1 research outputs found

    Large-vocabulary speaker-independent continuous speech recognition with semi-continuous hidden Markov models

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    A semi-continuous hidden Markov model based on the muluple vector quantization codebooks is used here for large.vocabulary speaker-independent continuous speech recognition in the techn,ques employed here. the semi-continuous output probab~hty densHy function for each codebook is represented by a comhinat,on of the corre,~ponding discrete output probablhttes of the hidden Markov model end the continuous Gauss,an den. stay functions of each individual codebook. Parameters of vec. tor qusnttzation codebook and hidden Markov model are mutuully optimized to achJeve an optimal model'codebook comb,nation under a untried probab,hshc framework Another advantages of thts approach is the enhanced robustness of the semi. continuous output probability by the combination of multiple codewords and multtple codebooks For a 1000.word speakermdependen