2 research outputs found

    Behaviour design in microrobots:hierarchical reinforcement learning under resource constraints

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    In order to verify models of collective behaviors of animals, robots could be manipulated to implement the model and interact with real animals in a mixed-society. This thesis describes design of the behavioral hierarchy of a miniature robot, that is able to interact with cockroaches, and participates in their collective decision makings. The robots are controlled via a hierarchical behavior-based controller in which, more complex behaviors are built by combining simpler behaviors through fusion and arbitration mechanisms. The experiments in the mixed-society confirms the similarity between the collective patterns of the mixed-society and those of the real society. Moreover, the robots are able to induce new collective patterns by modulation of some behavioral parameters. Difficulties in the manual extraction of the behavioral hierarchy and inability to revise it, direct us to benefit from machine learning techniques, in order to devise the composition hierarchy and coordination in an automated way. We derive a Compact Q-Learning method for micro-robots with processing and memory constraints, and try to learn behavior coordination through it. The behavior composition part is still done manually. However, the problem of the curse of dimensionality makes incorporation of this kind of flat-learning techniques unsuitable. Even though optimizing them could temporarily speed up the learning process and widen their range of applications, their scalability to real world applications remains under question. In the next steps, we apply hierarchical learning techniques to automate both behavior coordination and composition parts. In some situations, many features of the state space might be irrelevant to what the robot currently learns. Abstracting these features and discovering the hierarchy among them can help the robot learn the behavioral hierarchy faster. We formalize the automatic state abstraction problem with different heuristics, and derive three new splitting criteria that adapt decision tree learning techniques to state abstraction. Proof of performance is supported by strong evidences from simulation results in deterministic and non-deterministic environments. Simulation results show encouraging enhancements in the required number of learning trials, robot's performance, size of the learned abstraction trees, and computation time of the algorithms. In the other hand, learning in a group provides free sources of knowledge that, if communicated, can broaden the scales of learning, both temporally and spatially. We present two approaches to combine output or structure of abstraction trees. The trees are stored in different RL robots in a multi-robot system, or in the trees learned by the same robot but using different methods. Simulation results in a non-deterministic football learning task provide strong evidences for enhancement in convergence rate and policy performance, specially in heterogeneous cooperations

    A method for ontology and knowledgebase assisted text mining for diabetes discussion forum

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    Social media offers researchers vast amount of unstructured text as a source to discover hidden knowledge and insights. However, social media poses new challenges to text mining and knowledge discovery due to its short length, temporal nature and informal language. In order to identify the main requirements for analysing unstructured text in social media, this research takes a case study of a large discussion forum in the diabetes domain. It then reviews and evaluates existing text mining methods for the requirements to analyse such a domain. Using domain background knowledge to bridge the semantic gap in traditional text mining methods was identified as a key requirement for analysing text in discussion forums. Existing ontology engineering methodologies encounter difficulties in deriving suitable domain knowledge with the appropriate breadth and depth in domain-specific concepts with a rich relationships structure. These limitations usually originate from a reliance on human domain experts. This research developed a novel semantic text mining method. It can identify the concepts and topics being discussed, the strength of the relationships between them and then display the emergent knowledge from a discussion forum. The derived method has a modular design that consists of three main components: The Ontology building Process, Semantic Annotation and Topic Identification, and Visualisation Tools. The ontology building process generates domain ontology quickly with little need for domain experts. The topic identification component utilises a hybrid system of domain ontology and a general knowledge base for text enrichment and annotation, while the visualisation methods of dynamic tag clouds and cooccurrence network for pattern discovery enable a flexible visualisation of these results and can help uncover hidden knowledge. Application of the derived text mining method within the case study helped identify trending topics in the forum and how they change over time. The derived method performed better in semantic annotation of the text compared to the other systems evaluated. The new text mining method appears to be “generalisable” to other domains than diabetes. Future study needs to confirm this ability and to evaluate its applicability to other types of social media text sources