79 research outputs found

    Progressive Differences Convolutional Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    We present a new family of low-density parity-check (LDPC) convolutional codes that can be designed using ordered sets of progressive differences. We study their properties and define a subset of codes in this class that have some desirable features, such as fixed minimum distance and Tanner graphs without short cycles. The design approach we propose ensures that these properties are guaranteed independently of the code rate. This makes these codes of interest in many practical applications, particularly when high rate codes are needed for saving bandwidth. We provide some examples of coded transmission schemes exploiting this new class of codes.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Letters. Copyright transferred to IEE

    Simultaneous Code/Error-Trellis Reduction for Convolutional Codes Using Shifted Code/Error-Subsequences

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    In this paper, we show that the code-trellis and the error-trellis for a convolutional code can be reduced simultaneously, if reduction is possible. Assume that the error-trellis can be reduced using shifted error-subsequences. In this case, if the identical shifts occur in the subsequences of each code path, then the code-trellis can also be reduced. First, we obtain pairs of transformations which generate the identical shifts both in the subsequences of the code-path and in those of the error-path. Next, by applying these transformations to the generator matrix and the parity-check matrix, we show that reduction of these matrices is accomplished simultaneously, if it is possible. Moreover, it is shown that the two associated trellises are also reduced simultaneously.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Array Convolutional Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    This paper presents a design technique for obtaining regular time-invariant low-density parity-check convolutional (RTI-LDPCC) codes with low complexity and good performance. We start from previous approaches which unwrap a low-density parity-check (LDPC) block code into an RTI-LDPCC code, and we obtain a new method to design RTI-LDPCC codes with better performance and shorter constraint length. Differently from previous techniques, we start the design from an array LDPC block code. We show that, for codes with high rate, a performance gain and a reduction in the constraint length are achieved with respect to previous proposals. Additionally, an increase in the minimum distance is observed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Letter

    Time-Invariant Spatially Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check Codes with Small Constraint Length

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    We consider a special family of SC-LDPC codes, that is, time-invariant LDPCC codes, which are known in the literature for a long time. Codes of this kind are usually designed by starting from QC block codes, and applying suitable unwrapping procedures. We show that, by directly designing the LDPCC code syndrome former matrix without the constraints of the underlying QC block code, it is possible to achieve smaller constraint lengths with respect to the best solutions available in the literature. We also find theoretical lower bounds on the syndrome former constraint length for codes with a specified minimum length of the local cycles in their Tanner graphs. For this purpose, we exploit a new approach based on a numerical representation of the syndrome former matrix, which generalizes over a technique we already used to study a special subclass of the codes here considered.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be presented at IEEE BlackSeaCom 201

    Quasi-Cyclic Asymptotically Regular LDPC Codes

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    Families of "asymptotically regular" LDPC block code ensembles can be formed by terminating (J,K)-regular protograph-based LDPC convolutional codes. By varying the termination length, we obtain a large selection of LDPC block code ensembles with varying code rates, minimum distance that grows linearly with block length, and capacity approaching iterative decoding thresholds, despite the fact that the terminated ensembles are almost regular. In this paper, we investigate the properties of the quasi-cyclic (QC) members of such an ensemble. We show that an upper bound on the minimum Hamming distance of members of the QC sub-ensemble can be improved by careful choice of the component protographs used in the code construction. Further, we show that the upper bound on the minimum distance can be improved by using arrays of circulants in a graph cover of the protograph.Comment: To be presented at the 2010 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Dublin, Irelan