400,552 research outputs found

    Computer integrated documentation

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    The main technical issues of the Computer Integrated Documentation (CID) project are presented. The problem of automation of documents management and maintenance is analyzed both from an artificial intelligence viewpoint and from a human factors viewpoint. Possible technologies for CID are reviewed: conventional approaches to indexing and information retrieval; hypertext; and knowledge based systems. A particular effort was made to provide an appropriate representation for contextual knowledge. This representation is used to generate context on hypertext links. Thus, indexing in CID is context sensitive. The implementation of the current version of CID is described. It includes a hypertext data base, a knowledge based management and maintenance system, and a user interface. A series is also presented of theoretical considerations as navigation in hyperspace, acquisition of indexing knowledge, generation and maintenance of a large documentation, and relation to other work

    Integrated Scheduled Waste Management System in Kuala Lumpur Using Expert System

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    Over the past decade, Malaysia has enjoyed tremendous growth in its economy. This has brought about a population growth along with a great influx of foreign workforce to cities. This resulted in an increase in the amount of waste scheduled generated. Furthermore, scheduled waste management has long been a problem area for local authorities in Kuala Lumpur. Continued illegal dumping by waste generators is being practiced at large scale due to lack of proper guidance and awareness. This report reviewed and discussed about service provided for scheduled waste management by an authority and international scenario of scheduled waste management. An expert system was developed to integrate scheduled waste management in Kuala Lumpur. The knowledge base was acquired through journals, books, magazines, annual report, and web sites. An object oriented expert system shell, Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition was used as the building tools for the prototype development. The overall development of this project has been carried out in several phases which are problem identification, problem statement and literature review, identification of domain experts, prototype development, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and prototype development. Scheduled waste expert system is developed based on five types of scheduled waste management which are label requirements, packaging requirements, impact of scheduled wastes, recycling of scheduled wastes, and recommendations. Besides, it contains several sub modules by which the user can obtain a comprehensive background of the domain. The output is to support effective integrated scheduled waste management

    Improving Knowledge of Risk in Dangerous Goods Transport

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    In order to increase safety as far as dangerous goods transport is concerned, the DESTINATION project has been developed since 2010 in the framework of the Italy/Switzerland Operational Program for Transfrontier Co-operation 2007-2013. The project was born to satisfy the increasing needs of public bodies to share data on hazardous material land transportation and to develop instruments and methodologies to ensure territorial and environmental protection. The project aims to reach this purpose through the increased knowledge of the vulnerable subjects, people and environment, and of the transport activity itself, by using and defining an architecture of data acquisition based on “On Ground Units” (OGU) and “On Board Units” (OBU). These data will be used as an input for a new information system called GIIS (Global Integrated Information System), which manages a risk analysis model of the land transportation of hazardous materials to assess human and environmental vulnerabilities. The GIIS will provide a more effective management of land planning by providing authorities with the possibility of implementing a rational restriction to vehicles transporting dangerous goods within specific areas


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    Abstract. National Strategy For Cultural Heritage 2017–2027 is a Kosovo Government document that aims the enhancement of the system for the protection and preservation of Kosovan cultural heritage. Among the listed goals, one can find the promotion of an integrated data management approach towards cooperation platforms that involve advanced technologies and information systems applied to cultural heritage. In a country with a low technological progress, as Kosovo is, an innovative information management system like HBIM is a huge challenge. This research contributes in opening the debate about the use of HBIM even for historical architecture, illustrating a methodology of information management promoting the conservation and the valorization of a Kosovan ottoman mosque. The workflow pipeline started with the close range photogrammetric survey, obtaining first spherical panoramas and then the wire-frame processed in a 3D modelling environment, suitable to implement the HBIM project. Basing on the accuracy of the data acquisition, the availability of information about the building and the related level of knowledge, we proposed a semantic representation of the complex structure integrating in an HBIM collecting in an "ad hoc" database the geometrical building components, enriched with attributes as images, materials, decay, interventions, etc., linked to each features. Our approach is an example of how efficient semantic classification can be repeated for the analysis and the documentation of other similar ottoman mosque, simplifying the management of construction by a sort of unique and searchable archive. The advantage of the interoperability concept allows the data sharing is now stressed by HBIM.</p

    An Internet of Things and Fuzzy Markup Language Based Approach to Prevent the Risk of Falling Object Accidents in the Execution Phase of Construction Projects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is establishing itself as a technology to improve data acquisition and information management in the construction field. It is consolidating as an emerging technology in all phases of the life cycle of projects and specifically in the execution phase of a construction project. One of the fundamental tasks in this phase is related to Health and Safety Management since the accident rate in this sector is very high compared to other phases or even sectors. For example, one of the most critical risks is falling objects due to the peculiarities of the construction process. Therefore, the integration of both technology and safety expert knowledge in this task is a key issue including ubiquitous computing, real-time decision capacity and expert knowledge management from risks with imprecise data. Starting from this vision, the goal of this paper is to introduce an IoT infrastructure integrated with JFML, an open-source library for Fuzzy Logic Systems according to the IEEE Std 1855-2016, to support imprecise experts’ decision making in facing the risk of falling objects. The system advises the worker of the risk level of accidents in real-time employing a smart wristband. The proposed IoT infrastructure has been tested in three different scenarios involving habitual working situations and characterized by different levels of falling objects risk. As assessed by an expert panel, the proposed system shows suitable results.This research was funded by University of Naples Federico II through the Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo (FRA) 2020 (CUP: E69C20000380005) and has been partially supported by the ”Programa de ayuda para Estancias Breves en Centros de Investigación de Calidad” of the University of Málaga and the research project BIA2016-79270-P, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund-ERDF (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER) under project PGC2018-096156-B-I00 Recuperación y Descripción de Imágenes mediante Lenguaje Natural usando Técnicas de Aprendizaje Profundo y Computación Flexible and the Andalusian Government under Grant P18-RT-2248


