18 research outputs found

    Advances on the investigation of landslides by space-borne synthetic aperture radar interferometry

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    Landslides are destructive geohazards to people and infrastructure, resulting in hundreds of deaths and billions of dollars of damage every year. Therefore, mapping the rate of deformation of such geohazards and understanding their mechanics is of paramount importance to mitigate the resulting impacts and properly manage the associated risks. In this paper, the main outcomes relevant to the joint European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Dragon-5 initiative cooperation project ID 59,339 “Earth observation for seismic hazard assessment and landslide early warning system” are reported. The primary goals of the project are to further develop advanced SAR/InSAR and optical techniques to investigate seismic hazards and risks, detect potential landslides in wide regions, and demonstrate EO-based landslide early warning system over selected landslides. This work only focuses on the landslide hazard content of the project, and thus, in order to achieve these objectives, the following tasks were developed up to now: a) a procedure for phase unwrapping errors and tropospheric delay correction; b) an improvement of a cross-platform SAR offset tracking method for the retrieval of long-term ground displacements; c) the application of polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR) to increase the number and quality of monitoring points in landslide-prone areas; d) the semiautomatic mapping and preliminary classification of active displacement areas on wide regions; e) the modeling and identification of landslides in order to identify triggering factors or predict future displacements; and f) the application of an InSAR-based landslide early warning system on a selected site. The achieved results, which mainly focus on specific sensitive regions, provide essential assets for planning present and future scientific activities devoted to identifying, mapping, characterizing, monitoring and predicting landslides, as well as for the implementation of early warning systems.This work was supported by the ESA-MOST China DRAGON-5 project with ref. 59339, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Agency of Research (AEI), and the European Funds for Regional Development under grant [grant number PID2020-117303GB-C22], by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital in the framework of the project CIAICO/2021/335, by the Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 41874005 and 41929001], the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University [grant numbers 300102269712 and 300102269303], and China Geological Survey Project [grant numbers DD20190637 and DD20190647]. Xiaojie Liu and Liuru Hu have been funded by Chinese Scholarship Council Grants Ref. [grant number 202006560031] and [grant number 202004180062], respectively

    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research

    Precipitation's impact on Beishan landslide deformation from 1986 to 2023

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    Investigating the response of landslide activity to climate change is crucial for understanding disastrous effects of climate change on high mountains. However, there is a lack of long-term, spatial-temporal consistent measurement of landslide activity prohibiting the study of this relationship. In this work, we used two methods to derive time-series of a landslide's deformation and study its relationship with precipitation in northeast Tibetan Plateau. The Small Baseline Subset Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SBAS-InSAR) method with Sentinel-1A images is firstly applied to derive timeseries of the landslide's deformation from 2020 to 2021. A recently developed method to derive cumulative deformations of optical images was used with Landsat 5 and Sentinel-2 images to derive the long-term deformation time-series from 1986 to 2023. Centimetre scale deformations detected by the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method are mainly located in the upper and eastern parts of the landslide, whereas metre scale deformations detected by optical method are in the middle of the landslide. Time-series results from both methods show that intra-annual initiations of the landslide's deformation occurred in rainy months (from July to October). Although there seems to be no direct relations between interannual deformations and precipitation, significant displacements since 2020 occurred after exceptionally wet years from 2018 (with a record-breaking precipitation year in 2020). With optical images, we found the maximum cumulative deformation of the landslide is >35 m since 1986 with major deformations (>20 m) found after 2020, which may indicate an imminent risk to the Lijie town near the landslide's toe. With climate change, increased precipitation is expected in future, which may trigger more similar landslides in this region its vicinity. This work demonstrates an executable framework to assess landslide hazard risk under climate change

    The June 2020 Aniangzhai landslide in Sichuan Province, Southwest China: slope instability analysis from radar and optical satellite remote sensing data

