31 research outputs found

    Compilation pour cibles hétérogÚnes : automatisation des analyses, transformations et décisions nécessaires

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    8 pagesInternational audienceLes accélérateurs matériels, telles les cartes FPGA ou les cartes graphiques, apportent une alternative ou un complément intéressant aux processeurs multi-coeurs classiques pour de nombreuses applications scientifiques. Il est cependant coûteux et difficile d'y porter des applications existantes ; et les compilateurs standards, traditionnellement portés sur la génération de code pour processeurs séquentiels, ne disposent pas des abstractions nécessaires à la génération automatique et re-ciblable de code pour ces nouvelles cibles. Cet article présente un ensemble de transformations de code de haut niveau reposant sur une abstraction à plusieurs niveaux de l'architecture des accélérateurs actuels et permettant de construire des compilateurs spécifiques à chaque cible en se basant sur une infrastructure commune. Ces transformations ont été utilisées pour construire avec PIPS deux compilateurs complÚtement automatisés pour un processeur embarqué à base de FPGA et pour GPU NVIDIA avec PAR4ALL

    Optimizing Local Memory Allocation and Assignment Through a Decoupled Approach

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    International audienceSoftware-controlled local memories (LMs) are widely used to provide fast, scalable, power efficient and predictable access to critical data. While many studies addressed LM management, keeping hot data in the LM continues to cause major headache. This paper revisits LM management of arrays in light of recent progresses in register allocation, supporting multiple live-range splitting schemes through a generic integer linear program. These schemes differ in the grain of decision points. The model can also be extended to address fragmentation, assigning live ranges to precise offsets. We show that the links between LM management and register allocation have been underexploited, leaving much fundamental questions open and effective applications to be explored

    A ROSE-Based OpenMP 3.0 Research Compiler Supporting Multiple Runtime Libraries

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    Abstract. OpenMP is a popular and evolving programming model for shared-memory platforms. It relies on compilers to target modern hard-ware architectures for optimal performance. A variety of extensible and robust research compilers are key to OpenMP’s sustainable success in the future. In this paper, we present our efforts to build an OpenMP 3.0 research compiler for C, C++, and Fortran using the ROSE source-to-source compiler framework. Our goal is to support OpenMP research for ourselves and others. We have extended ROSE’s internal representation to handle all OpenMP 3.0 constructs, thus facilitating experimenting with them. Since OpenMP research is often complicated by the tight coupling of the compiler translation and the runtime system, we present a set of rules to define a common OpenMP runtime library (XOMP) on top of multiple runtime libraries. These rules additionally define how to build a set of translations targeting XOMP. Our work demonstrates how to reuse OpenMP translations across different runtime libraries. This work simplifies OpenMP research by decoupling the problematic depen-dence between the compiler translations and the runtime libraries. We present an evaluation of our work by demonstrating an analysis tool for OpenMP correctness. We also show how XOMP can be defined using both GOMP and Omni. Our comparative performance results against other OpenMP compilers demonstrate that our flexible runtime support does not incur additional overhead.

    Speculative Optimizations for Parallel Programs on Multicores

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    STAPL-RTS: A Runtime System for Massive Parallelism

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    Modern High Performance Computing (HPC) systems are complex, with deep memory hierarchies and increasing use of computational heterogeneity via accelerators. When developing applications for these platforms, programmers are faced with two bad choices. On one hand, they can explicitly manage machine resources, writing programs using low level primitives from multiple APIs (e.g., MPI+OpenMP), creating efficient but rigid, difficult to extend, and non-portable implementations. Alternatively, users can adopt higher level programming environments, often at the cost of lost performance. Our approach is to maintain the high level nature of the application without sacrificing performance by relying on the transfer of high level, application semantic knowledge between layers of the software stack at an appropriate level of abstraction and performing optimizations on a per-layer basis. In this dissertation, we present the STAPL Runtime System (STAPL-RTS), a runtime system built for portable performance, suitable for massively parallel machines. While the STAPL-RTS abstracts and virtualizes the underlying platform for portability, it uses information from the upper layers to perform the appropriate low level optimizations that restore the performance characteristics. We outline the fundamental ideas behind the design of the STAPL-RTS, such as the always distributed communication model and its asynchronous operations. Through appropriate code examples and benchmarks, we prove that high level information allows applications written on top of the STAPL-RTS to attain the performance of optimized, but ad hoc solutions. Using the STAPL library, we demonstrate how this information guides important decisions in the STAPL-RTS, such as multi-protocol communication coordination and request aggregation using established C++ programming idioms. Recognizing that nested parallelism is of increasing interest for both expressivity and performance, we present a parallel model that combines asynchronous, one-sided operations with isolated nested parallel sections. Previous approaches to nested parallelism targeted either static applications through the use of blocking, isolated sections, or dynamic applications by using asynchronous mechanisms (i.e., recursive task spawning) which come at the expense of isolation. We combine the flexibility of dynamic task creation with the isolation guarantees of the static models by allowing the creation of asynchronous, one-sided nested parallel sections that work in tandem with the more traditional, synchronous, collective nested parallelism. This allows selective, run-time customizable use of parallelism in an application, based on the input and the algorithm