951,322 research outputs found

    Using the Internet to improve university education

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    Up to this point, university education has largely remained unaffected by the developments of novel approaches to web-based learning. The paper presents a principled approach to the design of problem-oriented, web-based learning at the university level. The principles include providing authentic contexts with multimedia, supporting collaborative knowledge construction, making thinking visible with dynamic visualisation, quick access to content resources via information and communication technologies, and flexible support by tele-tutoring. These principles are used in the MUNICS learning environment, which is designed to support students of computer science to apply their factual knowledge from the lectures to complex real-world problems. For example, students may model the knowledge management in an educational organisation with a graphical simulation tool. Some more general findings from a formative evaluation study with the MUNICS prototype are reported and discussed. For example, the students' ignorance of the additional content resources is discussed in the light of the well-known finding of insufficient use of help systems in software applications

    Development of Web-based Instruction Model using Social Media Application to Enhance Knowledge Management Skills on Computer Tablet for Teachers

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    AbstractThe purposes of this research were to develop the Web-Based Instruction model using Social Media Application to enhance Knowledge Management skills on Computer Tablet for teacher and study the effects of Web-Based Instruction model using Social Media Application upon Knowledge Management skills on Computer Tablet for teacher. This research was a quasi- experimental, randomized one group pre-test post-test design. The subjects were forty-eight teachers in North-East of Thailand, during 2011 academic year. They were randomly grouped, by their basic information which sex, age, academic level and school size, into one treatment group. The research instruments were Web-Based Instruction entitle ‘Introduction to Computer Tablet’ by five online learning units in five weeks and about 45minutes per week, and the knowledge management skills on computer tablet test which was 4-multiple choices online test about 40 items for pre-test and post-test. The Data would be analyzed by dependent t-test at the .05 level of significance. The research results were as follows: (1) A model for the Web-based Instruction using social media application to enhance knowledge management skills on computer tablet for teachers consist of three major cycle components: 1) Google in 3-basic steps; Searching, Mailing, and Analyzing, 2) Facebook in 3-basic steps; Adding, Grouping, and Posting, and 3) YouTube in 3-basic steps; Creating, Sharing, and Evaluating. The core components of Google, Facebook, and YouTube cycle applications were Creating, Evaluating, and Sharing. (2) The Efficiencies of the Web-based Instruction using social media application to enhance knowledge management skills on computer tablet for teachers were 84.25/82.75. (3) There was significant different effect between pre-test and post-test knowledge management skills on computer tablet for teachers at the .05 level of significant, which the mean of post-test scores were higher than the mean of pre-test scores

    Perancangan Sistem Knowledge Management Divisi HR & Services International Oil Company

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    When company becomes big, the role of information in company is also great. The information must be managed in order to become knowledge with business value. The management of information in form of standard procedure documentation and working policy must be managing well by International Oil Company (IOC). The result of article is Knowledge Management System design that is collection of Knowledge Management tools by giving priority to codification implementation strategy based on web. With the result hopefully the knowledge owned by the company through expertise and knowledge champion (Community of Practice) can be shown and managed well so it able to use to improve competency, performance, and productivity of the workers that able to strenghten the competition level of IOC in oil and gas industry. Ketika suatu perusahaan menjadi semakin besar, peran informasi di dalam perusahaan menjadi semakin besar pula. Informasi itu harus dikelola sehingga dapat menjadi pengetahuan yang mempunyai nilai bisnis. Pengelolaan informasi yang berupa dokumentasi standar prosedur dan kebijakan kerja masih harus dikelola dengan lebih baik lagi oleh International Oil Company (IOC). Hasil keluaran artikel adalah perancangan Knowledge Management System yang merupakan kumpulan tools Knowledge Management dengan mengutamakan strategi implementasi codification berbasis web. Dengan hasil keluaran itu diharapkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki perusahaan melalui para expertise dan knowledge champion (Community of Practice) dapat dimunculkan dan terkelola dengan baik sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi, kinerja, dan produktivitas para pekerja yang tentunya dapat memperkuat tingkat kompetisi IOC di dalam industri minyak dan gas

