neural networks (DNNs) training and generalization. However, current hand-designed LR schedules need to manually pre-specify schedule as well as its extra hyper-parameters, which limits its ability to adapt non-convex optimization problems due to the significant variation of training dynamic. To address this issue, we propose a model capable of adaptively learning LR schedule from data. We specifically design a meta-learner with explicit mapping formulation to parameterize LR schedules, which can adjust LR adaptively to comply with current training dynamic by leveraging the information from past training histories. Image and text classification benchmark experiments substantiate the capability of our method for achieving proper LR schedules compared with baseline methods. Moreover, we transfer the learned LR schedule to other various tasks, like different training batch sizes, epochs, datasets, network architectures, especially large scale ImageNet dataset, showing its stronger generalization capability than related methods. Finally, guided by a small set of clean validation set, we show our method can achieve better generalization error when training data is biased with corrupted noise than baseline methods.Comment: 21 page