6,935 research outputs found

    The current status of the Papuan pro-independence movement

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    Examines the aims, capacity, leadership and activities of both the armed units of the Free Papua Organisation (Organisasi Papua Merdeka, OPM) and the various political groupings supporting independence in Papua and abroad. Executive summary Indonesia’s approach to the independence movement in Papua has been to try to crush it, repress it, persuade it, co-opt it, divide it, dilute it or smother it in a process called development. Nothing has worked, and it has proved impossible to eradicate. It is too powerful an idea, backed by too much history and too many differences with the rest of Indonesia. The best policy the Indonesian government could adopt now would be the equivalent of “do no harm”, taking measures that will avoid further radicalisation. The most urgent is to invest in better policing. At the same time, the movement itself, generically known as the Free Papua Organisation (Organisasi Papua Merdeka, OPM) has been so resistant to unification, so riven by clan and personal interests, that to this day, it has never constituted a serious threat, militarily or politically, to the Indonesian state. It consists of three elements: a disparate group of armed units, each with limited territorial control, that does not answer to a single commander; several groups inside Papua that through demonstrations and protests give expression to a much more widespread sense of injustice and resentment; and a small group of leaders based abroad, in the Pacific, Europe and the U.S., who try to raise awareness of Papuan issues with a view toward generating international support for independence. The political fronts have never been able to direct the armed units, and the armed units themselves have generally tended to work out a wary co-existence with local governments, headed by directly elected Papuans. The conflict is of such low intensity that the government can easily live with it. The guerrillas have never done enough damage for the government to seriously consider negotiations, and many parties have an interest in sustaining the low-level threat. Faced with this situation, the political groups have adopted different tactics. The largest, most radical, and most dynamic, the West Papua National Committee (Komite Nasional Papua Barat, KNPB) has consciously tried to follow what it sees as the lessons of East Timor: provoke violence on the part of security forces and hope that international outrage over human rights violations resulting will change international reluctance to intervene, much as a massacre in East Timor in 1991 changed the political dynamics there. Any repressive action by the Indonesian government thus plays directly into the KNPB’s hands. (As one KNPB leader said, “That’s exactly what we want, lots of police abuses against us.”) Others would prefer to follow the Aceh model: press the Indonesian government for negotiations, mediated by an international third party. But the conditions in Aceh that produced a peace agreement in 2005, ending a three-decade insurgency, were vastly different to those in Papua, and Indonesian agreement to an outside mediator is unthinkable. The diaspora elites have only rarely managed to overcome longstanding divisions that date back to the early 1970s, but determination to become a member of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, an association of Pacific nations, gave them a clear short-term goal, resulting in the formation of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) in December 2014 (and eventual observer status, not membership, in 2015). The unity may be temporary, but for the moment it has given a new confidence to the movement; whether it can set other equally practical short-term goals and deliver remains to be seen. The same could be said of the Indonesian government. President Jokowi has made a point of trying to show he cares about Papua by making repeated visits, releasing a few political prisoners and promising to free more, and committing the central government to several major development projects. But the president and his advisers need to understand that these steps, however welcome, will not necessarily translate into support for the government. More roads, schools and houses, while desirable on their own terms, will not make pro-independence sentiment disappear. In the face of an emboldened and at least temporarily united political movement, the government also needs to understand some of the drivers of radicalisation and avoid exacerbating them. They include ineffective policing, where a frequent default response to any sign of trouble is to open fire; impunity for security forces, which fuels the sense of injustice; and a practice of undermining local customary institutions if they are suspected of pro-independence sympathies. Ultimately, Jakarta needs to learn to live with an independence movement that may be best managed by not trying to destroy it