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    A large, deep-seated ancient landslide was partially reactivated on 17 June 2020 close to the Aniangzhai village of Danba County in Sichuan Province of Southwest China. It was initiated by undercutting of the toe of this landslide resulting from increased discharge of the Xiaojinchuan River caused by the failure of a landslide dam, which had been created by the debris flow originating from the Meilong valley. As a result, 12 townships in the downstream area were endangered leading to the evacuation of more than 20000 people. This study investigated the Aniangzhai landslide area by optical and radar satellite remote sensing techniques. A horizontal displacement map produced using cross-correlation of high-resolution optical images from Planet shows a maximum horizontal motion of approximately 15 meters for the slope failure between the two acquisitions. The undercutting effects on the toe of the landslide are clearly revealed by exploiting optical data and field surveys, indicating the direct influence of the overflow from the landslide dam and water release from a nearby hydropower station on the toe erosion. Pre-disaster instability analysis using a stack of SAR data from Sentinel-1 between 2014 and 2020 suggests that the Aniangzhai landslide has long been active before the failure, with the largest annual LOS deformation rate more than 50 mm/yr. The 3-year wet period that followed a relative drought year in 2016 resulted in a 14% higher average velocity in 2018–2020, in comparison to the rate in 2014–2017. A detailed analysis of slope surface kinematics in different parts of the landslide indicates that temporal changes in precipitation are mainly correlated with kinematics of motion at the head part of the failure body, where an accelerated creep is observed since spring 2020 before the large failure. Overall, this study provides an example of how full exploitation of optical and radar satellite remote sensing data can be used for a comprehensive analysis of destabilization and reactivation of an ancient landslide in response to a complex cascading event chain in the transition zone between the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Characterizing slope instability kinematics by integrating multi-sensor satellite remote sensing observations

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    Over the past few decades, the occurrence and intensity of geological hazards, such as landslides, have substantially risen due to various factors, including global climate change, seismic events, rapid urbanization and other anthropogenic activities. Landslide disasters pose a significant risk in both urban and rural areas, resulting in fatalities, infrastructure damages, and economic losses. Nevertheless, conventional ground-based monitoring techniques are often costly, time-consuming, and require considerable resources. Moreover, some landslide incidents occur in remote or hazardous locations, making ground-based observation and field investigation challenging or even impossible. Fortunately, the advancements in spaceborne remote sensing technology have led to the availability of large-scale and high-quality imagery, which can be utilized for various landslide-related applications, including identification, monitoring, analysis, and prediction. This efficient and cost-effective technology allows for remote monitoring and assessment of landslide risks and can significantly contribute to disaster management and mitigation efforts. Consequently, spaceborne remote sensing techniques have become vital for geohazard management in many countries, benefiting society by providing reliable downstream services. However, substantial effort is required to ensure that such benefits are provided. For establishing long-term data archives and reliable analyses, it is essential to maintain consistent and continued use of multi-sensor spaceborne remote sensing techniques. This will enable a more thorough understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for slope instabilities, leading to better decision-making and development of effective mitigation strategies. Ultimately, this can reduce the impact of landslide hazards on the general public. The present dissertation contributes to this effort from the following perspectives: 1. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of spaceborne remote sensing techniques for landslide monitoring, we integrated multi-sensor methods to monitor the entire life cycle of landslide dynamics. We aimed to comprehend the landslide evolution under complex cascading events by utilizing various spaceborne remote sensing techniques, e.g., the precursory deformation before catastrophic failure, co-failure procedures, and post-failure evolution of slope instability. 2. To address the discrepancies between spaceborne optical and radar imagery, we present a methodology that models four-dimensional (4D) post-failure landslide kinematics using a decaying mathematical model. This approach enables us to represent the stress relaxation for the landslide body dynamics after failure. By employing this methodology, we can overcome the weaknesses of the individual sensor in spaceborne optical and radar imaging. 3. We assessed the effectiveness of a newly designed small dihedral corner reflector for landslide monitoring. The reflector is compatible with both ascending and descending satellite orbits, while it is also suitable for applications with both high-resolution and medium-resolution satellite imagery. Furthermore, although its echoes are not as strong as those of conventional reflectors, the cost of the newly designed reflectors is reduced, with more manageable installation and maintenance. To overcome this limitation, we propose a specific selection strategy based on a probability model to identify the reflectors in satellite images

