28 research outputs found

    Inductive Visual Localisation: Factorised Training for Superior Generalisation

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    End-to-end trained Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been successfully applied to numerous problems that require processing sequences, such as image captioning, machine translation, and text recognition. However, RNNs often struggle to generalise to sequences longer than the ones encountered during training. In this work, we propose to optimise neural networks explicitly for induction. The idea is to first decompose the problem in a sequence of inductive steps and then to explicitly train the RNN to reproduce such steps. Generalisation is achieved as the RNN is not allowed to learn an arbitrary internal state; instead, it is tasked with mimicking the evolution of a valid state. In particular, the state is restricted to a spatial memory map that tracks parts of the input image which have been accounted for in previous steps. The RNN is trained for single inductive steps, where it produces updates to the memory in addition to the desired output. We evaluate our method on two different visual recognition problems involving visual sequences: (1) text spotting, i.e. joint localisation and reading of text in images containing multiple lines (or a block) of text, and (2) sequential counting of objects in aerial images. We show that inductive training of recurrent models enhances their generalisation ability on challenging image datasets.Comment: In BMVC 2018 (spotlight

    Synthetic Data and Artificial Neural Networks for Natural Scene Text Recognition

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    In this work we present a framework for the recognition of natural scene text. Our framework does not require any human-labelled data, and performs word recognition on the whole image holistically, departing from the character based recognition systems of the past. The deep neural network models at the centre of this framework are trained solely on data produced by a synthetic text generation engine -- synthetic data that is highly realistic and sufficient to replace real data, giving us infinite amounts of training data. This excess of data exposes new possibilities for word recognition models, and here we consider three models, each one "reading" words in a different way: via 90k-way dictionary encoding, character sequence encoding, and bag-of-N-grams encoding. In the scenarios of language based and completely unconstrained text recognition we greatly improve upon state-of-the-art performance on standard datasets, using our fast, simple machinery and requiring zero data-acquisition costs

    EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector

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    Previous approaches for scene text detection have already achieved promising performances across various benchmarks. However, they usually fall short when dealing with challenging scenarios, even when equipped with deep neural network models, because the overall performance is determined by the interplay of multiple stages and components in the pipelines. In this work, we propose a simple yet powerful pipeline that yields fast and accurate text detection in natural scenes. The pipeline directly predicts words or text lines of arbitrary orientations and quadrilateral shapes in full images, eliminating unnecessary intermediate steps (e.g., candidate aggregation and word partitioning), with a single neural network. The simplicity of our pipeline allows concentrating efforts on designing loss functions and neural network architecture. Experiments on standard datasets including ICDAR 2015, COCO-Text and MSRA-TD500 demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. On the ICDAR 2015 dataset, the proposed algorithm achieves an F-score of 0.7820 at 13.2fps at 720p resolution.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2017, fix equation (3

    Learning to Read by Spelling: Towards Unsupervised Text Recognition

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    This work presents a method for visual text recognition without using any paired supervisory data. We formulate the text recognition task as one of aligning the conditional distribution of strings predicted from given text images, with lexically valid strings sampled from target corpora. This enables fully automated, and unsupervised learning from just line-level text-images, and unpaired text-string samples, obviating the need for large aligned datasets. We present detailed analysis for various aspects of the proposed method, namely - (1) impact of the length of training sequences on convergence, (2) relation between character frequencies and the order in which they are learnt, (3) generalisation ability of our recognition network to inputs of arbitrary lengths, and (4) impact of varying the text corpus on recognition accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate excellent text recognition accuracy on both synthetically generated text images, and scanned images of real printed books, using no labelled training examples