    Sentiment analysis as a service

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    This research focuses on the design and development of a service composition based framework that enables the execution of services for social media based sentiment analysis. Our research develops novel analytical models, composition techniques and algorithms which use services as a mean for sentiment abstraction, processing and analysis from large scale social media data. Current sentiment analysis techniques require specialized skill of data science and machine learning. Moreover, traditional approaches rely on laborious and time-consuming activities such as manual dataset labelling, data model training and validation. This makes overall sentiment analysis process a challenging task. In comparison, services are `ready-made' software solutions that can be composed on-demand for developing complex applications without indulging in the domain specific details. This thesis investigates a novel approach that transforms traditional social media based sentiment analysis process into a service composition driven solution. In this thesis, we begin by developing a novel service framework that replaces the traditional sentiment analysis tasks with online services. Our framework includes a new service model to present services required for sentiment analysis. We develop a semantic service composition model and algorithm that dynamically composes various services for data collection, noise filtering and sentiment extraction. In particular, we focus on abstracting sentiment based on location and time. We then focus on enhancing the flexibility of our proposed service framework to compose appropriate sentiment analysis services for highly dynamic and changing features of social media platforms. In addition, we aim to efficiently process and analyze large scale social media data. In order to enhance our service composition framework, we propose a novel approach to formalize social media platforms as cloud enabled services. We develop a functional and quality of service (QoS) model that captures various dynamic features of social media platforms. In addition, we devise a cloud based service model to access social media platforms as services by using the Ontology Web Language for Service (OWL-S). Secondly, we integrate the QoS model into our existing composition framework. It enables our framework to dynamically assess the QoS of multiple social media platforms, and simultaneously compose appropriate services to extract, process, analyze and integrate the sentiment results from large scale data. Finally, we concentrate on efficient utilization of the sentiment analysis extracted from large scale data. We formulate a meta-information composition model that transforms and stores sentiment obtained from large streams of data into re-usable information. Later, the re-usable information is on-demand integrated and delivered to end users. To demonstrate the performance and test the effectiveness of our proposed models, we develop prototypes to evaluate our composition framework. We design several scenarios and conduct a series of experiments using real-world social media datasets. We present the results and discuss the outcomes which validate the performance of our research

    Twitter mood predicts the stock market

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    Behavioral economics tells us that emotions can profoundly affect individual behavior and decision-making. Does this also apply to societies at large, i.e., can societies experience mood states that affect their collective decision making? By extension is the public mood correlated or even predictive of economic indicators? Here we investigate whether measurements of collective mood states derived from large-scale Twitter feeds are correlated to the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) over time. We analyze the text content of daily Twitter feeds by two mood tracking tools, namely OpinionFinder that measures positive vs. negative mood and Google-Profile of Mood States (GPOMS) that measures mood in terms of 6 dimensions (Calm, Alert, Sure, Vital, Kind, and Happy). We cross-validate the resulting mood time series by comparing their ability to detect the public's response to the presidential election and Thanksgiving day in 2008. A Granger causality analysis and a Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Network are then used to investigate the hypothesis that public mood states, as measured by the OpinionFinder and GPOMS mood time series, are predictive of changes in DJIA closing values. Our results indicate that the accuracy of DJIA predictions can be significantly improved by the inclusion of specific public mood dimensions but not others. We find an accuracy of 87.6% in predicting the daily up and down changes in the closing values of the DJIA and a reduction of the Mean Average Percentage Error by more than 6%

    A sentiment based approach to pattern discovery and classification in social media

