101,115 research outputs found

    Systematic analysis of the impact of label noise correction on ML Fairness

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    Arbitrary, inconsistent, or faulty decision-making raises serious concerns, and preventing unfair models is an increasingly important challenge in Machine Learning. Data often reflect past discriminatory behavior, and models trained on such data may reflect bias on sensitive attributes, such as gender, race, or age. One approach to developing fair models is to preprocess the training data to remove the underlying biases while preserving the relevant information, for example, by correcting biased labels. While multiple label noise correction methods are available, the information about their behavior in identifying discrimination is very limited. In this work, we develop an empirical methodology to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of label noise correction techniques in ensuring the fairness of models trained on biased datasets. Our methodology involves manipulating the amount of label noise and can be used with fairness benchmarks but also with standard ML datasets. We apply the methodology to analyze six label noise correction methods according to several fairness metrics on standard OpenML datasets. Our results suggest that the Hybrid Label Noise Correction method achieves the best trade-off between predictive performance and fairness. Clustering-Based Correction can reduce discrimination the most, however, at the cost of lower predictive performance

    Multi-Label Noise Robust Collaborative Learning Model for Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    The development of accurate methods for multi-label classification (MLC) of remote sensing (RS) images is one of the most important research topics in RS. Methods based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown strong performance gains in RS MLC problems. However, CNN-based methods usually require a high number of reliable training images annotated by multiple land-cover class labels. Collecting such data is time-consuming and costly. To address this problem, the publicly available thematic products, which can include noisy labels, can be used to annotate RS images with zero-labeling cost. However, multi-label noise (which can be associated with wrong and missing label annotations) can distort the learning process of the MLC algorithm. The detection and correction of label noise are challenging tasks, especially in a multi-label scenario, where each image can be associated with more than one label. To address this problem, we propose a novel noise robust collaborative multi-label learning (RCML) method to alleviate the adverse effects of multi-label noise during the training phase of the CNN model. RCML identifies, ranks and excludes noisy multi-labels in RS images based on three main modules: 1) discrepancy module; 2) group lasso module; and 3) swap module. The discrepancy module ensures that the two networks learn diverse features, while producing the same predictions. The task of the group lasso module is to detect the potentially noisy labels assigned to the multi-labeled training images, while the swap module task is devoted to exchanging the ranking information between two networks. Unlike existing methods that make assumptions about the noise distribution, our proposed RCML does not make any prior assumption about the type of noise in the training set. Our code is publicly available online: http://www.noisy-labels-in-rs.orgComment: Our code is publicly available online: http://www.noisy-labels-in-rs.or

    CrossSplit: Mitigating Label Noise Memorization through Data Splitting

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    We approach the problem of improving robustness of deep learning algorithms in the presence of label noise. Building upon existing label correction and co-teaching methods, we propose a novel training procedure to mitigate the memorization of noisy labels, called CrossSplit, which uses a pair of neural networks trained on two disjoint parts of the labelled dataset. CrossSplit combines two main ingredients: (i) Cross-split label correction. The idea is that, since the model trained on one part of the data cannot memorize example-label pairs from the other part, the training labels presented to each network can be smoothly adjusted by using the predictions of its peer network; (ii) Cross-split semi-supervised training. A network trained on one part of the data also uses the unlabeled inputs of the other part. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet and mini-WebVision datasets demonstrate that our method can outperform the current state-of-the-art in a wide range of noise ratios.Comment: Accepted to ICML 202

    Uncertainty-Aware Learning Against Label Noise on Imbalanced Datasets

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    Learning against label noise is a vital topic to guarantee a reliable performance for deep neural networks. Recent research usually refers to dynamic noise modeling with model output probabilities and loss values, and then separates clean and noisy samples. These methods have gained notable success. However, unlike cherry-picked data, existing approaches often cannot perform well when facing imbalanced datasets, a common scenario in the real world. We thoroughly investigate this phenomenon and point out two major issues that hinder the performance, i.e., \emph{inter-class loss distribution discrepancy} and \emph{misleading predictions due to uncertainty}. The first issue is that existing methods often perform class-agnostic noise modeling. However, loss distributions show a significant discrepancy among classes under class imbalance, and class-agnostic noise modeling can easily get confused with noisy samples and samples in minority classes. The second issue refers to that models may output misleading predictions due to epistemic uncertainty and aleatoric uncertainty, thus existing methods that rely solely on the output probabilities may fail to distinguish confident samples. Inspired by our observations, we propose an Uncertainty-aware Label Correction framework~(ULC) to handle label noise on imbalanced datasets. First, we perform epistemic uncertainty-aware class-specific noise modeling to identify trustworthy clean samples and refine/discard highly confident true/corrupted labels. Then, we introduce aleatoric uncertainty in the subsequent learning process to prevent noise accumulation in the label noise modeling process. We conduct experiments on several synthetic and real-world datasets. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, especially on imbalanced datasets

    Learning with Noisy Labels by Efficient Transition Matrix Estimation to Combat Label Miscorrection

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    Recent studies on learning with noisy labels have shown remarkable performance by exploiting a small clean dataset. In particular, model agnostic meta-learning-based label correction methods further improve performance by correcting noisy labels on the fly. However, there is no safeguard on the label miscorrection, resulting in unavoidable performance degradation. Moreover, every training step requires at least three back-propagations, significantly slowing down the training speed. To mitigate these issues, we propose a robust and efficient method that learns a label transition matrix on the fly. Employing the transition matrix makes the classifier skeptical about all the corrected samples, which alleviates the miscorrection issue. We also introduce a two-head architecture to efficiently estimate the label transition matrix every iteration within a single back-propagation, so that the estimated matrix closely follows the shifting noise distribution induced by label correction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach shows the best performance in training efficiency while having comparable or better accuracy than existing methods.Comment: ECCV202

    BoundaryFace: A mining framework with noise label self-correction for Face Recognition

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    Face recognition has made tremendous progress in recent years due to the advances in loss functions and the explosive growth in training sets size. A properly designed loss is seen as key to extract discriminative features for classification. Several margin-based losses have been proposed as alternatives of softmax loss in face recognition. However, two issues remain to consider: 1) They overlook the importance of hard sample mining for discriminative learning. 2) Label noise ubiquitously exists in large-scale datasets, which can seriously damage the model's performance. In this paper, starting from the perspective of decision boundary, we propose a novel mining framework that focuses on the relationship between a sample's ground truth class center and its nearest negative class center. Specifically, a closed-set noise label self-correction module is put forward, making this framework work well on datasets containing a lot of label noise. The proposed method consistently outperforms SOTA methods in various face recognition benchmarks. Training code has been released at https://github.com/SWJTU-3DVision/BoundaryFace.Comment: ECCV 2022. Code available at https://github.com/SWJTU-3DVision/BoundaryFac
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