81 research outputs found

    Label Propagation for Learning with Label Proportions

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    Learning with Label Proportions (LLP) is the problem of recovering the underlying true labels given a dataset when the data is presented in the form of bags. This paradigm is particularly suitable in contexts where providing individual labels is expensive and label aggregates are more easily obtained. In the healthcare domain, it is a burden for a patient to keep a detailed diary of their daily routines, but often they will be amenable to provide higher level summaries of daily behavior. We present a novel and efficient graph-based algorithm that encourages local smoothness and exploits the global structure of the data, while preserving the `mass' of each bag.Comment: Accepted to MLSP 201

    Distributed Low-rank Subspace Segmentation

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    Vision problems ranging from image clustering to motion segmentation to semi-supervised learning can naturally be framed as subspace segmentation problems, in which one aims to recover multiple low-dimensional subspaces from noisy and corrupted input data. Low-Rank Representation (LRR), a convex formulation of the subspace segmentation problem, is provably and empirically accurate on small problems but does not scale to the massive sizes of modern vision datasets. Moreover, past work aimed at scaling up low-rank matrix factorization is not applicable to LRR given its non-decomposable constraints. In this work, we propose a novel divide-and-conquer algorithm for large-scale subspace segmentation that can cope with LRR's non-decomposable constraints and maintains LRR's strong recovery guarantees. This has immediate implications for the scalability of subspace segmentation, which we demonstrate on a benchmark face recognition dataset and in simulations. We then introduce novel applications of LRR-based subspace segmentation to large-scale semi-supervised learning for multimedia event detection, concept detection, and image tagging. In each case, we obtain state-of-the-art results and order-of-magnitude speed ups

    Aplicação de técnicas de classificação semissupervisionada para análise de séries multitemporais de imagens de satélite.

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma comparação de dois algoritmos de classificação semissupervisionada utilizados para auxiliar na identificação de áreas de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, uma importante commoditie brasileira. As técnicas foram incorporadas ao software SatImagExplorer, que foi desenvolvido para auxiliar na extração de séries temporais de imagens de satélite (CHINO; ROMANI; TRAINA, 2010). Os resultados indicam que ambas as técnicas apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para classificação de diferentes classes usando séries de imagens de baixa resolução espacial.SBSR 2013

    Relative Comparison Kernel Learning with Auxiliary Kernels

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    In this work we consider the problem of learning a positive semidefinite kernel matrix from relative comparisons of the form: "object A is more similar to object B than it is to C", where comparisons are given by humans. Existing solutions to this problem assume many comparisons are provided to learn a high quality kernel. However, this can be considered unrealistic for many real-world tasks since relative assessments require human input, which is often costly or difficult to obtain. Because of this, only a limited number of these comparisons may be provided. In this work, we explore methods for aiding the process of learning a kernel with the help of auxiliary kernels built from more easily extractable information regarding the relationships among objects. We propose a new kernel learning approach in which the target kernel is defined as a conic combination of auxiliary kernels and a kernel whose elements are learned directly. We formulate a convex optimization to solve for this target kernel that adds only minor overhead to methods that use no auxiliary information. Empirical results show that in the presence of few training relative comparisons, our method can learn kernels that generalize to more out-of-sample comparisons than methods that do not utilize auxiliary information, as well as similar methods that learn metrics over objects