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    Social media allows people to participate, express opinions, mediate their own content and interact with other users. As such, sentiment information has become an integral part of social media. This thesis presents a sentiment-based approach to analyse content and social relationships in social media.First, this thesis aims to construct building blocks for sentiment analysis in social media, using sentiment in the form of mood. To that end, the problem of supervised mood classification is investigated. This line of work provides insights into what features in a generic document classification problem can be transferred to a mood classification problem in social media. As data in social media is normally large scale, novel scalable feature sets are introduced for this task. In particular, a novel set of psycholinguistic features is proposed and validated, which does not require a supervised feature selection phase and can therefore be applied for mood analysis at a large scale. Next, under an unsupervised setting, this thesis explores the new problem of pattern discovery in social media using sentiment information. The result is the discovery of intrinsic patterns of moods, each of which can be considered as a group of moods similar to a basic emotion studied in psychology, and therefore providing valuable empirical evidence about the structure of human emotion in the social media domain in a data-driven approach.The second major contribution of this thesis explores the use of sentiment information conveyed in on-line social diaries for detection of real-world events in a large scale setting. In particular, this thesis introduces the novel concept of 'sentiment burst' and employs a stochastic model for detection, and subsequent extraction, of events in social media. The resultant model is a powerful bursty detection algorithm suitable for on-line deployment on ever-growing datasets such as social media. An additional contribution in this line of work is an effective method for evaluating and ranking events using Google Timeline. This offers an objective measure by which to evaluate event detection a topic that is largely under explored in the current literature due to a general lack of human groundtruth.Next, under an egocentric analysis, sentiment information is used to study the impact of the demographics and personalities of users on the messages they create. In particular, we examine how the age and social connectivity of on-line users correlate with the affective, topical and psycholinguistic features of the texts they author. Using a large, ground-truthed dataset of millions of users and on-line diaries, we investigate various important questions posed in social media analysis, psychology and sociology. For example, is there a difference with regard to topic, psycholinguistic features and mood in the messages written by old versus young users? What features are predictive of a user's personality? Of extraversion and introversion? Are there features that are predictive of influence? The results obtained by our sentiment-based approach are encouraging, do not require an expensive feature selection phase and thus suggest a new and promising approach for egocentric analysis in the social media domain.Finally, the sentiment information conveyed in media content is investigated with respect to the networking and interaction aspects of a social media system. Sentiment information is studied in parallel with two other common aspects of social media content: topics and linguistic styles. Sentiment information is proved in this thesis to provide additional insights into the process of community formation. It is also shown to be a powerful predictor of community membership for a message or a user at a lighter computational cost

    Sentiment Classification of Online Customer Reviews and Blogs Using Sentence-level Lexical Based Semantic Orientation Method

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    ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis is the process of extracting knowledge from the peoples‟ opinions, appraisals and emotions toward entities, events and their attributes. These opinions greatly impact on customers to ease their choices regarding online shopping, choosing events, products and entities. With the rapid growth of online resources, a vast amount of new data in the form of customer reviews and opinions are being generated progressively. Hence, sentiment analysis methods are desirable for developing efficient and effective analyses and classification of customer reviews, blogs and comments. The main inspiration for this thesis is to develop high performance domain independent sentiment classification method. This study focuses on sentiment analysis at the sentence level using lexical based method for different type data such as reviews and blogs. The proposed method is based on general lexicons i.e. WordNet, SentiWordNet and user defined lexical dictionaries for sentiment orientation. The relations and glosses of these dictionaries provide solution to the domain portability problem. The experiments are performed on various data sets such as customer reviews and blogs comments. The results show that the proposed method with sentence contextual information is effective for sentiment classification. The proposed method performs better than word and text level corpus based machine learning methods for semantic orientation. The results highlight that the proposed method achieves an average accuracy of 86% at sentence-level and 97% at feedback level for customer reviews. Similarly, it achieves an average accuracy of 83% at sentence level and 86% at feedback level for blog comment

    An Improved Machine Learning Approach to Analyze the Sentiment of the Movie Reviews Using IMDB dataset

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    Sentiment analysis is a sub-domain of opinion mining where the analysis is focused on the extraction of emotions and opinions of the people towards a particular topic from a structured, semi-structured or unstructured textual data. In this paper, we try to focus our task of sentiment analysis on IMDB movie review database. . In this work the novel approach is improved NaĂŻve Bayes algorithm that is done with the help of Tf-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency). The comparison is done on different sizes dataset and the comparison is done on the basis of parameters like mean square error, accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score and our work has shown better accuracy than other classification algorithm Keywords: Review, Sentiment Analysis, Modern Information Retrieval, Opinion Mining, Classifier.
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