6 research outputs found

    Approach research of user experience of various target audiences’ interaction with the portal interface

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    Recently, much attention has been paid to the convenience and accessibility of software products, websites, mobile applications, etc. It increases interest in user-oriented product design and UX design. When developing digital products, designers use a spe cial pool of tools that allow to conduct empirical studies of user experience and model scenarios for the use of software products and services. Such methods and tools as interviews, observation, customer journey mapping (CJM), Persona Frameworks, User Stories, and heatmap have become widespread. Each of them allows to identify problematic areas of a software product or ser vice application, determine the directions of its update so that it fully satisfies users’ needs. It also solves key business tasks. The purpose of the study is to analyze and identify ways to improve the web portal based on usability testing. The official website for posting information on the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts by federal executive authorities and the results of its public discussion (https://regulation.gov.ru) has been taken as the object of the research. The portal plays a significant role in the tasks of ensuring transparency of normative activities in the field of public administration. In this regard, monitoring the effectiveness of the portal and availability of information for a wide audience on it is an urgent task. The study uses usability testing methods, decision-making interview, user feedback matrix, CJM, HotJar, SpyWord, and SemRush as tools of the research. The article describes the features of usability testing. It draws conclusions about possible directions of the portal modernization in order to achieve its convenience for a wide audience. As a result, a number of specific proposals have been formulated

    Targeted Influence Maximization In Labeled Social Networks with Non-Target Constraints

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    The objective of influence maximization problem is to find a set of highly influential nodes that maximizes the spread of influence in a social network. Such a set of nodes is called seed set. Targeted labeled influence maximization problem is an extension that attempts to find a seed set that maximizes influence among certain labeled nodes. However, in certain application areas such as market and political sciences, it is desirable to limit the spread of influence on certain set of nodes while maximizing the influence spread among different set of nodes. Motivated by this, in this work we formulate and study Constrained Targeted Influence Maximization problem where a network has two types of nodes --targets and non-targets. For a given k and theta, the objective is to find a k size seed set which maximizes the influence over the targets and keeps the influence over the non-targets within the threshold theta. We propose two algorithms based on the greedy approach and establish certain approximation guarantees. We extend this greedy algorithm to a Multi-Greedy algorithm. However, the pure greedy methods are not practically viable due to prohibitively high time overhead. To address that, we develop two-phase framework that will enable us to use multiple heuristic choices as subroutines. We experimentally show that several of these heuristic algorithms produce solutions whose quality is close to the quality of solutions produced by the greedy algorithm. We have developed a prototype framework and evaluated all the algorithms using social networks with different types and sizes

    Spreading information in social networks containing adversarial users

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    In the modern day, social networks have become an integral part of how people communicate information and ideas. Consequently, leveraging the network to maximize information spread is a science that is applied in viral marketing, political propaganda. In social networks, an idea/information starts from a small group of users (known as seed users) and is propagated through the network via connections of the seed users. There are limitations on the number of seed users that can be convinced to adopt a certain idea. Therefore, the problem exists in finding a small set of users who can maximally spread an idea/information. This is known as the influence maximization problem. While this problem has been studied extensively, the presence of potential adversarial users and their impact on the information spread, has not been considered in existing solutions.In this thesis, we study the problem of spreading information to Target users while limiting the spread from reaching adversarial(Non Target) users. To this end, we consider a hard constraint - the objective is to maximize the information spread among the Target users while the number of Non-Target users to whom the information reaches is limited by a hard constraint. We design two algorithms - Natural Greedy and Multi Greedy with efficient RIS based implementations. We run our solutions on real world social networks to study the information spread. Finally, we evaluate the quality of our solutions on different models of diffusion and network settings

    Influence maximization in the presence of vulnerable nodes: A ratio perspective

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    Influence maximization is a key problem seeking to identify users who will diffuse information to influence the largest number of other users in a social network. A drawback of the influence maximization problem is that it could be socially irresponsible to influence users many of whom would be harmed, due to their demographics, health conditions, or socioeconomic characteristics (e.g., predominantly overweight people influenced to buy junk food). Motivated by this drawback and by the fact that some of these vulnerable users will be influenced inadvertently, we introduce the problem of finding a set of users (seeds) that limits the influence to vulnerable users while maximizing the influence to the non-vulnerable users. We define a measure that captures the quality of a set of seeds as an additively smoothed ratio (ASR) between the expected number of influenced non-vulnerable users and the expected number of influenced vulnerable users. Then, we develop methods which aim to find a set of seeds that maximizes the measure: greedy heuristics, an approximation algorithm, as well as several variations of the approximation algorithm. We evaluate our methods on synthetic and real-world datasets and demonstrate they substantially outperform a state-of-the-art competitor in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. We also demonstrate that the variations of our approximation algorithm offer different trade-offs between effectiveness and efficiency

    Models, services and security in modern online social networks

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    Modern online social networks have revolutionized the world the same way the radio and the plane did, crossing geographical and time boundaries, not without problems, more can be learned, they can still change our world and that their true worth is still a question for the future

    An exploration of creative managers' perspectives on digital creativity: the impact of viral campaigns on creative processes, appeals and creative teams in UK advertising agencies

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    This research aims to develop conceptual insight into the practice and impact of a specific digital phenomenon – “viral marketing” – on marketing communications agencies. Specifically, it explores the UK, one of the most important hubs in global advertising looking at agenciesr campaign design planning, the roles of creative teams and the management processes through three research objectives: - To explicate, classify and explore the changes in advertising campaign planning processes and roles which digital phenomena such as virals have introduced - To capture and codify the working models which creative managers employ and the messaging strategies considered and implemented in viral campaigns - To develop theoretical models for understanding virals, agency campaign management, creative roles and develop extant frameworks Prior Work: Research into virals has grown rapidly over the last ten years but it is dominated by computing studies of online diffusion. The creative perspective has received little attention. Those studies which do address this viewpoint are principally focussed on the final advert. The voice of the producers of such campaigns – creative managers – is largely absent from the literature with a single study of campaign measurement. The roles of core teams/functions within the agencies, the criteria for viral creative concept evaluation, the campaign processes and working models are experiencing unprecedented change. Viral campaigns offer a bridge between the “old” and “new” worlds; it possesses the characteristics of TV and the Web. It is important because such viral campaigns have challenged the established models of advertising management and planning. Methods: The study undertakes the first comprehensive evaluation of the exisiting research into viral marketing, locating gaps in the creative design and management. Qualitative methodology through semi-structured in-depth interviews with creative managers in a range of UK advertising agencies is used to represent their views and responses to viral phenomena as they conceived, designed and reflected on campaigns. Contribution to Knowledge: This is the first study of the pre-launch/pre-production phase of campaign development. It has clarified a plethora of terms, in so doing developing the SPEED framework to understand the biological metaphor underpinning the phenomena, and finally producing a more accurate and comprehensive definition of the phenomenon. The paradigm funnel evaluation of prior research has tested and extended formal tools to arrive at a state of the art. The current research primarily consists of studies utilising secondary datasets, mainly quantitative – this study explores questions not just of what but of why, producing deeper insight than available before. Theoretical contributions: In the final model of viral creative management and design is an overarching conceptual contribution which for the first time represents creative roles, agency management and creative considerations at both pre and post-launch campaign phases. The thesis also develops theoretical constructs in specific areas – definition from practitioners, construct of campaign zones in viral design, a model of critical factors which facilitate virals, comparative theory of conventional and viral campaigns, characteristics of viral agencies, model of digital brand/agency relationships, a role construct for digital creatives among the main theoretical developments. These led into the final theoretical model