1,313 research outputs found

    Schroedinger Eigenmaps for Manifold Alignment of Multimodal Hyperspectral Images

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    Multimodal remote sensing is an upcoming field as it allows for many views of the same region of interest. Domain adaption attempts to fuse these multimodal remotely sensed images by utilizing the concept of transfer learning to understand data from different sources to learn a fused outcome. Semisupervised Manifold Alignment (SSMA) maps multiple Hyperspectral images (HSIs) from high dimensional source spaces to a low dimensional latent space where similar elements reside closely together. SSMA preserves the original geometric structure of respective HSIs whilst pulling similar data points together and pushing dissimilar data points apart. The SSMA algorithm is comprised of a geometric component, a similarity component and dissimilarity component. The geometric component of the SSMA method has roots in the original Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE) dimension reduction algorithm and the projection functions have roots in the original Locality Preserving Projections (LPP) dimensionality reduction framework. The similarity and dissimilarity component is a semisupervised component that allows expert labeled information to improve the image fusion process. Spatial-Spectral Schroedinger Eigenmaps (SSSE) was designed as a semisupervised enhancement to the LE algorithm by augmenting the Laplacian matrix with a user-defined potential function. However, the user-defined enhancement has yet to be explored in the LPP framework. The first part of this thesis proposes to use the Spatial-Spectral potential within the LPP algorithm, creating a new algorithm we call the Schroedinger Eigenmap Projections (SEP). Through experiments on publicly available data with expert-labeled ground truth, we perform experiments to compare the performance of the SEP algorithm with respect to the LPP algorithm. The second part of this thesis proposes incorporating the Spatial Spectral potential from SSSE into the SSMA framework. Using two multi-angled HSI’s, we explore the impact of incorporating this potential into SSMA

    Look, Cast and Mold: Learning 3D Shape Manifold from Single-view Synthetic Data

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    Inferring the stereo structure of objects in the real world is a challenging yet practical task. To equip deep models with this ability usually requires abundant 3D supervision which is hard to acquire. It is promising that we can simply benefit from synthetic data, where pairwise ground-truth is easy to access. Nevertheless, the domain gaps are nontrivial considering the variant texture, shape and context. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a Visio-Perceptual Adaptive Network for single-view 3D reconstruction, dubbed VPAN. To generalize the model towards a real scenario, we propose to fulfill several aspects: (1) Look: visually incorporate spatial structure from the single view to enhance the expressiveness of representation; (2) Cast: perceptually align the 2D image features to the 3D shape priors with cross-modal semantic contrastive mapping; (3) Mold: reconstruct stereo-shape of target by transforming embeddings into the desired manifold. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method in learning the 3D shape manifold from synthetic data via a single-view. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-arts on Pix3D dataset with IoU 0.292 and CD 0.108, and reaches IoU 0.329 and CD 0.104 on Pascal 3D+

    Deep Clustering: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Cluster analysis plays an indispensable role in machine learning and data mining. Learning a good data representation is crucial for clustering algorithms. Recently, deep clustering, which can learn clustering-friendly representations using deep neural networks, has been broadly applied in a wide range of clustering tasks. Existing surveys for deep clustering mainly focus on the single-view fields and the network architectures, ignoring the complex application scenarios of clustering. To address this issue, in this paper we provide a comprehensive survey for deep clustering in views of data sources. With different data sources and initial conditions, we systematically distinguish the clustering methods in terms of methodology, prior knowledge, and architecture. Concretely, deep clustering methods are introduced according to four categories, i.e., traditional single-view deep clustering, semi-supervised deep clustering, deep multi-view clustering, and deep transfer clustering. Finally, we discuss the open challenges and potential future opportunities in different fields of deep clustering

    Incremental Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Continually Changing Environments

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    Continuous appearance shifts such as changes in weather and lighting conditions can impact the performance of deployed machine learning models. While unsupervised domain adaptation aims to address this challenge, current approaches do not utilise the continuity of the occurring shifts. In particular, many robotics applications exhibit these conditions and thus facilitate the potential to incrementally adapt a learnt model over minor shifts which integrate to massive differences over time. Our work presents an adversarial approach for lifelong, incremental domain adaptation which benefits from unsupervised alignment to a series of intermediate domains which successively diverge from the labelled source domain. We empirically demonstrate that our incremental approach improves handling of large appearance changes, e.g. day to night, on a traversable-path segmentation task compared with a direct, single alignment step approach. Furthermore, by approximating the feature distribution for the source domain with a generative adversarial network, the deployment module can be rendered fully independent of retaining potentially large amounts of the related source training data for only a minor reduction in performance.Comment: International Conference on Robotics and Automation 201
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