11 research outputs found

    Where and Who? Automatic Semantic-Aware Person Composition

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    Image compositing is a method used to generate realistic yet fake imagery by inserting contents from one image to another. Previous work in compositing has focused on improving appearance compatibility of a user selected foreground segment and a background image (i.e. color and illumination consistency). In this work, we instead develop a fully automated compositing model that additionally learns to select and transform compatible foreground segments from a large collection given only an input image background. To simplify the task, we restrict our problem by focusing on human instance composition, because human segments exhibit strong correlations with their background and because of the availability of large annotated data. We develop a novel branching Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that jointly predicts candidate person locations given a background image. We then use pre-trained deep feature representations to retrieve person instances from a large segment database. Experimental results show that our model can generate composite images that look visually convincing. We also develop a user interface to demonstrate the potential application of our method.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    SG-VAE: Scene Grammar Variational Autoencoder to generate new indoor scenes

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    Deep generative models have been used in recent years to learn coherent latent representations in order to synthesize high-quality images. In this work, we propose a neural network to learn a generative model for sampling consistent indoor scene layouts. Our method learns the co-occurrences, and appearance parameters such as shape and pose, for different objects categories through a grammar-based auto-encoder, resulting in a compact and accurate representation for scene layouts. In contrast to existing grammar-based methods with a user-specified grammar, we construct the grammar automatically by extracting a set of production rules on reasoning about object co-occurrences in training data. The extracted grammar is able to represent a scene by an augmented parse tree. The proposed auto-encoder encodes these parse trees to a latent code, and decodes the latent code to a parse tree, thereby ensuring the generated scene is always valid. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed auto-encoder learns not only to generate valid scenes (i.e. the arrangements and appearances of objects), but it also learns coherent latent representations where nearby latent samples decode to similar scene outputs. The obtained generative model is applicable to several computer vision tasks such as 3D pose and layout estimation from RGB-D data