1,874 research outputs found

    Large Margin Multiclass Gaussian Classification with Differential Privacy

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    As increasing amounts of sensitive personal information is aggregated into data repositories, it has become important to develop mechanisms for processing the data without revealing information about individual data instances. The differential privacy model provides a framework for the development and theoretical analysis of such mechanisms. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for learning a discriminatively trained multi-class Gaussian classifier that satisfies differential privacy using a large margin loss function with a perturbed regularization term. We present a theoretical upper bound on the excess risk of the classifier introduced by the perturbation.Comment: 14 page

    Mitigating Group Bias in Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Devices

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    Federated Learning is emerging as a privacy-preserving model training approach in distributed edge applications. As such, most edge deployments are heterogeneous in nature i.e., their sensing capabilities and environments vary across deployments. This edge heterogeneity violates the independence and identical distribution (IID) property of local data across clients and produces biased global models i.e. models that contribute to unfair decision-making and discrimination against a particular community or a group. Existing bias mitigation techniques only focus on bias generated from label heterogeneity in non-IID data without accounting for domain variations due to feature heterogeneity and do not address global group-fairness property. Our work proposes a group-fair FL framework that minimizes group-bias while preserving privacy and without resource utilization overhead. Our main idea is to leverage average conditional probabilities to compute a cross-domain group \textit{importance weights} derived from heterogeneous training data to optimize the performance of the worst-performing group using a modified multiplicative weights update method. Additionally, we propose regularization techniques to minimize the difference between the worst and best-performing groups while making sure through our thresholding mechanism to strike a balance between bias reduction and group performance degradation. Our evaluation of human emotion recognition and image classification benchmarks assesses the fair decision-making of our framework in real-world heterogeneous settings

    On PAC Learning Halfspaces in Non-interactive Local Privacy Model with Public Unlabeled Data

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    In this paper, we study the problem of PAC learning halfspaces in the non-interactive local differential privacy model (NLDP). To breach the barrier of exponential sample complexity, previous results studied a relaxed setting where the server has access to some additional public but unlabeled data. We continue in this direction. Specifically, we consider the problem under the standard setting instead of the large margin setting studied before. Under different mild assumptions on the underlying data distribution, we propose two approaches that are based on the Massart noise model and self-supervised learning and show that it is possible to achieve sample complexities that are only linear in the dimension and polynomial in other terms for both private and public data, which significantly improve the previous results. Our methods could also be used for other private PAC learning problems.Comment: To appear in The 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2022

    Statistical Active Learning Algorithms for Noise Tolerance and Differential Privacy

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    We describe a framework for designing efficient active learning algorithms that are tolerant to random classification noise and are differentially-private. The framework is based on active learning algorithms that are statistical in the sense that they rely on estimates of expectations of functions of filtered random examples. It builds on the powerful statistical query framework of Kearns (1993). We show that any efficient active statistical learning algorithm can be automatically converted to an efficient active learning algorithm which is tolerant to random classification noise as well as other forms of "uncorrelated" noise. The complexity of the resulting algorithms has information-theoretically optimal quadratic dependence on 1/(1−2η)1/(1-2\eta), where η\eta is the noise rate. We show that commonly studied concept classes including thresholds, rectangles, and linear separators can be efficiently actively learned in our framework. These results combined with our generic conversion lead to the first computationally-efficient algorithms for actively learning some of these concept classes in the presence of random classification noise that provide exponential improvement in the dependence on the error ϵ\epsilon over their passive counterparts. In addition, we show that our algorithms can be automatically converted to efficient active differentially-private algorithms. This leads to the first differentially-private active learning algorithms with exponential label savings over the passive case.Comment: Extended abstract appears in NIPS 201
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