308 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Exploration for Accelerating Contextual Bandits

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    Contextual bandit learning is an increasingly popular approach to optimizing recommender systems via user feedback, but can be slow to converge in practice due to the need for exploring a large feature space. In this paper, we propose a coarse-to-fine hierarchical approach for encoding prior knowledge that drastically reduces the amount of exploration required. Intuitively, user preferences can be reasonably embedded in a coarse low-dimensional feature space that can be explored efficiently, requiring exploration in the high-dimensional space only as necessary. We introduce a bandit algorithm that explores within this coarse-to-fine spectrum, and prove performance guarantees that depend on how well the coarse space captures the user's preferences. We demonstrate substantial improvement over conventional bandit algorithms through extensive simulation as well as a live user study in the setting of personalized news recommendation.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012

    Let's Get It Started: Fostering the Discoverability of New Releases on Deezer

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    This paper presents our recent initiatives to foster the discoverability of new releases on the music streaming service Deezer. After introducing our search and recommendation features dedicated to new releases, we outline our shift from editorial to personalized release suggestions using cold start embeddings and contextual bandits. Backed by online experiments, we discuss the advantages of this shift in terms of recommendation quality and exposure of new releases on the service.Comment: Accepted for presentation as an "Industry Talk" at the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024

    Carousel Personalization in Music Streaming Apps with Contextual Bandits

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    Media services providers, such as music streaming platforms, frequently leverage swipeable carousels to recommend personalized content to their users. However, selecting the most relevant items (albums, artists, playlists...) to display in these carousels is a challenging task, as items are numerous and as users have different preferences. In this paper, we model carousel personalization as a contextual multi-armed bandit problem with multiple plays, cascade-based updates and delayed batch feedback. We empirically show the effectiveness of our framework at capturing characteristics of real-world carousels by addressing a large-scale playlist recommendation task on a global music streaming mobile app. Along with this paper, we publicly release industrial data from our experiments, as well as an open-source environment to simulate comparable carousel personalization learning problems.Comment: 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2020, Best Short Paper Candidate
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