    Volunteer Management Needs Assessment of the Tennessee 4-H Program

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    The purpose of this descriptive study was to conduct a state-wide needs assessment of Tennessee 4-H Youth Development Extension Agents to determine the perception in working with 4-H Volunteer Leaders and the knowledge level of volunteer management. This study also determined the need for a formalized 4-H Volunteer Leader management system. Targeted participants were University of Tennessee (UT) Extension Agents and Tennessee State University (TSU) Extension Agents with 4-H job responsibility. Participants were asked to complete a four part questionnaire instrument. Components one through three of the instrument were used to determine the need for a formalized 4-H Volunteer Leader management system, the knowledge level in managing and the perception of working with 4-H Volunteer Leaders. The final component was used to collect demographic information. After completion of a pilot study, 161 Extension Agents were targeted to participate in the study. The questionnaire was administered on web-based data collection system known as Survey Monkey. Results indicated 90% of Extension Agents agreed there is a need for readily available, web-based materials. Results also indicated a need (66% agreeing) for a comprehensive 4-H Volunteer Leader management system. Also, results found high proficiencies, up to 97%, in both knowledge levels of managing 4-H Volunteer Leaders and perceptions of working with 4-H Volunteer Leaders. Demographic information was correlated among measures of knowledge, perception and the need for a formalized 4-H Volunteer Leader management system. Significant correlations were found between risk management of 4-H Volunteer Leaders and Extension tenure, also between Extension tenure and the perception of 4-H Volunteer Leaders being welcome within the school system. Significant correlations were also between recruiting volunteers and outside of Extension volunteer/employee management; between outside of Extension volunteer/employee management and removing 4-H Volunteer Leaders. Implications indicate a need for additional resources to provide training and information for both agents and 4-H Volunteer Leaders. Findings also indicate materials should be web-based for easy access for both agent and 4-H Volunteer Leader use. Data responses show there is a need for a formalized 4-H Volunteer Leader management system that would encompass all aspects from recruitment to retention of 4-H Volunteer Leaders

    A Graduate Management of Information Systems Technology Course Project: Web Analytics

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    It is often difficult to create thought-provoking projects that allow students the ability to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting. This is particularly challenging in a graduate level Management of Information Technology course that covers a vast array of topics throughout. In an effort to expand student knowledge of web analytics and to encourage professional development, a web analytics course project is assigned. The project presented within offers a proposed experiential learning opportunity for students enrolled in this (or similar) course. Project learning objectives and specifications are presented. Teaching Notes are also provided

    Information and communication technologies for knowledge management processes in the public sector in Kenya : a case study of the State Department of Infrastructure

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are considered facilitators of knowledge management processes in organizations. This study investigated ICTs for knowledge management processes at the State Department of Infrastructure in Kenya. The study’s objectives were to: establish the level of knowledge management awareness, find out knowledge management processes, identify types of ICTs used for knowledge management processes, and identify challenges experienced by State Department of Infrastructure in the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. The study findings were determined after applying a qualitative research approach and a case study research design. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 21 participants who were heads of sections at the State Department of Infrastructure in Kenya. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed and interpreted thematically according to the objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed that most participants were aware of the meanings of the concepts of knowledge and knowledge management, types of knowledge and importance of knowledge management in the department. Knowledge management processes in the State Department of Infrastructure entail knowledge creation, codification, retention, sharing and storage. ICTs mostly used for knowledge management processes in the department include: emails, mobile phones, desktop computers, computer servers, and flash disks. The department is faced with the challenges of lack of knowledge management strategies, policies and adequate staff awareness on the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. In conclusion, the State Department of Infrastructure has a functional ICT infrastructure. However, the department is not using ICTs provided by this study’s Web 2.0 driven SECI model for knowledge management processes such as blogs, wikis, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The study therefore proposes that the State Department of Infrastructure should increase its use of Web 2.0 technologies, collaborative content systems and e-learning technologies. The department should also digitize its records; automate its library services; set up intranet, and adopt a centralized knowledge-based system. Further, Public Service Commission of Kenya should formulate a knowledge management strategy and policy to guide on the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. This strategy and policy can then be cascaded to public sector organizations such as the State Department of Infrastructure.Information ScienceM.A. (Information Science

    Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology

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    A wiki is a group collaboration software tool based on Web server technology. This paper examines the use of a wiki to facilitate knowledge management in an academic setting. We present a case study about how a wiki was used to support collaborative activities in a knowledge management class at a graduate-level information systems and technology school. Our findings suggest that wikis can support collaborative knowledge creation and sharing in an academic environment. Success in attempts to provide such support may depend on: familiarity with wiki technology, careful planning for implementation and use, appropriate class size, and motivation of students to engage in discovery learning

    Knowledge based helpdesk system in Nuclear Malaysia

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    Knowledge based (K-based) Helpdesk system is a knowledge oriented web based system that provides support to business process of the technical service providers.It is a multi- centric system which focuses on end-users, technical workers and higher level management through utilization of knowledge which resides and grows within the system. The objectives of the system are to be a user-friendly, capture technical knowledge for efficient performance and educating users for self reliance.These were achieved through the improvement of the helpdesk business process and better management of technical knowledge. This system has been tested and implemented in Information Technology Center (IT), Engineering Division (BKJ) and Instrumentation and Automation Center (IAC) at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia). Higher levels of user satisfaction and faster growth in technical knowledge repository have been recorded in the system.This paper describes the helpdesk system in the perspective of management of its technical knowledge contributing to strengthening organizational knowledge asset of Nuclear Malaysia as national nuclear research institution