4,531 research outputs found

    OPEB: Open Physical Environment Benchmark for Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial Intelligence methods to solve continuous- control tasks have made significant progress in recent years. However, these algorithms have important limitations and still need significant improvement to be used in industry and real- world applications. This means that this area is still in an active research phase. To involve a large number of research groups, standard benchmarks are needed to evaluate and compare proposed algorithms. In this paper, we propose a physical environment benchmark framework to facilitate collaborative research in this area by enabling different research groups to integrate their designed benchmarks in a unified cloud-based repository and also share their actual implemented benchmarks via the cloud. We demonstrate the proposed framework using an actual implementation of the classical mountain-car example and present the results obtained using a Reinforcement Learning algorithm.Comment: Accepted in 3rd IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry 201

    Uncertainty Aware Learning from Demonstrations in Multiple Contexts using Bayesian Neural Networks

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    Diversity of environments is a key challenge that causes learned robotic controllers to fail due to the discrepancies between the training and evaluation conditions. Training from demonstrations in various conditions can mitigate---but not completely prevent---such failures. Learned controllers such as neural networks typically do not have a notion of uncertainty that allows to diagnose an offset between training and testing conditions, and potentially intervene. In this work, we propose to use Bayesian Neural Networks, which have such a notion of uncertainty. We show that uncertainty can be leveraged to consistently detect situations in high-dimensional simulated and real robotic domains in which the performance of the learned controller would be sub-par. Also, we show that such an uncertainty based solution allows making an informed decision about when to invoke a fallback strategy. One fallback strategy is to request more data. We empirically show that providing data only when requested results in increased data-efficiency.Comment: Copyright 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Learning Fast and Precise Pixel-to-Torque Control

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    In the field, robots often need to operate in unknown and unstructured environments, where accurate sensing and state estimation (SE) becomes a major challenge. Cameras have been used to great success in mapping and planning in such environments, as well as complex but quasi-static tasks such as grasping, but are rarely integrated into the control loop for unstable systems. Learning pixel-to-torque control promises to allow robots to flexibly handle a wider variety of tasks. Although they do not present additional theoretical obstacles, learning pixel-to-torque control for unstable systems that that require precise and high bandwidth control still poses a significant practical challenge, and best practices have not yet been established. To help drive reproducible research on the practical aspects of learning pixel-to-torque control, we propose a platform that can flexibly represent the entire process, from lab to deployment, for learning pixel-to-torque control on a robot with fast, unstable dynamics: the vision-based Furuta pendulum. The platform can be reproduced with either off-the-shelf or custom-built hardware. We expect that this platform will allow researchers to quickly and systematically test different approaches, as well as reproduce and benchmark case studies from other labs. We also present a first case study on this system using DNNs which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first demonstration of learning pixel-to-torque control on an unstable system with update rates faster than 100 Hz. A video synopsis can be found online at https://youtu.be/S2llScfG-8E, and in the supplementary material.Comment: video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2llScfG-8E 9 pages. Published in Robotics and Automation Magazin

    State Representation Learning for Control: An Overview

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    Representation learning algorithms are designed to learn abstract features that characterize data. State representation learning (SRL) focuses on a particular kind of representation learning where learned features are in low dimension, evolve through time, and are influenced by actions of an agent. The representation is learned to capture the variation in the environment generated by the agent's actions; this kind of representation is particularly suitable for robotics and control scenarios. In particular, the low dimension characteristic of the representation helps to overcome the curse of dimensionality, provides easier interpretation and utilization by humans and can help improve performance and speed in policy learning algorithms such as reinforcement learning. This survey aims at covering the state-of-the-art on state representation learning in the most recent years. It reviews different SRL methods that involve interaction with the environment, their implementations and their applications in robotics control tasks (simulated or real). In particular, it highlights how generic learning objectives are differently exploited in the reviewed algorithms. Finally, it discusses evaluation methods to assess the representation learned and summarizes current and future lines of research
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