55 research outputs found

    Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs

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    An ordered graph is a pair G=(G,)\mathcal{G}=(G,\prec) where GG is a graph and \prec is a total ordering of its vertices. The ordered Ramsey number R(G)\overline{R}(\mathcal{G}) is the minimum number NN such that every ordered complete graph with NN vertices and with edges colored by two colors contains a monochromatic copy of G\mathcal{G}. In contrast with the case of unordered graphs, we show that there are arbitrarily large ordered matchings Mn\mathcal{M}_n on nn vertices for which R(Mn)\overline{R}(\mathcal{M}_n) is superpolynomial in nn. This implies that ordered Ramsey numbers of the same graph can grow superpolynomially in the size of the graph in one ordering and remain linear in another ordering. We also prove that the ordered Ramsey number R(G)\overline{R}(\mathcal{G}) is polynomial in the number of vertices of G\mathcal{G} if the bandwidth of G\mathcal{G} is constant or if G\mathcal{G} is an ordered graph of constant degeneracy and constant interval chromatic number. The first result gives a positive answer to a question of Conlon, Fox, Lee, and Sudakov. For a few special classes of ordered paths, stars or matchings, we give asymptotically tight bounds on their ordered Ramsey numbers. For so-called monotone cycles we compute their ordered Ramsey numbers exactly. This result implies exact formulas for geometric Ramsey numbers of cycles introduced by K\'arolyi, Pach, T\'oth, and Valtr.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatoric

    Classical Ising model test for quantum circuits

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    We exploit a recently constructed mapping between quantum circuits and graphs in order to prove that circuits corresponding to certain planar graphs can be efficiently simulated classically. The proof uses an expression for the Ising model partition function in terms of quadratically signed weight enumerators (QWGTs), which are polynomials that arise naturally in an expansion of quantum circuits in terms of rotations involving Pauli matrices. We combine this expression with a known efficient classical algorithm for the Ising partition function of any planar graph in the absence of an external magnetic field, and the Robertson-Seymour theorem from graph theory. We give as an example a set of quantum circuits with a small number of non-nearest neighbor gates which admit an efficient classical simulation.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v2: main result strengthened by removing oracular settin

    Metric Embedding via Shortest Path Decompositions

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    We study the problem of embedding shortest-path metrics of weighted graphs into p\ell_p spaces. We introduce a new embedding technique based on low-depth decompositions of a graph via shortest paths. The notion of Shortest Path Decomposition depth is inductively defined: A (weighed) path graph has shortest path decomposition (SPD) depth 11. General graph has an SPD of depth kk if it contains a shortest path whose deletion leads to a graph, each of whose components has SPD depth at most k1k-1. In this paper we give an O(kmin{1p,12})O(k^{\min\{\frac{1}{p},\frac{1}{2}\}})-distortion embedding for graphs of SPD depth at most kk. This result is asymptotically tight for any fixed p>1p>1, while for p=1p=1 it is tight up to second order terms. As a corollary of this result, we show that graphs having pathwidth kk embed into p\ell_p with distortion O(kmin{1p,12})O(k^{\min\{\frac{1}{p},\frac{1}{2}\}}). For p=1p=1, this improves over the best previous bound of Lee and Sidiropoulos that was exponential in kk; moreover, for other values of pp it gives the first embeddings whose distortion is independent of the graph size nn. Furthermore, we use the fact that planar graphs have SPD depth O(logn)O(\log n) to give a new proof that any planar graph embeds into 1\ell_1 with distortion O(logn)O(\sqrt{\log n}). Our approach also gives new results for graphs with bounded treewidth, and for graphs excluding a fixed minor

    Graph Treewidth and Geometric Thickness Parameters

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    Consider a drawing of a graph GG in the plane such that crossing edges are coloured differently. The minimum number of colours, taken over all drawings of GG, is the classical graph parameter "thickness". By restricting the edges to be straight, we obtain the "geometric thickness". By further restricting the vertices to be in convex position, we obtain the "book thickness". This paper studies the relationship between these parameters and treewidth. Our first main result states that for graphs of treewidth kk, the maximum thickness and the maximum geometric thickness both equal k/2\lceil{k/2}\rceil. This says that the lower bound for thickness can be matched by an upper bound, even in the more restrictive geometric setting. Our second main result states that for graphs of treewidth kk, the maximum book thickness equals kk if k2k \leq 2 and equals k+1k+1 if k3k \geq 3. This refutes a conjecture of Ganley and Heath [Discrete Appl. Math. 109(3):215-221, 2001]. Analogous results are proved for outerthickness, arboricity, and star-arboricity.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the "Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing" (GD '05), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3843:129-140, Springer, 2006. The full version was published in Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(4):641-670, 2007. That version contained a false conjecture, which is corrected on page 26 of this versio

    Packing chromatic vertex-critical graphs

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    The packing chromatic number χρ(G)\chi_{\rho}(G) of a graph GG is the smallest integer kk such that the vertex set of GG can be partitioned into sets ViV_i, i[k]i\in [k], where vertices in ViV_i are pairwise at distance at least i+1i+1. Packing chromatic vertex-critical graphs, χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical for short, are introduced as the graphs GG for which χρ(Gx)<χρ(G)\chi_{\rho}(G-x) < \chi_{\rho}(G) holds for every vertex xx of GG. If χρ(G)=k\chi_{\rho}(G) = k, then GG is kk-χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical. It is shown that if GG is χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical, then the set {χρ(G)χρ(Gx): xV(G)}\{\chi_{\rho}(G) - \chi_{\rho}(G-x):\ x\in V(G)\} can be almost arbitrary. The 33-χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical graphs are characterized, and 44-χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical graphs are characterized in the case when they contain a cycle of length at least 55 which is not congruent to 00 modulo 44. It is shown that for every integer k2k\ge 2 there exists a kk-χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical tree and that a kk-χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical caterpillar exists if and only if k7k\le 7. Cartesian products are also considered and in particular it is proved that if GG and HH are vertex-transitive graphs and diam(G)+diam(H)χρ(G){\rm diam(G)} + {\rm diam}(H) \le \chi_{\rho}(G), then GHG\,\square\, H is χρ\chi_{\rho}-critical

    On Upward Drawings of Trees on a Given Grid

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    Computing a minimum-area planar straight-line drawing of a graph is known to be NP-hard for planar graphs, even when restricted to outerplanar graphs. However, the complexity question is open for trees. Only a few hardness results are known for straight-line drawings of trees under various restrictions such as edge length or slope constraints. On the other hand, there exist polynomial-time algorithms for computing minimum-width (resp., minimum-height) upward drawings of trees, where the height (resp., width) is unbounded. In this paper we take a major step in understanding the complexity of the area minimization problem for strictly-upward drawings of trees, which is one of the most common styles for drawing rooted trees. We prove that given a rooted tree TT and a W×HW\times H grid, it is NP-hard to decide whether TT admits a strictly-upward (unordered) drawing in the given grid.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017