5 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Analysis of Pop-Up Scam on Typosquatting URLs

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    Today, many different types of scams can be found on the internet. Online criminals are always finding new creative ways to trick internet users, be it in the form of lottery scams, downloading scam apps for smartphones or fake gambling websites. This paper presents a large-scale study on one particular delivery method of online scam: pop-up scam on typosquatting domains. Typosquatting describes the concept of registering domains which are very similar to existing ones while deliberately containing common typing errors; these domains are then used to trick online users while under the belief of browsing the intended website. Pop-up scam uses JavaScript alert boxes to present a message which attracts the user's attention very effectively, as they are a blocking user interface element. Our study among typosquatting domains derived from the Alexa Top 1 Million list revealed on 8255 distinct typosquatting URLs a total of 9857 pop-up messages, out of which 8828 were malicious. The vast majority of those distinct URLs (7176) were targeted and displayed pop-up messages to one specific HTTP user agent only. Based on our scans, we present an in-depth analysis as well as a detailed classification of different targeting parameters (user agent and language) which triggered varying kinds of pop-up scams.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    PhishReplicant: A Language Model-based Approach to Detect Generated Squatting Domain Names

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    Domain squatting is a technique used by attackers to create domain names for phishing sites. In recent phishing attempts, we have observed many domain names that use multiple techniques to evade existing methods for domain squatting. These domain names, which we call generated squatting domains (GSDs), are quite different in appearance from legitimate domain names and do not contain brand names, making them difficult to associate with phishing. In this paper, we propose a system called PhishReplicant that detects GSDs by focusing on the linguistic similarity of domain names. We analyzed newly registered and observed domain names extracted from certificate transparency logs, passive DNS, and DNS zone files. We detected 3,498 domain names acquired by attackers in a four-week experiment, of which 2,821 were used for phishing sites within a month of detection. We also confirmed that our proposed system outperformed existing systems in both detection accuracy and number of domain names detected. As an in-depth analysis, we examined 205k GSDs collected over 150 days and found that phishing using GSDs was distributed globally. However, attackers intensively targeted brands in specific regions and industries. By analyzing GSDs in real time, we can block phishing sites before or immediately after they appear.Comment: Accepted at ACSAC 202