4 research outputs found

    Laplacian matrices of weighted digraphs represented as quantum states

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    Representing graphs as quantum states is becoming an increasingly important approach to study entanglement of mixed states, alternate to the standard linear algebraic density matrix-based approach of study. In this paper, we propose a general weighted directed graph framework for investigating properties of a large class of quantum states which are defined by three types of Laplacian matrices associated with such graphs. We generalize the standard framework of defining density matrices from simple connected graphs to density matrices using both combinatorial and signless Laplacian matrices associated with weighted directed graphs with complex edge weights and with/without self-loops. We also introduce a new notion of Laplacian matrix, which we call signed Laplacian matrix associated with such graphs. We produce necessary and/or sufficient conditions for such graphs to correspond to pure and mixed quantum states. Using these criteria, we finally determine the graphs whose corresponding density matrices represent entangled pure states which are well known and important for quantum computation applications. We observe that all these entangled pure states share a common combinatorial structure.Comment: 19 pages, Modified version of quant-ph/1205.2747, title and abstract has been changed, One author has been adde

    Condition for zero and non-zero discord in graph Laplacian quantum states

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    This work is at the interface of graph theory and quantum mechanics. Quantum correlations epitomize the usefulness of quantum mechanics. Quantum discord is an interesting facet of bipartite quantum correlations. Earlier, it was shown that every combinatorial graph corresponds to quantum states whose characteristics are reflected in the structure of the underlined graph. A number of combinatorial relations between quantum discord and simple graphs were studied. To extend the scope of these studies, we need to generalize the earlier concepts applicable to simple graphs to weighted graphs, corresponding to a diverse class of quantum states. To this effect, we determine the class of quantum states whose density matrix representation can be derived from graph Laplacian matrices associated with a weighted directed graph and call them graph Laplacian quantum states. We find the graph-theoretic conditions for zero and non-zero quantum discord for these states. We apply these results on some important pure two qubit states, as well as a number of mixed quantum states, such as the Werner, Isotropic, and XX-states. We also consider graph Laplacian states corresponding to simple graphs as a special case.Comment: 24 pages, this version is very similar to the one published in the International Journal of Quantum Informatio

    From Sharma-Mittal to von-Neumann Entropy of a Graph

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    In this article, we introduce the Sharma-Mittal entropy of a graph, which is a generalization of the existing idea of the von-Neumann entropy. The well-known R{\'e}nyi, Thallis, and von-Neumann entropies can be expressed as limiting cases of Sharma-Mittal entropy. We have explicitly calculated them for cycle, path, and complete graphs. Also, we have proposed a number of bounds for these entropies. In addition, we have also discussed the entropy of product graphs, such as Cartesian, Kronecker, Lexicographic, Strong, and Corona products. The change in entropy can also be utilized in the analysis of growing network models (Corona graphs), useful in generating complex networks

    Phase Squeezing of Quantum Hypergraph States

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    Corresponding to a hypergraph GG with dd vertices, a quantum hypergraph state is defined by ∣G⟩=12dβˆ‘n=02dβˆ’1(βˆ’1)f(n)∣n⟩|G\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2^d}}\sum_{n = 0}^{2^d - 1} (-1)^{f(n)} |n \rangle, where ff is a dd-variable Boolean function depending on the hypergraph GG, and ∣n⟩|n \rangle denotes a binary vector of length 2d2^d with 11 at nn-th position for n=0,1,…(2dβˆ’1)n = 0, 1, \dots (2^d - 1). The non-classical properties of these states are studied. We consider annihilation and creation operator on the Hilbert space of dimension 2d2^d acting on the number states {∣n⟩:n=0,1,…(2dβˆ’1)}\{|n \rangle: n = 0, 1, \dots (2^d - 1)\}. The Hermitian number and phase operators, in finite dimensions, are constructed. The number-phase uncertainty for these states leads to the idea of phase squeezing. We establish that these states are squeezed in the phase quadrature only and satisfy the Agarwal-Tara criterion for non-classicality, which only depends on the number of vertices of the hypergraphs. We also point out that coherence is observed in the phase quadrature