    Recent technological and methodological advances for the investigation of landslide dams

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    River-damming by landslides is a widespread phenomenon around the world. Recent advances in remote sensing technology and the rising commercial availability of their products enable the assemblage of increasingly more complete inventories and improve monitoring efforts. On the ground, multi-method dating campaigns enhance our understanding of the timelines of dam formation and failure. In comparison to single-dating methods, they reduce uncertainty by using different materials from the landslide deposit, facilitate the advantages of each method, and consider the deposit and the source area. They can pin dates on the time of lake drainage where backwater sediments are included in the dating campaign and thus inform about dam longevity. Geophysical methods provide non-invasive and rapid methods to investigate the properties and interior conditions of landslide dams. By identifying, e.g. evolving zones of weakness and saturation they can aid in the monitoring of a dam in addition to providing information on interior stratification for scientific research. To verify results from geophysical campaigns, and to add details of dam interior structures and geotechnical properties, knowledge of their sedimentology is essential. This information is gathered at sections from breached dams, other (partially) eroded landslide deposits, and through laboratory testing of sampled material. Combining the knowledge gained from all these methods with insights from blast-fill and embankment dam construction, physical and numerical modelling in multi-disciplinary research projects is the way forward in landslide dam research, assessment and monitoring. This review offers a broad, yet concise overview of the state-of-the-art in the aforementioned research fields. It completes the review of Fan et al. (2020) on the formation and impact on landslide dams

    Multitemporal Analysis of Slow-Moving Landslides and Channel Dynamics through Integrated Remote Sensing and In Situ Techniques

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    The relationships between hillslope and fluvial processes were studied in a mountainous area of the Northern Apennines (Italy) where intermittent landslide activity has interacted for a long time with river morphodynamics. The aim of the study was to analyse such relationships in two study sites of the Scoltenna catchment. The sites were analysed in detail and monitored through time. A long-term analysis was carried out based on multitemporal photointerpretation of aerial photos. Slope morphological changes and land use modifications since 1954 were detected and compared with the evolution of the channel morphology. A short-term analysis was also performed based on two monitoring campaigns accomplished in 2021 and 2022 in order to detect possible slope displacements and channel-bed-level changes. The techniques used are global navigation satellite systems and drone photogrammetry accompanied by geomorphological surveys and mapping. The multitemporal data collected allowed us to characterise slope surface deformations and quantify morphological changes. The combination of various techniques of remote and proximal sensing proved to be a useful tool for the analysis of the surface deformations and for the investigation of the interaction between slope and fluvial dynamics, showing the important role of fluvial processes in the remobilisation of the landslide toe causing the displacement of a significant volume of sediment into the stream

    Multi-source Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques for Landslide Monitoring and Characterization

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    Landslides are natural geological hazards that pose significant threats, resulting in economic losses and casualties worldwide. Effective monitoring and characterization of landslides are crucial for understanding their evolution mechanisms and preventing catastrophic failures. While conventional field surveying methods provide accurate measurements of surface deformation, they are limited by high costs in terms of labor and time and uncertainties of arrangement for the ground-based equipment. The Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique has proven its application in landslide monitoring, offering advantages such as all-weather operations, wide spatial coverage, high spatial resolution, and high accuracy. InSAR can measure subtle changes along the SAR line-of-sight (LOS) direction but is not sensitive to movements along the north-south direction. Additionally, rapid movements during the failure stage can cause high decorrelation. On the other hand, satellite optical remote sensing data, combined with pixel offset tracking (POT) techniques, can measure large displacements in the horizontal plane. Moreover, multi-spectral analysis of optical images can offer insights into the spatial evolution of landslides. Therefore, the joint use of satellite InSAR and optical remote sensing techniques is complementary in landslide monitoring and characterization. However, the joint utilization of these techniques for capturing the long-term evolutions of landslides, particularly at their different stages using multi-source data, remains relatively unexplored. This dissertation aims to optimize and demonstrate the approaches for the joint use of satellite SAR and optical data in landslide monitoring and characterization across three distinct stages: pre-failure, failure, and post-failure. Three major landslides were studied in this dissertation. Firstly, the surface deformation of the 2017 Maoxian landslide during the pre-failure stage was captured using time series InSAR, while pre-failure slope features were detected from optical images. Secondly, the joint utilization of time series InSAR observations and optical analysis facilitated the monitoring of the pre-failure, failure, and post-failure stages of the 2020 Aniangzhai landslide. Lastly, the long-term post-failure deformation of the Huangtupo landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir region was mapped using multi-source satellite SAR data, while the multi-temporal optical images were employed to investigate the long-term evolution of surface covers over the slope