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    none5noNational Strategy For Cultural Heritage 2017-2027 is a Kosovo Government document that aims the enhancement of the system for the protection and preservation of Kosovan cultural heritage. Among the listed goals, one can find the promotion of an integrated data management approach towards cooperation platforms that involve advanced technologies and information systems applied to cultural heritage. In a country with a low technological progress, as Kosovo is, an innovative information management system like HBIM is a huge challenge. This research contributes in opening the debate about the use of HBIM even for historical architecture, illustrating a methodology of information management promoting the conservation and the valorization of a Kosovan ottoman mosque. The workflow pipeline started with the close range photogrammetric survey, obtaining first spherical panoramas and then the wire-frame processed in a 3D modelling environment, suitable to implement the HBIM project. Basing on the accuracy of the data acquisition, the availability of information about the building and the related level of knowledge, we proposed a semantic representation of the complex structure integrating in an HBIM collecting in an "ad hoc" database the geometrical building components, enriched with attributes as images, materials, decay, interventions, etc., linked to each features. Our approach is an example of how efficient semantic classification can be repeated for the analysis and the documentation of other similar ottoman mosque, simplifying the management of construction by a sort of unique and searchable archive. The advantage of the interoperability concept allows the data sharing is now stressed by HBIM.openDi Stefano F.; Malinverni E.S.; Pierdicca R.; Fangi G.; Ejupi S.Di Stefano, F.; Malinverni, E. S.; Pierdicca, R.; Fangi, G.; Ejupi, S


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    This paper proposes an emblematic project where several multi-sensor strategies for spatial data acquisition and management, range based and image based, were combined to create a series of integrated territorial and architectural scale products characterized by a rich multi-content nature. The work presented here was finalized in a test site that is composed by an ensemble of diversified cultural deposits; the objects that were surveyed and modelled range from the landscape with its widespread mining sites, the main tower with its defensive role, the urban configuration of the settlement, the building systems and techniques, a medieval mine. For this reason, the Rocca of San Silvestro represented a perfect test case, due to its complex and multi-stratified character. This archaeological site is a medieval fortified village near the municipality of Campiglia Marittima (LI), Italy. The Rocca is part of an Archaeological Mines Park and is included in the Parchi della Val di Cornia (a system of archaeological parks, natural parks and museums in the south-west of Tuscany). The fundamental role of a deep knowledge about a cultural artefact before the planning of a restoration and valorisation project is globally recognized; the qualitative and quantitative knowledge provided by geomatics techniques is part of this process. The paper will present the different techniques that were used, the products that were obtained and will focus on some mapping and WEB GIS applications and analyses that were performed and considerations that were made


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    This paper proposes an emblematic project where several multi-sensor strategies for spatial data acquisition and management, range based and image based, were combined to create a series of integrated territorial and architectural scale products characterized by a rich multi-content nature. The work presented here was finalized in a test site that is composed by an ensemble of diversified cultural deposits; the objects that were surveyed and modelled range from the landscape with its widespread mining sites, the main tower with its defensive role, the urban configuration of the settlement, the building systems and techniques, a medieval mine. For this reason, the Rocca of San Silvestro represented a perfect test case, due to its complex and multi-stratified character. This archaeological site is a medieval fortified village near the municipality of Campiglia Marittima (LI), Italy. The Rocca is part of an Archaeological Mines Park and is included in the Parchi della Val di Cornia (a system of archaeological parks, natural parks and museums in the south-west of Tuscany). The fundamental role of a deep knowledge about a cultural artefact before the planning of a restoration and valorisation project is globally recognized; the qualitative and quantitative knowledge provided by geomatics techniques is part of this process. The paper will present the different techniques that were used, the products that were obtained and will focus on some mapping and WEB GIS applications and analyses that were performed and considerations that were made

    A Geospatial Decision Support System Tool for Supporting Integrated Forest Knowledge at the Landscape Scale

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    Forests are part of a complex landscape mosaic and play a crucial role for people living both in rural and urbanized spaces. Recent progresses in modelling and Decision Support System (DSS) applied to the forestry sector promise to improve public participative forest management and decision-making in planning and conservation issues. However, most DSS are not open-source systems, being in many cases software designed for site-specific applications in forest ecosystems. Furthermore, some of these systems often miss challenging the integration of other land uses within the landscape matrix, which is a key issue in modern forestry planning aiming at linking recent developments in open-source Spatial-DSS systems to sectorial forest knowledge. This paper aims at demonstrating that a new type of S-DSS, developed within the Life+ project SOILCONSWEB over an open-source Geospatial Cyber-Infrastructure (GCI) platform, can provide a strategic web-based operational tool for forest resources management and multi-purpose planning. In order to perform simulation modelling, all accessible via the Web, the GCI platform supports acquisition and processing of both static and dynamic data (e.g., spatial distribution of soil and forest types, growing stock and yield), data visualization and computer on-the-fly applications. The DSS forestry tool has been applied to a forest area of 5,574 ha in the southern Apennines of Peninsular Italy, and it has been designed to address forest knowledge and management providing operational support to private forest owners and decision-makers involved in management of forest landscape at different levels. Such a geospatial S-DSS tool for supporting integrated forest knowledge at landscape represents a promising tool to implement sustainable forest management and planning. Results and output of the platform will be shown through a short selection of practical case studies