1,277 research outputs found

    Network Representation of Large-Scale Heterogeneous RNA Sequences with Integration of Diverse Multi-omics, Interactions, and Annotations Data

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    Long non-coding RNA, microRNA, and messenger RNA enable key regulations of various biological processes through a variety of diverse interaction mechanisms. Identifying the interactions and cross-talk between these heterogeneous RNA classes is essential in order to uncover the functional role of individual RNA transcripts, especially for unannotated and newly-discovered RNA sequences with no known interactions. Recently, sequence-based deep learning and network embedding methods are becoming promising approaches that can either predict RNA-RNA interactions from a sequence or infer missing interactions from patterns that may exist in the network topology. However, the majority of these methods have several limitations, eg, the inability to perform inductive predictions, to distinguish the directionality of interactions, or to integrate various sequence, interaction, and annotation biological datasets. We proposed a novel deep learning-based framework, rna2rna, which learns from RNA sequences to produce a low-dimensional embedding that preserves the proximities in both the interactions topology and the functional affinity topology. In this proposed embedding space, we have designated a two-part" source and target contexts" to capture the targeting and receptive fields of each RNA transcript, while encapsulating the heterogenous cross-talk interactions between lncRNAs and miRNAs. From experimental results, our method exhibits superior performance in AUPR rates compared to state-of-art approaches at predicting missing interactions in different RNA-RNA interaction databases and was shown to accurately perform link predictions to novel RNA sequences not seen at training time, even without any prior information. Additional results suggest that our proposed framework can capture a manifold for heterogeneous RNA sequences to discover novel functional annotations

    Basic tasks of sentiment analysis

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    Subjectivity detection is the task of identifying objective and subjective sentences. Objective sentences are those which do not exhibit any sentiment. So, it is desired for a sentiment analysis engine to find and separate the objective sentences for further analysis, e.g., polarity detection. In subjective sentences, opinions can often be expressed on one or multiple topics. Aspect extraction is a subtask of sentiment analysis that consists in identifying opinion targets in opinionated text, i.e., in detecting the specific aspects of a product or service the opinion holder is either praising or complaining about

    Improving Skip-Gram based Graph Embeddings via Centrality-Weighted Sampling

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    Network embedding techniques inspired by word2vec represent an effective unsupervised relational learning model. Commonly, by means of a Skip-Gram procedure, these techniques learn low dimensional vector representations of the nodes in a graph by sampling node-context examples. Although many ways of sampling the context of a node have been proposed, the effects of the way a node is chosen have not been analyzed in depth. To fill this gap, we have re-implemented the main four word2vec inspired graph embedding techniques under the same framework and analyzed how different sampling distributions affects embeddings performance when tested in node classification problems. We present a set of experiments on different well known real data sets that show how the use of popular centrality distributions in sampling leads to improvements, obtaining speeds of up to 2 times in learning times and increasing accuracy in all cases