    Multi-Temporal X-Band Radar Interferometry Using Corner Reflectors: Application and Validation at the Corvara Landslide (Dolomites, Italy)

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    From the wide range of methods available to landslide researchers and practitioners for monitoring ground displacements, remote sensing techniques have increased in popularity. Radar interferometry methods with their ability to record movements in the order of millimeters have been more frequently applied in recent years. Multi-temporal interferometry can assist in monitoring landslides on the regional and slope scale and thereby assist in assessing related hazards and risks. Our study focuses on the Corvara landslides in the Italian Alps, a complex earthflow with spatially varying displacement patterns. We used radar imagery provided by the COSMO-SkyMed constellation and carried out a validation of the derived time-series data with differential GPS data. Movement rates were assessed using the Permanent Scatterers based Multi-Temporal Interferometry applied to 16 artificial Corner Reflectors installed on the source, track and accumulation zones of the landslide. The overall movement trends were well covered by Permanent Scatterers based Multi-Temporal Interferometry, however, fast acceleration phases and movements along the satellite track could not be assessed with adequate accuracy due to intrinsic limitations of the technique. Overall, despite the intrinsic limitations, Multi-Temporal Interferometry proved to be a promising method to monitor landslides characterized by a linear and relatively slow movement rates

    Anthropogenic problems threatening major cities: Largest surface deformations observed in Hatay, Türkiye based on SBAS-InSAR

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    The surface deformation caused by tectonic activities and anthropogenic factors poses a great threat to cities worldwide. The investigation and monitoring of these deformations are crucial in order to create risk analysis for the future. The problem in this case is to investigate the surface deformations and their negative effects caused by groundwater use and to identify possible landslide areas. In this study, the surface deformations in Hatay province were analyzed using SBAS-InSAR. The results from these analyses were evaluated by field observations. Sentinel-1 descending (183 datasets) and ascending (147 datasets) track geometries were selected to determine the surface deformation and its temporal evolution. Both east-west and vertical surface deformations were calculated, and the surface deformation profiles, surface 3D models and time series were created. These time series were associated with monthly precipitation data. The deformation area was interpreted with regard to available well-log data and geological setting of the study area. As a result of the study, a surface deformation resembling a bowl like structure was observed in the industrial zone located in the city center of Hatay-Güzelburç. The deformation rates are approximately 22.3 cm/year in the form of subsidence, 3.6 cm/year in the form of eastern movement and 10.1 cm/year in the form of western movement. The deformation of this bowllike structure decelerated in the winter and accelerated in the summer due to excessive water use. The average monthly precipitation dataset supports these results. The stratigraphic data from water wells and the presence of limestone outside the eastern boundary of the deformation area show a thick clay layer in the eastern block of the bowl-shaped deformation structure. The difference between these two units, which causes a sharp anomaly at the eastern border of the deformation area, is interpreted as a probable normal fault. The second study area where surface deformations are observed is the landslide zone. The deformation was found to be 7.5 cm/year in a westward direction and 1.5 cm/year as subsidence